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Indentation in Python: Types and Uses Explained

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Have you ever been frustrated with Python code that never seemed to run? Many Python coders fail miserably to troubleshoot and rectify code errors just because of incorrect indentation.


Python is different from other programming languages that use keywords or curly braces as the code block defining elements. Those who have grown used to curly brackets or other symbols for code blocks may find this confusing.


What’s indentation in Python, then? Indentation basically refers to the spaces or tabs that are found at the beginning of a line of code.


This guide will enable you to understand the importance of indentation in Python, the different types of indentation, and how to use them effectively.

Importance of Indentation in Python Programming

Why does Python care so much about indentation? Because it keeps our code clean and readable.

When we indent our code properly, we make it easier for others (and ourselves) to understand what’s going on.

Imagine opening a book where the paragraphs were all jumbled together. Hard to read, right? That’s what unindented code looks like to Python.

Here’s what good indentation does for us:

  • Defines Code Blocks: Python uses indentation to mark the start and end of blocks of code. This includes loops, functions, and conditional statements.
  • Enhances Readability: Consistent indentation makes our code easier to read and understand.
  • Prevents Errors: Correct indentation helps us avoid common errors that occur when Python can’t determine where one block of code ends and another begins.

Without proper indentation, Python will throw an error, and our code won’t run. So, let’s ensure we get this right from the start.


Also Read: How to Learn Python Language

Different Types of Indentation

Using Spaces for Indentation

Spaces are the gold standard for indentation in Python. The Python Enhancement Proposal 8 (PEP 8) recommends using four spaces per indentation level. This helps keep things consistent and avoids confusion.

Most Python editors and IDEs are set up to insert spaces when you press the tab key.

Here’s an example of using spaces for indentation:

def greet_user(): name = input("Enter your name: ") if name: print(f"Hello, {name}!") else: print("Hello, World!") greet_user()




In this example, each indented line within the greet_user function uses four spaces. This makes the structure clear and ensures Python knows which lines belong to the function.

Using Tabs for Indentation

While spaces are preferred, you might come across code that uses tabs. Tabs can work, but they can also cause problems if mixed with spaces.


Different editors might interpret tabs differently, leading to inconsistent code. If you do use tabs, make sure to use them consistently and avoid mixing them with spaces.


Here’s a similar example using tabs:

def greet_user(): name = input("Enter your name: ") if name: print(f"Hello, {name}!") else: print("Hello, World!") greet_user()




Notice the difference? While this might look fine in your editor, it could cause issues if someone else opens it in a different environment. Sticking to spaces is usually the safest bet.

Essential Rules for Indenting Python Code

Ever wondered why your Python code throws errors even when your logic seems perfect? It’s often due to improper indentation. Let’s break down the essential rules to get your indentation in Python right every time.


  • Use Consistent Spaces: Python’s PEP 8 style guide recommends using four spaces per indentation level. This keeps the code uniform and readable.
  • Indentation for Code Blocks: Indent all lines within loops, conditionals, functions, and class definitions uniformly. Every block of code that follows a colon (:) must be indented.
  • No Indentation on the First Line: The first line of your Python script should not be indented. Indentation is only for nested structures within your code.
  • Colon After Statements: Always use a colon (:) at the end of statements that are followed by an indented block, such as if, for, while, and def.
  • Avoid Mixing Tabs and Spaces: Stick to either spaces or tabs for indentation. Mixing them can lead to errors and confusion. Spaces are preferred for consistency.


Here’s a simple example following these rules:

def check_number(): number = int(input("Enter a number: ")) if number > 0: print("The number is positive.") elif number < 0: print("The number is negative.") else: print("The number is zero.")   check_number()

Code Explanation:

  • This function asks the user to enter a number.
  • It then checks if the number is positive, negative, or zero and prints the appropriate message.
  • Notice how each block of code inside the if, elif, and else statements is indented with four spaces. This makes it clear which lines of code belong together.

Common Indentation Errors and How to Avoid Them

Mismatched Indentation

Using a different number of spaces for different lines in the same block.

def print_even_numbers(): for i in range(10): if i % 2 == 0: print(i)

Error: This code will cause an error because the for and if blocks are not indented uniformly.

Fix: Use four spaces consistently:

def print_even_numbers(): for i in range(10): if i % 2 == 0: print(i)

Unexpected Indent

Indenting when it’s not required.

def print_odd_numbers(): for i in range(10): if i % 2 != 0: print(i)

Error: The if statement should be indented under the for loop.

Fix: Correct the indentation:

def print_odd_numbers(): for i in range(10): if i % 2 != 0: print(i)

Missing Indentation

Forgetting to indent a block of code.

def greet(name): print("Hello, " + name)

Error: This code will cause an indentation error because the print statement is not indented.

Fix: Add the correct indentation:

def greet(name): print("Hello, " + name)
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Step-by-Step Examples of Correct and Incorrect Indentation

Let’s look at some practical examples to make things clear.

Correct Example

def calculate_sum(): total = 0 for i in range(1, 6): total += i print(f"The sum is: {total}")   calculate_sum()




  • This function calculates the sum of numbers from 1 to 5.
  • The for loop and the line adding i to total are properly indented.
  • The print statement is outside the loop, correctly indented at the same level as the for statement.

Incorrect Example

def calculate_sum(): total = 0 for i in range(1, 6): total += i print(f"The sum is: {total}")   calculate_sum()




  • The total += i line is not correctly indented under the for loop, causing an indentation error.

Corrected Code Version:

def calculate_sum(): total = 0 for i in range(1, 6): total += i print(f"The sum is: {total}")   calculate_sum()



Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Indentation in Python

Have you ever wondered why Python insists on proper indentation? Let’s explore the upsides and downsides of this requirement.


  1. Improved Readability
    • Python’s indentation makes the code look clean and easy to read.
    • When each block of code is properly indented, it’s clear where it starts and ends.
    • This clarity is a big help when we are trying to understand or debug code.
  2. Consistent Style
    • Using indentation means everyone follows the same style.
    • This consistency makes it easier for teams to work together.
    • Code written by different people looks similar, which simplifies collaboration.
  3. Reduced Syntax Errors
    • By avoiding braces and other symbols, Python reduces the chances of syntax errors.
    • Indentation naturally guides us to structure our code correctly.
    • This reduces common errors that occur in other languages.
  4. Promotes Good Practices
    • Indentation forces us to write well-structured code.
    • It encourages us to think about code hierarchy and organisation as we write.
    • This leads to better programming habits over time.


  1. Initial Learning Curve
    • For beginners, getting used to strict indentation rules can be tough.
    • It’s easy to make mistakes if we’re not careful about spaces and tabs.
  2. Portability Issues
    • Moving code between different editors or environments can mess up the indentation.
    • Tabs and spaces might be interpreted differently, causing errors.
  3. Maintenance Challenges
    • In large codebases, maintaining consistent indentation can be tedious.
    • A small mistake can cause big problems, making debugging difficult.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Consistent Indentation

Keeping our indentation correct is important. Here are a few methods:


  • Use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE): IDEs like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, or Sublime Text can automatically handle indentation.
  • Set Up Your Editor: Configure your editor to use spaces instead of tabs. Most modern editors have this option.
  • Linting Tools: With Linting tools like Pylint or Flake8, indenting errors are easily found.
  • Do Not Mix Tabs and Spaces: Always try to follow one method, if possible, using spaces is better.

Also Read: Features of Python Programming Language


In this article, we’ve discussed indentation in Python and its role in defining structure in code. We discussed the rules of proper indentation, common indenting mistakes to avoid, and provided some helpful strategies for consistent indentation.


We also weighed the pros and cons of indentation in Python. With the right indentation, you can master Python and increase your coding skills. Properly indented code is attractive and has fewer errors.

  • Python uses indentation to promote readability and simplicity. It reduces the need for extra syntax like braces, making the code cleaner and more consistent.
  • The recommended level of indentation is four spaces per level. This is in line with Python’s PEP 8 style guide.
  • No, mixing spaces and tabs can lead to indentation errors. It’s best to stick to one method, preferably spaces, for consistency.
  • One problem with the incorrect indentation is that you will get a syntax error. Python intends to use indentation to define code structure, so if you indent something incorrectly, that portion will not run.
  • Use an IDE that supports Python and highlights indentation errors. Configure your editor to use spaces instead of tabs. Regularly use linting tools to check your code.

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