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When you first start learning C++, the huge number of keywords may overwhelm you. Everybody has been there. Writing quality code requires familiarity with this large number of keywords in C++.
These keywords have special meanings, and using them correctly is key to mastering the language.
There are a total of 95 keywords that form the backbone of C++ programming. From managing control flow to defining data types and handling memory, keywords make C++ versatile and robust.
For a beginner, the number of keywords might seem overwhelming. But each keyword plays a vital role and understanding them will unlock the full potential of C++.
In this blog, we shall examine these keywords, their significance, and their use.
In C++, the smallest building blocks of a program are tokens. Think of tokens as the basic ingredients in a recipe.
Types of Tokens:
Each token type has a role in making your C++ program run smoothly.
C++ has 95 keywords. Each one has a specific function in the language.
Here’s the full list:
alignas | alignof | and | and_eq | asm |
atomic_cancel | atomic_commit | atomic_noexcept | auto | bitand |
bitor | bool | break | case | catch |
char | char8_t | char16_t | char32_t | class |
compl | concept | const | consteval | constexpr |
constinit | const_cast | continue | co_await | co_return |
co_yield | decltype | default | delete | do |
double | dynamic_cast | else | enum | explicit |
export | extern | false | float | for |
friend | goto | if | inline | int |
long | mutable | namespace | new | noexcept |
not | not_eq | nullptr | operator | or |
or_eq | private | protected | public | reflexpr |
register | reinterpret_cast | requires | return | short |
signed | sizeof | static | static_assert | static_cast |
struct | switch | synchronized | template | this |
thread_local | throw | true | try | typedef |
typeid | typename | union | unsigned | using |
virtual | void | volatile | wchar_t | while |
Understanding the most common C++ keywords helps in writing effective code.
1. auto
The auto keyword lets the compiler deduce the type of a variable from its initializer.
2. bool
The bool keyword defines a boolean variable that can be true or false.
3. break
The break keyword exits a loop or switch statement immediately.
4. case
The case keyword defines a branch in a switch statement.
5. catch
The catch keyword handles exceptions thrown by try.
6. char
The char keyword defines a character variable.
7. class
The class keyword defines a user-defined type with data and functions.
8. const
The const keyword defines variables whose values cannot change.
9. continue
The continue keyword skips the current iteration of a loop and moves to the next.
10. default
The default keyword specifies the default block of code in a switch statement.
11. delete
The delete keyword deallocates memory that was previously allocated with new.
12. double
The double keyword refers to double-precision floating-point variables.
13. else
The else keyword is used in combination with if to provide a different block of code to run if the condition is false.
14. enum
The enum keyword specifies an enumeration, which is a user-defined data type made up of named integer constants.
15. explicit
The explicit keyword disables implicit conversions and copy-initialization of constructors and conversion operators.
16. float
The float keyword defines single-precision floating-point variables.
17. for
The for keyword initiates a loop that iterates over a range of values.
18. friend
The friend keyword allows a function or another class to access private or protected members of a class.
19. int
The int keyword defines integer variables.
20. long
The long keyword defines long integer variables.
21. mutable
The mutable keyword allows a member of a const object to be modified.
22. new
The new keyword allocates memory dynamically.
23. operator
The operator keyword is used to overload operators.
24. private
The private keyword indicates that class members are only available within the class.
25. protected
The protected keyword indicates that class members are available inside the same and derived classes.
26. public
The public keyword indicates that class members are available from outside the class.
27. register
The register keyword indicates that the compiler saves the variable in a register.
28. return
The return keyword retrieves a value from a function.
29. short
The short keyword refers to short integer variables.
30. sizeof
The sizeof keyword calculates the size of a data type or object in bytes.
31. static
The static keyword refers to static members or variables that preserve their value between function calls.
32. struct
The struct keyword defines a structure, a user-defined data type that groups related variables.
33. switch
The switch keyword implements a multi-way branch statement.
34. this
The ‘this’ keyword refers to the current instance of a class.
35. throw
The throw keyword throws an exception.
36. true
The true keyword represents the boolean value true.
37. try
The try keyword begins a block of code that will be tested for exceptions.
38. typedef
A data type’s alias is created using the typedef keyword.
39. union
The union keyword specifies a union as a user-defined data type that can only carry one non-static data member at a time.
40. virtual
For polymorphism, virtual functions are defined with the virtual keyword.
41. void
The void keyword specifies that a function does not return a value.
42. volatile
The volatile keyword indicates that the value of a variable can change at any point without requiring any action from the code.
43. while
The while keyword starts a loop that lasts as long as a condition is true.
Ever wondered what makes C++ unique? It’s the special keywords not found in C. These keywords give C++ its powerful features.
Here are the unique 30 Keywords in C++ Language which are not available in C language:
asm | dynamic_cast | namespace | reinterpret_cast | bool |
explicit | new | static_cast | false | catch |
operator | template | friend | private | class |
this | inline | public | throw | const_cast |
delete | mutable | protected | true | try |
typeid | typename | using | virtual | wchar_t |
Let’s dive into a few examples.
1. class
The class keyword allows us to create our own data types.
2. virtual
The virtual keyword supports dynamic polymorphism.
3. namespace
The namespace keyword helps organize code.
4. explicit
The explicit keyword prevents unwanted implicit conversions.
5. constexpr
The constexpr keyword is used to compile time constants.
6. nullptr
The nullptr keyword represents a null pointer.
Type qualifiers add extra meaning to variables. They help control how variables are used and accessed.
Here are the main type qualifiers:
A const variable’s value cannot be changed after initialisation.
A volatile variable can be changed at any time, bypassing normal code.
A mutable member of a const object can be modified.
A restrict pointer is the only pointer to an object.
Keywords and identifiers are essential in C++ but serve different purposes.
Comparison Table:
Aspect | Keywords | Identifiers |
Definition | Predefined reserved words | User-defined names |
Case Sensitivity | Always in lowercase | Can start with uppercase or lowercase |
Purpose | Defines the type of entity | Classifies the name of the entity |
Character Composition | Only alphabetical characters | alphabets, digits, and underscores |
Special Symbols | No special symbols or punctuations | Only underscores are allowed |
Examples | int, char, while, do | Hero_Vired, HV, Hv1 |
Reserved for Syntax | Reserved for specific syntax and functionality | Created by coders for their program |
Usage | To declare data types, control structures, etc. | For naming variables, functions, etc. |
Have you ever been surprised by identifiers that begin with an underscore? You’re not alone. Reserved and special identifiers can trip up even seasoned programmers.
In C++, some identifiers are reserved. They include:
Some identifiers have special meanings.
These identifiers ensure consistent and error-free code.
In this blog, we explored the core and unique keywords in C++. We looked at examples of keywords such as auto, try, catch, new, and virtual.
These examples demonstrated how these keywords function. Understanding these can help you write cleaner and more effective code.
We also distinguished between keywords and identifiers, ensuring clarity in naming conventions.
By mastering these keywords, we can write cleaner, more efficient C++ code. Keep practicing these concepts to strengthen your programming skills and make your C++ journey more rewarding.
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