Difference Between UI and UX | UI vs UX Design – A Complete Guide for 2024

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In the digital world, UI and UX are like a dynamic duo, each playing a pivotal role. Think of UI (User Interface) as the artist, sketching the visual elements that make an app or website visually appealing. It’s the sleekness of buttons, the elegance of a layout, as you notice in Instagram’s intuitive design or the simplicity of Google’s search page. Meanwhile, UX (User Experience) is the architect, crafting the entire user journey. It’s the seamless flow of navigation, the ease of booking a ride on Uber, or the addictiveness of scrolling through Facebook reels.


These professions are the future’s architects and artists, dictating how we interact with technology. As the digital landscape expands, their collaboration becomes indispensable, crafting experiences that not only look stunning but feel intuitive and keep us coming back for more.


As stated in the BLS report, the field of digital design and web development, inclusive of UI/UX designers, anticipates a robust 23% growth from 2021 to 2031, outpacing the average job growth rate. They’re like the super couple of designs, but they’ve got their own unique superpowers. Let’s dive in and unveil the mystery between UI and UX and how they shape our digital experiences in totally different yet totally complementary ways. However, before looking into the difference between UI and UX, you must separately understand what UI and UX are.


What is User Experience (UX) Design?


The term “User Experience” was coined by  Nielsen Norman, the co-founder of  Nielsen Norman Group Design Consultancy. According to him, the user experience involves every facet of how the end-user engages with the company, its offerings, and its products or services. So, basically, designing user experience involves enhancing and crafting the quality of interactions between a user and all aspects of a company’s operations while making a user-friendly whole.


For example, when a customer visits an e-commerce website, a positive user experience involves a well-organised layout, easy navigation, clear product categorisation, and intuitive search functionality. High-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and customer reviews aid in informed decision-making. Smooth checkout with various payment options and a transparent return policy ensures a seamless experience, encouraging repeat visits and purchases.


Thus, the job of the UX designer is to craft user experiences that are effortless, effective, meaningful, and thoroughly enjoyable for the user.


Roles and Responsibilities of UX Designer


Now that you have an idea of what UX is, you must head towards the roles and responsibilities a UX designer holds. In particular, the responsibilities of a UX designer encompass devising strategies, conducting tests, executing plans, and evaluating the designs of products/services comprehensively.


  • Devising Strategies

    UX designers meticulously formulate approaches that align with user needs and business objectives. These strategies encompass comprehensive research, an empathetic understanding of user behaviours, and a deep comprehension of market trends. Crafting these strategies involves synthesising data, envisioning user journeys, and conceptualising designs that seamlessly integrate functionality and aesthetics.


  • Conducting TestsThey design and execute various tests, including usability tests, A/B tests, and prototype assessments, to gather valuable insights. Through these evaluations, designers collect user feedback, analyse interactions, and assess the functionality and intuitiveness of interfaces. These tests aid in identifying pain points, validating design choices, and fine-tuning solutions to align closely with user preferences.


  • Executing PlansThis phase involves collaboration with cross-functional teams, where designers communicate and coordinate to bring designs to life. They ensure that the envisioned user experiences are effectively translated into tangible interfaces, overseeing the development process to maintain alignment with user-centric goals. By guiding the execution of these plans, UX designers play a crucial role in turning conceptual ideas into functional, intuitive, and engaging experiences that resonate with users.


  • Evaluating the Designs

    Evaluating designs is a fundamental responsibility for UX designers, crucial for ensuring the effectiveness and relevance of the created experiences. They employ various evaluation methods such as user testing, heuristic analysis, and analytics interpretation to assess the performance and impact of designs.


By gathering qualitative and quantitative data, designers gauge user satisfaction, interaction patterns, and the overall usability of interfaces. This evaluation process helps identify areas for improvement, validates design decisions, and informs iterative refinements to enhance the user experience continuously. Ultimately, through rigorous evaluation, UX designers ensure that designs align closely with user needs and preferences, striving for optimal usability and engagement.


UX Designer Skills and Requirements


  • Exceptional problem-solving abilities coupled with a deep comprehension of user experience and interaction design
  • An applicable degree in design or a related field (or equivalent practical experience)
  • Proficiency in leading UX design tools like Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD
  • Superb communication and presentation aptitude, fostering relationships with diverse stakeholders
  • A comprehensive professional UX portfolio


What is User Interface (UI) Design?


User experience encapsulates a range of tasks aimed at optimising a product for efficient and enjoyable usage, while user interface design complements this by focusing on the product’s aesthetics, presentation, and interaction. However, within industries that hire UI designers, there’s frequent confusion akin to UX roles. This confusion often leads to various job postings referring to these professions as distinct entities despite their intertwined nature.


UI designers manage the intricacies of a product or service’s interface, selecting fonts, crafting visual elements, and ensuring the visual coherence and alignment of individual components or pages with the product’s goals. Their role encompasses overseeing the overall style and functionality, shaping the design of a product or service.


Roles and Responsibilities of UI Designer


Specifically, the roles and tasks of UI designers are creating and maintaining brand style, visual design,  interactive design, and responsive design. Let’s have a look at each of these responsibilities in detail.


  • Creating and Maintaining Brand Style
    UI designers revolve around establishing and upholding a brand’s style and visual identity across various interfaces. They meticulously craft design elements that align with the brand’s ethos, choosing colours, typography, and visual elements that resonate with the brand’s personality and objectives. Moreover, UI designers maintain consistency in the application of these elements across different platforms, ensuring that every interaction reflects the brand’s distinct style.


  • Visual Design
    Visual design constitutes a significant aspect of a UI designer’s role, encompassing the creation and curation of visually engaging and intuitive interfaces. UI designers are tasked with crafting aesthetically pleasing elements such as icons, graphics, layouts, and typography that enhance user interaction and comprehension. They focus on the harmonious integration of colours, shapes, and imagery to evoke specific emotions and facilitate seamless navigation.


  • Interactive Design
    This involves conceptualising and implementing user interactions—such as buttons, menus, animations, and responsive elements—that facilitate intuitive and seamless user experiences. UI designers strive to create interfaces that respond fluidly to user inputs, ensuring usability and guiding users through various tasks or actions within a product or service.


UI Designer Skills and Requirements


  • Familiarity with visual design fundamentals, including typography and colour theory
  • Comprehension of interaction design and UX principles
  • Exceptional communication and storytelling skills
  • Proven capacity to collaborate effectively within a team
  • A pertinent degree in graphic design, UI design, visual communication, or a related design field
  • Outstanding attention to detail


Therefore, the above information speaks volumes about the differences between UI and UX. However, to gain a clear insight into the differences between UI and UX, you must look into the section below.


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What is the Difference Between UI and UX?


The major difference between UI and UX design is that UX design focuses on the holistic experience, encompassing the overall sensation, while UI design centres on the appearance and functionality of a product’s interfaces.



User Experience (UX) Design

User Interface (UI) Design


Focuses on the overall feel and experience of using a product or service.

Concentrates on the look, layout, and interactivity of product interfaces.


Aims to create a seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable experience for users.

Aims to craft visually appealing, aesthetically pleasing interfaces.


Involves user research, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing.

Involves typography, colour schemes, layout design, and interactive elements.

User Interaction

Concerned with the entire user journey and how users feel when engaging with a product.

Concerned with how users interact with specific elements within the product or interface.


Emphasises understanding user needs, solving problems, and optimising usability.

Emphasises crafting visual elements and ensuring the interface is user-friendly and engaging.

Skills Required

Research, empathy, problem-solving, wireframing, prototyping, and testing.

Visual design, graphic design, typography, and knowledge of design software/tools.

Key Deliverables

Wireframes, prototypes, user personas, user journeys, usability reports.

Style guides, mockups, icons, buttons, and visual elements.


Enhance user satisfaction, accessibility, and efficiency of the product or service.

Enhance the visual appeal, brand consistency, and usability of the product interface.

This comparison highlights the distinct yet complementary roles of UX and UI design in creating successful digital products or services.


UI vs UX Design: Which Should You Learn?


With the difference between UI and UX, a question arises as to which one to go for as your career option. Choosing between UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) design often leads to the question: which should you prioritise learning? Both realms are indispensable in shaping digital products, intertwined yet distinct in their focus.


For those aiming to be versatile designers adept at overseeing the entire product design journey, mastering both UX and UI is advantageous. This comprehensive approach allows one to fluidly navigate through conceptualisation to the final visual polish. However, the choice can be tailored to your strengths and interests.


Opting for UX design suits those inclined towards user research, problem-solving, and constructing product frameworks. Here, the emphasis lies in understanding user needs, mapping out seamless experiences, and architecting product functionalities.


On the other hand, if your inclination leans towards the visual aspects, fine-tuning details, and ensuring products are visually striking while remaining user-friendly, UI might be your forte. UI designers focus on crafting the look, feel, and interactivity of digital interfaces, concentrating on elements like colour schemes, typography, and visual aesthetics.


Ultimately, the decision to specialise in UX, UI, or both should align with your passion, strengths and the facets of design that captivate you most. Both paths offer fulfilling opportunities in the expansive world of digital product design.


Why Is It Important to Know Both UX and UI?


Despite several differences between UI and UX, both are interlinked. Because of their intertwined roles in web development, UI and UX design skills naturally intersect. Proficiency in both areas allows professionals in either field to contribute to a more seamless, transparent design process, leading to an improved and more user-friendly end product. This versatility also enhances prospects for individuals seeking diverse design-based roles, as it broadens their skill set.


In particular, there’s a substantial global demand for UX design skills. As per the UX Design Institute, 70% of managers are expanding their design teams in 2021. A solid grasp of both UX and UI design proves advantageous for those aiming to leverage this escalating demand.


UI vs UX Design Salary


Salaries in UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design can vary based on several factors, including location, experience, industry, and specific job roles. Generally, UX designers tend to focus on the overall user experience, while UI designers concentrate on the visual aspects of the interface.


As of recent data, the average annual salary for UI designers in India ranges between ₹300,000 to ₹1,500,000, depending on factors such as expertise level, company size, and geographic location. On the other hand, UX designers in India earn an average salary of approximately ₹400,000 to ₹2,000,000 per year.


How to Become a UX/UI Designer?


Becoming a UX/UI designer involves a strategic approach and dedication to mastering various aspects of design and user experience. Here are the essential steps to embark on this career path:


  • Explore the Field: Begin by familiarising yourself with UX/UI design. Understand its core concepts, differences, and their importance in digital product development.
  • Learn Fundamentals: Dive into design fundamentals covering colour theory, typography, layout principles, and design software proficiency (like Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD).
  • Understand UX and UI: Comprehend the difference between UI and UX. Learn about user research, wireframing, prototyping for UX, and visual design, interaction design, and interface elements for UI.
  • Education and Training: Consider formal education in design or enrol in specialised UX/UI courses offered by universities or online platforms. Or go for a Professional Diploma in UX Design from a reputable platform like Hero Vired.
  • Build a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your projects, designs, and problem-solving skills. Include personal projects or freelance work to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Gain Practical Experience: Seek internships, freelance gigs, or entry-level positions to gain hands-on experience. Real-world projects add depth to your portfolio and refine your skills.
  • Apply for Jobs: Start applying for junior or entry-level UX/UI roles. Tailor your portfolio and resume to highlight relevant skills and experiences.


The path to becoming a UX/UI designer involves continuous learning, practising design principles, and embracing new challenges. Be proactive in seeking learning opportunities, collaborate with peers, and stay passionate about creating exceptional user experiences.


Wrapping Up


Therefore, the difference between UI and UX lies in their focus on the design process. UX encompasses the entirety of the user’s interaction with a product, emphasising the overall experience and user satisfaction. On the other hand, UI specifically deals with the visual elements and interfaces that users interact with, concentrating on the look, feel, and functionality of these components.


While UX and UI are separate disciplines, they are deeply interconnected, each playing a crucial role in creating successful digital products. Moreover, understanding the differences between UI and UX is essential for designers, as it enables them to appreciate the unique contributions of each and collaborate effectively to deliver seamless and user-centric designs.




UX and UI design are interdependent yet distinct fields. UI specifically addresses the interactive elements at the surface level, while UX encompasses the entirety of a product, service, or experience. Although there's an intersection between UX and UI designers, each role entails unique skills, tasks, and responsibilities that differentiate them.
UI pertains to the visual components like screens, buttons, icons, and toggles that users engage with on websites, apps, or electronic devices. Meanwhile, UX encompasses the entirety of the user's interaction with a product, encompassing not just the actions but also the emotional responses and overall experience. This is the major difference between UI and UX.
UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) are distinct yet interconnected aspects of design, each playing a crucial role in creating exceptional digital experiences. It's not a matter of one being better than the other but rather recognising their individual significance within the design process. UI focuses on the look, feel, and functionality of visual elements, while UX encompasses the overall experience and how users interact with a product. Both are integral, and their effectiveness often relies on how well they collaborate to deliver a seamless and user-friendly end result. So, it's not about superiority; it's about the synergy between UI and UX to achieve optimal design outcomes.
Both UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) designers are valued for their distinct skills in the design field. Traditionally, UX designers might have slightly higher earning potential due to their involvement in user research, strategy, and problem-solving aspects. However, highly skilled UI designers with expertise in visual design, intricate interface elements, and interactive design can also command competitive salaries.
UX design doesn't mandate coding skills, but having a grasp of coding basics can be beneficial. Familiarity with coding provides insights into software development, enhancing your comprehension of possibilities and facilitating more effective work and improved designs.

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