Python, a high-level, interpreted programming language, is known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python’s programming language design philosophy emphasises code readability and simplicity, making it a popular choice for both beginner and experienced developers. In this article, we will learn about the Multiline Comments in Python, a feature that is crucial for understanding and maintaining complex code.
What is a Multiline Comment in Python language?
Comments are those texts which are not compiled by the compiler. Every programming language has its own comments. However, Python also supports two types of comments. Single-line comments are denoted by the hash symbol (#). Multiline comments are enclosed by triple double quotes (‘ “”” ‘ ) or triple single quotes (` ‘’’ `). These comments are often utilised to provide detailed explanations. Python language does not have a specific syntax for multiline comments. Using triple quotes achieves a similar effect, as the Python interpreter ignores the enclosed text.
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Types of Multiline Comments in Python Language
There are two ways to add Python multiline comments to our code. Here’s how to include comments code within the Python source code.
Consecutive Single-line comment
Using a Multi-line string as a comment
Using Backslash Method
Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python Using Consecutive Single Line Comment
In Python language, the hash character # character is used to comment on the line. Single-line comments in Python. This character prevents the execution of the code by the interpreter. The hash character should be before the text, which should be executed from the compiling.
Example: Consecutive Single-Line Comment
In this example, we will declare two lines as a single-line comment using the # hash character in Python. This prevents the two lines from execution.
The following program demonstrates the consecutive line comments:
# Write Python3 code here
# Single line comment used
# print("Writer")
Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python Using a Multiline String as a Comment
Python also supports multiline comments, which can be enclosed in a delimiter (“””). There should be no white space between delimiters (“””). These comments are very useful when the comment text does not fit into one line.
Multi-line comments are used to comment on one or more lines in the Python programs. This prevents the execution of the above code.
The following program demonstrates the multiline String as a Comment:
# Write Python code here
""" Multi-line comment used
print("Python Comments") """
print("Computer Programmer")
Computer Programmer
Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python Using the Backslash Method
In the Python language, backslashes are used for line continuation. A backslash is added at the end of each line to utilise this feature. This allows you to extend to the next line in your Python program. This method is less common than other approaches, such as consecutive single-line.
Example: In this example, we will start the comment using the # and extend those comments using the backslash. The backslash indicates that the comment continues on the next line.
# Using backslash for multiline comments
# This is a long comment
# that spans multiple line
# using the backslash continuation method.
# Code continues below
print("Hello, Programmers")
Hello, Programmers
Docstrings in Python
The docstring is an inbuilt feature in Python language. It is used to associate documentation written with Python modules, functions, and methods. The docstring is added on the right side below the function, modules, or classes.
Example: In this example, we will see the docstring example in Python language. We have to declare a docstring comment using the triple quotes. Then, we have to print the docstring using the __doc__ attribute.
The following program demonstrates the docstring in Python:
def multiply(a, b):
"""Multiplies the value of a and b"""
return a*b
def addition(a,b):
""" Addition the value of a and b"""
return a+b
# Print the docstring of multiply function
Multiplies the value of a and b
Addition the value of a and b
Difference Between Comments and Docstring in Python
The following table differentiates the Comments and Docstring in Python language.
Comments are used to clarify code for human readers
Document the purpose and usage of functions, methods, classes, or modules.
“# This is a comment”
“”” This is a docstring””” or ‘’’ This is a docstring also ‘’’
Ignored by the interpreters
The docstring is stored as an attribute in the computer. It can be accessed programmatically.
It cannot access programmatically
Docstring can be accessible by the __doc__ attribute or help() function
It can be used anywhere in the code
Docstring can be access using the _doc__ attribute or ‘help()’ function in Python language
In this article, we learned about multiline comments in Python languages. Comments play a crucial role in enhancing code readability and maintainability. They provide detailed explanations of your code, which helps multiple developers work with the same code base. Understanding the Comments in Python language ensures that your code remains accessible and comprehensible to both current and future Python developers.
What is a multiline comment in Python language?
Multiline comments are used for large text in the Python program. This text describes the code or explains the code. It helps Python developers debug applications more efficiently.
Are multiline comments ignored by the Python interpreter?
Yes, the Python interpreter ignores both multiline comments created using triple quotes and those using consecutive symbols. They do not affect the entire Python program's execution.
Are multiline comments and docstrings the same?
Multiline comments and docstrings use similar syntax, but they serve different purposes in the Python language. The docstring is a specific type of multiple comments used for documentation and can be accessed programmatically, whereas multiline comments are general-purpose comments.
Updated on July 18, 2024
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