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Top Python Interview Questions and Answers – 2024

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Python has gained immense popularity among developers due to its simplicity, versatility, and wide range of applications. As the demand for Python developers grows, it becomes crucial to excel in Python interviews to secure a desired job or advance in one’s career. Cracking the Python interview requires thorough preparation and a solid understanding of key concepts and best practices. 


This guide provides the most essential most asked python interview questions that will help aspiring Python developers with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in Python interviews.


So, let’s get started.

Introduction to Python

Python has become a programming language that appeals to programmers of all levels. Its intuitive syntax and emphasis on code clarity have garnered significant admiration within the programming community. Furthermore, Python’s extensive library and framework ecosystem have contributed to its popularity, making it a go-to choice for various domains.


Python provides ample prospects in diverse fields such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Going through the previous Python interview questions and answers will help you to gain insight into the language and its nuances. Also, you must understand in detail what is a list in Python: functions with examples. Let us first begin with some Basic Python Interview Questions.

Python Interview Questions for Beginners

This section on Python Interview Questions for Beginners covers some of the most important questions that are commonly asked during the interview process. 

1. What are the applications of Python?

Python is a highly versatile programming language with a wide range of applications. It finds extensive usage in various fields such as web development, artificial intelligence, data analysis, visualization, machine learning, scientific computing, automation, scripting, game development, and Internet of Things (IoT) projects.

2. What are the advantages of Python?

Python offers several advantages that contribute to its popularity among developers:


  • Python’s syntax is designed to be intuitive and easy to read, resembling plain English. This simplicity reduces beginners’ learning curve and enhances experienced programmers’ productivity.
  • Python provides a vast collection of libraries and frameworks that cover a wide range of functionalities.
  • Python is a cross-platform language, meaning that Python code can run on various operating systems without needing modifications.
  • Python boasts an active and supportive community of developers who offer assistance through forums and online resources.
  • Python seamlessly integrates with other languages, enabling developers to leverage existing code and libraries.

Let’s move to the next Python Interview Questions

3. What is PEP 8?

PEP 8, called Python Enhancement Proposal 8, is a definitive guide for developers to write well-organized and legible Python code. It is the official style guide, presenting comprehensive recommendations and best practices. PEP 8 covers various coding aspects, including naming conventions, indentation, line length, comments, and spacing. By adhering to PEP 8, programmers ensure their code is easily understandable, shareable, and maintainable. 


This adherence to a standardized style improves code readability and fosters a unified coding approach throughout the Python community. Furthermore, one should have a solid understanding of PEP 8 for getting started with Python data frames.

4. What do you mean by Python literals?

Python literals are the basic values that can be expressed directly in Python code. These include numbers, strings, booleans (True/False), and None. Each of these types has its notation: 


  • Numbers: Integer literals are written as whole numbers with no decimal point; float literals can have a decimal point or an exponent notation
  • Strings: Single and double quotes denote strings, with backslash used to escape special characters
  • Booleans: True and False are boolean literals
  • None: None is a special value used to indicate the absence of a value

Let’s move to the next Python Interview Questions

5. How Is multithreading achieved in Python?

Python’s threading module empowers developers to harness the power of multithreading for concurrent execution and enhanced performance. With this module, programmers can effortlessly create and manage multiple threads, enabling handling tasks in parallel. By effectively utilizing the provided functions, individual threads can be defined with specific arguments, paving the way for efficient parallel execution.


The primary advantage of multithreading lies in its ability to improve performance by leveraging the concurrent execution of different operations, leading to optimal utilization of system resources. Python’s threading library simplifies the development of reliable and efficient multithreaded programs, allowing developers to unlock the potential of concurrent execution and elevate the performance of their applications.

6. What are Pickling and Unpickling?

In Python, pickling and unpickling are essential operations for object serialization and deserialization. Pickling involves converting a Python object into a binary format, which can then be stored or transmitted. This binary representation can be saved to a file or transferred across different systems. 


On the other hand, unpickling is converting the pickled binary representation back into a Python object. It reconstructs the object, restoring its original state and functionality.


Let’s move to the next Python Interview Questions

7. How is memory managed in Python?

Python stores all its objects and data structures in private heap space. Memory Manager takes care of allocating and deallocating memory for Python objects in this private heap. It tracks, allocates, and releases chunks of memory as needed – deciding when it needs more or less memory depending on the program’s usage. 


The memory manager also works with the garbage collector to detect unused objects to free up that memory for other operations. Besides this, make sure to go through the introduction to generators in Python.

8. Difference Between for Loop and While loop in Python

Basis of Difference for loop while loop
Use Iterates over a sequence (such as a list or a string) Repeats a block of code while a given condition is true
Syntax for item in sequence: while condition:
Iteration control Determines the number of iterations based on the length of the sequence Depends on the condition, which must be manually updated within the loop
Initialization Not required Usually requires initializing the iteration variable before the loop
Termination Terminates automatically when all items in the sequence have been iterated over Depends on explicitly updating the condition to become False
Examples for num in [1, 2, 3]:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;print(num)<br> count = 0<br>while count < 3:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;print(count)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;count += 1
Control Flow Executes a fixed number of iterations Executes an indeterminate number of iterations


Let’s move to the next Python Interview Questions

9. What is the difference between a Set and Dictionary?

In Python, dictionaries and sets are two distinct data structures with different characteristics. A dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs that offers fast value retrieval based on specific keys. It allows for operations like adding or removing entries, and it can accommodate various data types within its structure. 


On the other hand, a set is an unordered collection of unique elements that primarily supports membership checking. Sets are immutable once created, meaning they cannot be modified. Additionally, sets are restricted to containing elements of a single data type. These differences make dictionaries and sets suitable for different purposes in Python programming.


Let’s look at Python Interview Questions for Intermediate.

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Python Interview Questions for Intermediate

These Python Interview Questions and Answers will help you prepare for Python job interviews. Here is the list of Python Interview Questions for Intermediate.

10. What is the difference between xrange and range functions?

Points of Differences xrange range
Usage Python 2 Python 3
Memory Generates values on-the-fly Generates a list of values upfront
Return Generates an iterator object Generates a list object
Syntax xrange(stop) range(stop)
xrange(start, stop) range(start, stop)
xrange(start, stop, step) range(start, stop, step)
Advantages Efficient memory usage for large ranges Flexibility in generating a list of values
Suitable for generating large ranges in memory-constrained environments Supports slicing, concatenation, and other list operations

11. Differentiate between List and Tuple?

In Python, lists and tuples serve as data structures for storing collections of items. However, they differ in a fundamental aspect: mutability. Lists are mutable, allowing for modifications and changes to their elements after creation. On the other hand, tuples are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered once defined.


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12. How do you debug a Python program?

Debugging a Python program involves locating and identifying the source of errors within the code. To debug a program, you must check each code line against the expected results. This can be done through various methods, such as using print statements throughout the code to track what is happening, using the Python debugger (pdb); or running your script with a library like pytest that allows for more efficient debugging. 


Additionally, it is vital to use proper programming techniques such as writing clear and readable code, avoiding common coding mistakes, setting breakpoints in the code, and testing small sections of your programs at a time. Doing so will make it easier to identify where an error has occurred and help you quickly resolve any issues. Utilizing these debugging techniques and tools will help you develop more efficient programs.

13. What is the difference between Python Arrays & lists?

In Python, arrays and lists store multiple values within a single variable, but their handling differs significantly. Lists offer greater flexibility than arrays since they can accommodate various data types, including strings, integers, floats, objects, etc. Conversely, arrays have a fixed size and mandate that all elements share the same data type. 


When accessing elements, lists prove faster as they can be directly located using indices, allowing for efficient retrieval with concise code.


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14. What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy?

Basis of Differentiation Shallow Copy Deep Copy
Copy Behavior Creates a new object, but the elements are still references to the original object. Creates a completely independent new object with its own copies of the elements.
Top-Level Elements References of the original object are copied to the new object. Copies of the original object’s elements are created in the new object.
Nested Elements References to nested objects are copied, meaning changes to nested objects in the copy will affect the original object. Creates separate copies of nested objects, ensuring changes in the copy do not affect the original object.
Relationship The original object and the shallow copy share nested objects. The original object and the deep copy have no shared elements.
Copy Depth Only the top-level elements are copied, while nested elements are referenced. Copies all levels of nested elements, ensuring complete independence.

15. How is Python interpreted?

Python is an interpreted language. This means that when a Python program is executed, it does not need to be compiled into machine-readable code before it can be run. Instead, the interpreter reads and executes the program instructions directly. The interpreter looks at each line of code, determines what it needs to do, and performs it immediately. 


This makes Python programs very fast to develop and test, as they do not need to be built before running. Check out the top 10 Python libraries to understand the most widely used ones.


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16. What are iterators in Python?

Iterators are objects that facilitate traversing through all the items in collections or sequences like lists and tuples. They are usually used in loops and other iterative processes, making it easier for the programmer to access and work with each element of the list or tuple one by one.

17. How can you perform file I/O operations in Python?

Python makes it relatively easy to perform file I/O operations. The most commonly used methods are the open() function, which is used to create a file object, and the write() method, which is used to write data into a file. Additionally, you can use various other built-in functions, such as read(), close(), seek(), tell(), flush(), etc., to perform different operations on a file.

18. What are the different types of operators in Python?

Python has several different types of operators that are used in coding. These include Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Comparison (Relational) Operators, Logical (Boolean) Operators, Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, and Identity Operators.

Let’s move to the Python Interview Questions for advanced.

Python Interview Questions for Advanced

Hope you have read all the Python Interview Questions for beginners and intermediate. Now this section on Python Interview Questions for Advanced covers some of the most important questions that are commonly asked during the interview process. 

19. What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?

The difference between .py and .pyc files is that the latter is compiled Python byte code. A .py file is an uncompiled source code written in Python, while a .pyc file is a precompiled version of the same program optimized for faster loading and execution.

20. What are the different file processing modes supported by Python?

Mode Description
‘r’ Read mode: Opens a file for reading only.
‘w’ Write mode: Opens a file for writing. Creates a new file if it doesn’t exist or truncates the file if it exists.
‘a’ Append mode: Opens a file for appending. Data is added to the end of the file. Creates a new file if it doesn’t exist.
‘x’ Exclusive creation mode: Opens a file for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists.
‘t’ Text mode: Opens the file in text mode. (default)
‘b’ Binary mode: Opens the file in binary mode.
‘+’ Updating mode: Opens the file for both reading and writing.
‘U’ Universal newline mode: Deprecated since Python 3.0.

21. What is docstring in Python?

Docstrings are a particular type of comment used to document the purpose of functions, classes, and modules in Python. After defining a function, class, or module, they are written as strings.


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22. What is monkey patching in Python?

Monkey patching is a technique in Python that allows developers to change the behavior of a code at run-time dynamically. This will enable them to alter or “patch” existing code to add new features, fix bugs, and even customize existing code for particular purposes. 

23. What are Access Specifiers in Python?

Access specifiers are keywords used to control the access of an object’s attributes and methods. Python has three types of access specifiers: public, private, and protected.

24. What is slicing in Python?

Slicing in Python is a process of extracting parts of sequences. This includes strings, tuples, and lists. It works by defining the start point, endpoint, and step size.


In this guide we tried to cover the most important Python Interview Questions asked. Passing the Python job interview can be challenging, but you can achieve it with the appropriate knowledge and some practice. Knowing what to expect and preparing yourself for the questions that will come your way is essential to walk away with an offer. Keep up-to-date on coding trends and recent developments in Python, review sources for potential questions, and practice your responses until you feel confident with the material. Hope these Python Interview Questions will help you in preparing for your interviews. All the best!

  • Review the fundamentals, data structures, and algorithms in Python.
  • Practice coding exercises, solve problems on coding platforms, and explore real-world Python projects to gain practical experience.
  • Understand the question clearly and clarify any doubts before starting to answer.
  • Break down complex problems into smaller steps, write clean code, and consider edge cases.
  • Communicate your thought process, explain your approach, and be open to feedback or optimization suggestions.
  • Analyze the problem, design a solution, and discuss it with the interviewer.
  • Use efficient algorithms and data structures to optimize your code.
  • Test your solution with various inputs and explain its time and space complexity.
  • Refrain from testing your code or overlooking edge cases.
  • Focusing solely on the code rather than communicating your thought process.
  • Using inefficient algorithms or ignoring optimization opportunities.
  • Failing to ask clarifying questions when faced with ambiguous problem statements.

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