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ROW_NUMBER Function in SQL – Master It Like a Pro

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ROW_NUMBER is a useful function in SQL that ranks the record within the set and provides a unique and consecutive
number. SQL experts frequently have to develop unique identities for each row or arrange data in a certain manner. The
ROW_NUMBER function makes it possible to accomplish this without much effort.


Data reorganisation and access are vital in database management. One key feature is the ROW_NUMBER function, which
significantly improves the ability to address data management issues. It is time to think of how to employ this function
to enhance our SQL queries and data management.

Detailed Syntax and Components of the ROW_NUMBER Function

To use this effectively, it is important to have a close understanding of the syntax of the ROW_NUMBER function in SQL.
Here’s the basic structure:


ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( [PARTITION BY partition_expression, ...] ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC | DESC], ... )

Components of the ROW_NUMBER Function

PARTITION BY Clause: The PARTITION BY clause divides the result into partitions. Within each partition,
the ROW_NUMBER function resets its count. Although optional, this clause is quite helpful when we need to order rows
inside particular groupings.


ORDER BY Clause: The ORDER BY clause is compulsory. It defines how rows are to be numbered. Without
this clause, the ROW_NUMBER function would not be able to assign numbers.


OVER Clause: The OVER clause specifies the number of rows the function works on. It contains the

Importance of the PARTITION BY Clause in ROW_NUMBER

The PARTITION BY clause divides the result set into several subgroups and lets us partition or group some variables in
our result set. It is performed independently for each partition, and the ROW_NUMBER function renumbers its value at a
new partition.

Example of Using PARTITION BY

Suppose we have a table which contains the sales data. We need to sort sales within regions. Here’s how we can use the


SELECT Region, Salesperson, Sales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Region ORDER BY Sales DESC ) AS SalesRank FROM SalesData;


Here, the PARTITION BY clause is used to categorise the rows based on the ‘region’. The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL then
assigns a ranking to every salesperson in their region, depending on their sales.


The use of the PARTITION BY clause helps in the proper management and sorting of data. Because the data has been grouped
logically, the ROW_NUMBER function can then be applied to each segment of data. This is particularly useful for ranking,
pagination, and similar purposes.

How the ORDER BY Clause Interacts with ROW_NUMBER

The ROW_NUMBER function is dependent upon the ORDER BY clause. Any change in these variables affects the order in which
rows are numbered within each partition. Otherwise, the function wouldn’t know what sort to arrange and couldn’t add
sequential numbers.

Example of Using ORDER BY

Using our sales data example, we can go on with the following steps. If we want to rank salespersons based on their
sales within each region, we need the ORDER BY clause:


SELECT Region, Salesperson, Sales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY Region ORDER BY Sales DESC ) AS SalesRank FROM SalesData;

Here, the ORDER BY clause orders the rows by the sales in descending order within the region. The ROW_NUMBER function in
SQL then orders the result set and assigns rank numbers in this order.

Importance of ORDER BY

The ORDER BY clause ensures that the row number is meaningful and helps define ranking or arranging the lines. This is
essential for accurate data analysis and reporting.

Interaction Between PARTITION BY and ORDER BY

When we employ both the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses, we can partition and rank the result set more intricately.
PARTITION BY forms partitions or groups, while ORDER BY orders the rows within these groups. This combination gives us
fine-grained control over how data is structured and interpreted.

Practical Tips for Using ROW_NUMBER

  • Always Include ORDER BY: It is important to consider making the ORDER BY clause mandatory to
    minimise errors and enhance meaningful numbering of rows.
  • Use PARTITION BY Wisely: In SQL programming, the PARTITION BY clause can be used to sort data
    in a logical manner. This is a sure way to develop clean and structured result sets.
  • Combine with Other Functions: To advance in data analysis, it is recommended that you employ
    the ROW_NUMBER function together with SQL functions like SUM, AVG, or COUNT.
  • Optimise Performance: When working with large datasets, the ORDER BY and PARTITION BY
    optimisations are recommended.

Practical Examples of Using ROW_NUMBER in SQL

Understanding how to use the ROW_NUMBER function in practical scenarios helps us see its full potential. Let’s explore
several examples with detailed explanations, including tables and outputs.

Simple ROW_NUMBER Usage

We often need to assign unique numbers to rows in a result set. The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL makes this task
straightforward. Consider a table named Employees:


CREATE TABLE Employees ( EmployeeID INT, FirstName VARCHAR(50), LastName VARCHAR(50), Salary DECIMAL(10, 2) ); INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary) VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', 70000), (2, 'Jane', 'Smith', 80000), (3, 'Michael', 'Johnson', 75000), (4, 'Patricia', 'Brown', 72000); To assign a unique number to each employee based on their salary, we use: sql Copy code SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS RowNumber FROM Employees;



EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
2 Jane Smith 80000 1
3 Michael Johnson 75000 2
4 Patricia Brown 72000 3
1 John Doe 70000 4


This query ranks employees by salary, assigning the highest-paid employee a rank of 1.

Using ROW_NUMBER for Pagination

When displaying large datasets, we often paginate the results. The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL helps us manage pagination
efficiently. Suppose we want to display employee records in pages of two. We first assign row numbers and then filter by
the desired page:


WITH NumberedEmployees AS ( SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY EmployeeID) AS RowNumber FROM Employees ) SELECT * FROM NumberedEmployees WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN 1 AND 2;


Output for the first page:

EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
1 John Doe 70000 1
2 Jane Smith 80000 2


This query retrieves the first page of the results. Adjust the BETWEEN clause to fetch different pages.

Applying ROW_NUMBER to Find the nth Highest Value Per Group

Finding the nth highest value in a group is a common requirement. For instance, let’s identify the top earner in each
department. Assume we have a table named DepartmentEmployees:


CREATE TABLE DepartmentEmployees ( DepartmentID INT, DepartmentName VARCHAR(50), EmployeeID INT, FirstName VARCHAR(50), LastName VARCHAR(50), Salary DECIMAL(10, 2) ); INSERT INTO DepartmentEmployees (DepartmentID, DepartmentName, EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary) VALUES (1, 'HR', 1, 'John', 'Doe', 70000), (1, 'HR', 2, 'Jane', 'Smith', 80000), (2, 'IT', 3, 'Michael', 'Johnson', 75000), (2, 'IT', 4, 'Patricia', 'Brown', 72000);


We use the following query to rank employees within each department by salary:

SELECT DepartmentName, EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DepartmentName ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Rank FROM DepartmentEmployees;



DepartmentName EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
HR 2 Jane Smith 80000 1
HR 1 John Doe 70000 2
IT 3 Michael Johnson 75000 1
IT 4 Patricia Brown 72000 2


To find the highest-paid employee in each department, filter by rank:


WITH RankedEmployees AS ( SELECT DepartmentName, EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DepartmentName ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Rank FROM DepartmentEmployees ) SELECT * FROM RankedEmployees WHERE Rank = 1;



DepartmentName EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
HR 2 Jane Smith 80000 1
IT 3 Michael Johnson 75000 1


This query gives us the top earner in each department.

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Using ROW_NUMBER Without the PARTITION BY Clause

The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL can be used without the PARTITION BY clause. In this case, it treats the entire result
set as a single partition.

Example without PARTITION BY

Let’s assign unique row numbers to all employees without any grouping:


SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS RowNumber FROM Employees;



EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
2 Jane Smith 80000 1
3 Michael Johnson 75000 2
4 Patricia Brown 72000 3
1 John Doe 70000 4


This query assigns row numbers based on salary without any partitions.

Advanced Applications of ROW_NUMBER in SQL

The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL becomes even more powerful when combined with other features, such as Common Table
Expressions (CTEs) and generating sequential identifiers.

Combining ROW_NUMBER with Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

CTEs enhance the readability and organisation of complex queries. Let’s use a CTE to rank employees by salary and filter
the top three earners:


WITH RankedEmployees AS ( SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Rank FROM Employees ) SELECT * FROM RankedEmployees WHERE Rank <= 3;



EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
2 Jane Smith 80000 1
3 Michael Johnson 75000 2
4 Patricia Brown 72000 3

CTEs make it easy to create temporary result sets that we can query further.

Generating Sequential Identifiers

We often need unique identifiers for rows. The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL helps us create these identifiers:


SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY EmployeeID) AS SequentialID FROM Employees;



EmployeeID FirstName LastName Salary RowNumber
1 John Doe 70000 1
2 Jane Smith 80000 2
3 Michael Johnson 75000 3
4 Patricia Brown 72000 4


This query generates a unique SequentialID for each employee.

Understanding Return Types and Data Handling with ROW_NUMBER

The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL returns a value of the BIGINT data type. This means it can handle very large result sets
without overflow issues.

Handling Different Data Types

When using ROW_NUMBER, we often need to combine it with other data types. For example, when ranking employees by salary,
we may also want to calculate the total salary per department:


WITH RankedEmployees AS ( SELECT DepartmentID, DepartmentName, EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY DepartmentName ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Rank FROM DepartmentEmployees ) SELECT DepartmentName, SUM(Salary) AS TotalSalary FROM RankedEmployees GROUP BY DepartmentName;



DepartmentName TotalSalary
HR 150000
IT 147000


This query combines ROW_NUMBER with aggregation functions.

Best Practices for Data Management

  • Consistency: Ensure consistency in the ORDER BY clause to maintain predictable row numbering.
  • Performance: Optimise the ORDER BY and PARTITION BY clauses for performance, especially with
    large datasets.
  • Indexing: Use indexing on columns involved in ORDER BY and PARTITION BY to improve query

Addressing Common Pitfalls and Ensuring Best Practices

Using the ROW_NUMBER function in SQL effectively requires understanding and avoiding common pitfalls. Here are some best
practices to follow:

Common Pitfalls

  1. Ignoring the ORDER BY Clause: The ROW_NUMBER function needs the ORDER BY clause to function
    correctly. Without it, the numbering won’t make sense.
  2. Overlooking Performance Issues: Large datasets can slow down queries using ROW_NUMBER. To
    improve performance, optimise your ORDER BY and PARTITION BY clauses.
  3. Misusing PARTITION BY: Using PARTITION BY incorrectly can lead to unexpected results. Ensure
    you understand how it groups your data.

Best Practices

  • Optimise Queries: Use indexing on columns involved in ORDER BY and PARTITION BY clauses.
  • Consistency: Ensure consistent use of ORDER BY to maintain predictable results.
  • Clear Documentation: Document your queries to make them understandable for others and future

Advantages of Using ROW_NUMBER in SQL

The ROW_NUMBER function in SQL offers several advantages that enhance data management and analysis:

Key Advantages

  • Efficient Ranking: Easily rank rows within partitions based on specified criteria.
  • Simplified Pagination: Facilitate pagination in large datasets, improving user experience.
  • Unique Identifiers: Generate unique sequential numbers for rows, which is useful for creating
    unique identifiers.
  • Flexible Data Analysis: Combine with other functions like SUM, AVG, and COUNT for advanced data

Improving Query Performance

Optimising the use of the ROW_NUMBER function in SQL can significantly enhance query performance, especially in large
datasets. Using indexes and optimising the ORDER BY clause ensures faster and more efficient data retrieval.


Also Read: COALESCE Function in SQL


In this blog, we explored the ROW_NUMBER function in SQL, a versatile tool for organising and analysing data. We learned
its syntax and key components, including the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses. Practical examples demonstrated how to
assign unique row numbers, paginate results, and find the nth highest value per group. We also discussed advanced
applications like combining ROW_NUMBER with CTEs and generating sequential identifiers. By understanding and applying
best practices, we can enhance query performance and manage data more effectively. Mastering the ROW_NUMBER function
empowers us to handle complex data analysis tasks easily and precisely.


The ROW_NUMBER function generates a new row number for each row of the queried data set, which makes it easier to rank, paginate or create unique keys for the data.
The answer is yes; the ROW_NUMBER function can be used with no PARTITION BY clause at all. In this case, it considers the whole result set as a partitioned set of records or a single part.
The ORDER BY clause is mandatory because the ROW_NUMBER function depends on the ORDER BY clause to specify the order in which rows are to be printed.
When the ROW_NUMBER function encounters ties within a partition, it assigns different sequential numbers based on the order specified by the ORDER BY clause.
Advanced applications include pagination, finding the nth highest value per group, and generating sequential identifiers using Common Table Expressions (CTEs).

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

Associate Program Director - Hero Vired

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