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Multithreading in Java – Everything you Must Know

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Java is often referred to as a multi-threaded programming language. This means we can now create multi-threaded programs with the help of this programming language. But what is multithreading in Java? What are its basic concepts? 


Sure, at first glance, multithreading in Java can seem like another complex subject. But with the brightest educational guides about thread-in-java, you can easily develop the necessary knowledge about it on time. But if you want to initiate with the basics of multithreading first, continue reading. 


What is Multithreading?

The potential of a program to concurrently allow one or more users without demanding varied program copies that are on the computer is called multithreading. The ability to handle diverse requests from users is also an aspect of multithreading. 


What is Multithreading in Java?

In simple terms, multi-threading in Java is a program including one or multiple parts that may operate in a concurrent order. This means each component of the program has the capacity to run different tasks simultaneously. In this process, there is an optimal use of the resources that are available. Such processes are most helpful with a computer, including multiple CPUs. 


Importance of Multithreading in Java

Multithreading in Java helps save sufficient amounts of time. This is possible since it lets you operate numerous operations together. Since each thread functions independently, they do not cause hindrances to users. So, users do not have to stress about getting blocked because of performing numerous tasks simultaneously in a single thread. 


If you want to learn about accessing this program further, you can also expand your knowledge around access-modifiers-in-java.


Basic Concepts of Multithreading in Java

1. Threads and Processes


Both thread and process are two important components of execution. The process is an execution environment that is self-contained. One can see it as an application or a program. 


Threads are also known as lightweight processes. To sustain the process or to even create anything, threads need minimal resources. 


2. Thread States

When programming for a multithreading environment, thread states are fundamental. A thread, as we know, is important in program execution. It undergoes various states of a thread. These are: 


  • Running 
  • Runnable
  • Dead
  • New
  • Blocked


3. Thread Priorities


An integer that scales between 1 to 10 is known as thread priorities. Note that the larger the integer gets, the higher the priority is likely to be. During multithreading in Java, the thread scheduler is utilized in the integer from every thread. This helps to make an analysis of which must be authorized execution. 


4. Synchronization 


The ability to administer each thread together in a program is referred to as synchronization. In the multithreading program in Java, multiple threads get into the attempt to run the resources shared to bring inconsistent impacts. But without synchronization, seamless communication between every thread may be impossible. 


5. Deadlock and Livelock


A deadlock in Java multithreading is when two or more threads wait until eternity for a resource or a lock that is with another group of threads. 


Livelock is a Java multithreading program that is very similar to Deadlock. Here, two or more threads continue to commute states in each other. 


6. Thread Safety 


This is the process that renders our program secure. This is when we know we can run it safely in a multithreaded background. 


Those who are inquisitive about learning about each of these concepts of multithreading programs in Java can opt for a Business Analytics and Data Science course. This will help broaden your career prospects in this field too. 


Creating and Starting Threads in Java


Below are some of the key methods of creating and getting started with the threads in java:


Extending the Thread Class & Implementing the Runnable Interface


Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { } });

It is possible to create threads by either tapping into extending the thread class or executing a runnable interface. This above line can help you create a new thread during Java multithreading. The runnable that is being developed here is in an anonymous class. 


Starting and Stopping Threads

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println(“Hello”);


As soon as you create a thread, its execution must begin by using the start () method. When you are looking to stop the thread from running, make sure you call the stop () method when practicing Java multithreading. 


Thread Interruption


Any type of interruption, whether it is sleeping or waiting or invoked, calling the interrupt () method can help break this pattern. In case the thread during Java multithreading is neither sleeping nor waiting, you can call the interrupt () method. This is when the thread will return to its normalcy. 


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Advantages of Java Multithreading

Below are some of the key advantages of java multithreading:


  • Multithreading in Java results in improved performance. This happens due to the reduction in the development timeframe. 
  • Java multithreading leads to a streamlined and simplified process of program coding. 
  • Multithreading programs in Java come with better GUI responsiveness.
  • Java threading amplifies improved utilization of CPU resources.
  • It also results in parallelized and simultaneous occurrence of all tasks.
  • Multithreading program in Java often result in lower maintenance costs.


Advanced Concepts in Multithreading in Java

Below are the advanced concept of multithreading in java:


    Daemon Threads

    This concept in Java Multithreading helps deliver solutions to diverse user threads. It is entirely reliant on the user threads for its existence. This type of thread acts as a background-based, low-priority thread. 

    Garbage collection in Java is one of the best multithreading in Java examples for Daemon thread. You can also learn about What is Static Method in Java with Examples for an in-depth analysis on the same topic. 

    Thread Groups

    Each Java thread is an important component of thread groups. They are responsible for providing a mechanism that collects diverse threads into one object. It also manipulates them together instead of conducting the same task on an individual basis in Java multithreading. 


Real-world Applications of Multithreading in Java

Below are some of the real world applications of multithreading in java:


Multithreading in Java Example 1-


Many times, we use our cell phones to speak to our friends and family on call while simultaneously using the phone for other important purposes. 


Multithreading in Java Example 2-


Java multithreading concept is often implemented by banking institutions. When an individual makes a withdrawal, they instantly receive a notification regarding the same on their phone. They may also receive an email notification regarding the same. 


Multithreading in Java Example 3-


The railway ticket reservation system also utilizes the concept of Java multithreading. This is evident by how multiple customers use the reservation system at the same time. 


Multithreading in Java Example 4-


Typing on your MS Word document while simultaneously playing music on the same computer is also a form of multithreading in Java. 



Multithreading in Java can seem daunting at first. But with this guide, it only gets easier to understand. We have detailed everything about it that can help you study Java comprehensively and select it as a bright career prospect in the long run. 


You can also study What is Static Method in Java with Examples to further improve your skills around this programming language. Hope it helps you. 



This is done at the syntactic level. It is also conducted via support from its thread objects and run-time systems.
Certain behaviors are categorized as legal and illegal in multithreading codes. Java helps identify them on time. It is also responsible for detecting how threads communicate with one another using memory.
If you have already studied what is multithreading in Java, you may be wondering about its common pitfalls and challenges. We have jotted down some of them here for your reference-
  • You may experience time-related defects. They may also be quite daunting to produce.
  • The debugging and testing processes can be very challenging, especially for those who are not well-acquainted with what is multithreading in Java.
  • The results can be very unpredictable, especially for those at a beginner level with an understanding of what is multithreading in Java.
  • The difficulty level can be excessive while writing a program. This may be worse for those learning what is multithreading in Java.

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