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How to Learn Python Language from Scratch: A Complete Guide

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Python has become a pillar in the programming world due to its simplicity and adaptability. It’s a high-level interpreted language that is readable and easy to learn, thus making it perfect for novices entering the coding world. It is unique because it has extensive support libraries and community-driven development, which allow users to write fewer lines of code while achieving more.


In this comprehensive guide, we will look at why Python has gained so much popularity and give beginners a step-by-step process on where to start. We shall also discuss an effective 16-week study plan for beginners who want to learn Python from scratch.

What is Python?

Python is a widely used programming language known for its simplicity. It was created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. Since then, it has become one of the most popular languages globally. It is an interpreted language, so code can be run as soon as it is written without first being compiled separately. This makes Python very suitable for beginners.


One important thing about Python is its simple syntax, which is very clear. The emphasis on readability in this language allows programmers using other computer languages, such as C++ or Java, to put down concepts using fewer lines of code. What distinguishes Python’s simplicity apart from making it easier to master are maintainable codes that are easily debugged too, hence rendering it ideal even as the initial language suggesting learners should start with.

Python’s popularity has soared due to its simplicity and versatility. Here are the key reasons why Python is so well-loved:


  • Quick Learning Curve: For novices learning programming, the syntax of Python makes sense due to its straightforwardness.
  • Extensive Libraries: Some well-known examples include NumPy, Pandas, Django and Flask, among others, which simplify tasks like analysing data or developing a website.
  • Usage In Multiple Areas: Examples include web development, data analysis, machine learning, scientific computing automation, etc.
  • Large Community: Python has a big community with a lot of learning resources such as tutorials, forums and extensive documentation.
  • It’s Cross-Platform: It works on a variety of operating systems including Windows, MacOS and Linux. Thus, programs can be used in different systems without having to undergo modifications.
  • Robust and Scalable: It is usable when creating small programs or large-scale applications for enterprises, too.
  • High Integration Capabilities: You can easily combine it with other languages and technologies like Java, C++ or .NET to boost its functionality and reach.

What are the Benefits of Learning Python?

Python offers numerous benefits that make it valuable in the modern tech-driven world. Following are some of the major advantages:


  • High Demand: Python developers are in high demand across various industries, providing numerous job opportunities.
  • Career Growth: Mastering Python can lead to career growth because it is highly used in fields like data science, web development, AI among others.
  • Better Paychecks: Many Python programmers have higher salaries than any other coding language practitioners.
  • Flexible Application Scope: Based on this language flexibility you may choose to work on different projects starting from web development up to data analysis or machine learning assignments.
  • Designed For Beginners: Consequently, this makes Python an excellent entry-level programming language due to its easy syntax as well as reading comfort.
  • Community and Resources: There is a huge community and several resources that can support you when you are learning or growing.
  • Open Source and Free: Python is an open-source software that is free, so anyone can use it.
  • Enhances Productivity: With its simplicity and readability, Python enables rapid development and iteration, thus boosting productivity.
  • Strong Library Support: Using the rich libraries and frameworks of Python simplifies complicated tasks hence saving time as well as effort.

How to Learn Python: A Step-by-step Guide

Learning Python can be an interesting and fulfilling adventure. This is your ultimate manual containing six major steps to empowering you with Python, which range from exploring motivations to tackling advanced projects.

Step 1: Knowing Why You Want To Learn Python

Don’t get started on Python without identifying why you need it.


Discover Your Objectives

  • Career Advancement: Do you want to advance your career in areas such as data science, web development or automation?
  • Problem Solving: Are you one of the people who love solving problems using Python?
  • Hobby/Interest: Are you learning Python for purposes of fun, project building or curiosity about programming?

Set Definite Targets

  • Short-Term Goals: What do you plan to achieve in a few weeks/months (e.g., finish a basic Python course, do a simple project)
  • Long-Term Goals: Where do I intend to reach within the next year/two? (e.g., change my career, become an expert in Python).

Find that Motivation

  • Intrinsic Motivation: Focuses on personal satisfaction and joy of learning.
  • Extrinsic Motivation: Think of external rewards such as being employed by job opportunities like promotions or acknowledgements.

Step 2: How to Begin with the Basics

It is absolutely essential to start with the basics and build upon them for a stronger foundation.


Choosing the Right Resources

  • Online Courses: For instance, courses offered by Herovired.
  • Books: Some examples are “Head First Python.”
  • Tutorials and Blogs – Follow step-by-step tutorials and blogs that enable hands-on learning.

Focus On Core Principles

  • Syntax and Structure: Understand how Python syntax works and create simple programs using it.
  • Basic Data Types: Know numbers, strings, lists & dictionaries.
  • Control Flow: If statements, loops, and functions are understood well this way, they can be used effectively.

Practice Regularly

  • Daily Practice: Allocate some time every day for coding practice.
  • Coding exercises: There are some of the platforms on the internet where you can find problems to solve.
  • Join Coding Communities: Interact with communities such as Stack Overflow, Reddit, and local meetups.

Step 3: How to Proceed With Medium-Level And Advanced-Level Concepts

After getting hold of the basics, it is time to explore deeper into more difficult areas.


Intermediate Concepts

  • Data Structures: Sets, tuples, and linked lists, among others, are considered advanced data structures.
  • File Handling: The way files are read and written should be understood.
  • Exception Handling: Learn how to handle exceptions and errors gracefully.

Advanced Concepts

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism will be learned during this stage.
  • Modules and Packages: Learn to organise your code into reusable modules or packages.
  • Advanced Libraries: Data analysis libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are worth exploring further so that they can be used in future projects.

Deepen Your Understanding

  • Algorithm Design: Study common algorithms as well as data structures.
  • Software Development Practices: Practise version control testing, debugging, etc.

Understand the Advanced Assignments

  • Artificial Intelligence Model: Learn to AI using TensorFlow or scikit-learn.
  • Web Services Design: Generate a web application’s RESTful API.
  • Computerised Scripts: Write computer scripts to automate repeated procedures.

Step 5: Enter the Python Community

The Python community can offer support, resources, and networking opportunities.


Participate in Online Forums

  • Stack Overflow: Ask questions and give answers that assist others.
  • Reddit: Participate in discussions and get access to learning materials on r/learnPython or r/Python posts.


Attend Meetups and Conferences

  • Local Meetups: Find out where there are meetups involving Python programming language near you to connect with other professionals as well as learn from them.
  • Conferences: These kinds of gatherings like PyCon offer an avenue for gaining new ideas by linking up with experts in this field.

Contribute to Open Source Projects

  • Find Projects: Look for open-source projects on GitHub that interest you.
  • Contribute: Start by fixing bugs, writing documentation, or adding new features.

Step 6: Keep Learning and Stay Updated

Python is a constantly evolving language with new updates and features.


Follow Python News and Updates

  • org: Regularly visit the official Python website for news and updates.
  • Blogs and Newsletters: Subscribe to Python-related blogs and newsletters for the latest trends and tips.

Continue Your Education

  • Advanced Courses: Take advanced courses in areas like data science, machine learning, and web development.
  • Certifications: Consider obtaining Python certifications to validate your skills.

Practice and Experiment

  • Hackathons: Participate in hackathons to apply your skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Personal Projects: Keep building new projects to continually challenge yourself.

By following these steps, you can effectively learn Python and apply it to various domains. Remember, consistency and practice are key to becoming proficient in any programming language.

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A 16-Week Study Plan to Learn Python

Learning Python can be structured into a manageable and effective 16-week study plan. This plan breaks down the learning process into weekly segments, each focusing on different concepts and skills. Follow this guide to progress from a beginner to an intermediate Python programmer.


Week Study Plan
1 Introduction to Python: Install Python, understand the basic syntax, and write your first Python program. Explore simple data types like strings and numbers.
2 Basic Data Types and Variables: Learn about strings, numbers, lists, dictionaries, and variable assignments. Start with basic operations and practise simple programs to manipulate data.
3 Control Flow and Data Structures: Understand if-else statements, loops (for, while), and logical operators. Dive into data structures such as lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples. Learn list comprehensions for concise data manipulation.
4 Functions and Modules: Learn to define functions, use built-in functions, and import standard modules. Understand the concept of scope and how to write reusable code.
5 File Handling and Error Handling: Understand how to read from and write to files, and handle file operations. Learn about exceptions, try-except blocks, and handling different types of errors.
6 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Introduction to classes, objects, methods, inheritance, and polymorphism. Understand how to design and implement OOP concepts in Python.
7 Intermediate Python Projects: Start working on small projects like a to-do list app or a basic calculator. Apply the concepts learned in the previous weeks to build functional applications.
8 Introduction to Web Development: Learn the basics of web development with Flask or Django. Understand how to set up a web server, create routes, and handle user inputs.
9 Building a Simple Web Application: Develop a simple web application such as a blog or a task manager using Flask or Django. Focus on building the frontend and connecting it to the backend.
10 Data Analysis with Pandas and Matplotlib: Learn to manipulate and analyse data using Pandas and visualise data with Matplotlib. Work on small data analysis projects to apply these libraries.
11 Web Scraping and APIs: Understand how to interact with APIs and extract data from websites using BeautifulSoup and Requests. Build a project that collects and processes data from the web.
12 Advanced Web Development Concepts: Dive deeper into web development, learning about user authentication, database integration, and deployment. Implement these features in your ongoing web project.
13 Introduction to Machine Learning: Basics of machine learning, using scikit-learn for simple algorithms like linear regression. Understand the basic concepts and apply them to a small dataset.
14 Advanced Machine Learning Projects: Continue learning about machine learning algorithms and work on more complex projects. Use real-world datasets to build and evaluate models.
15 Final Project Development: Work on a comprehensive project that combines web development, data analysis, and possibly machine learning. Focus on building a full-fledged application that showcases all the skills you’ve learned.
16 Review and Practice: Review all the concepts learned, work on additional projects, and practice coding problems to solidify your knowledge. Prepare a portfolio to showcase your projects and skills to potential employers or collaborators.


This 16-week plan is designed to provide a comprehensive and structured approach to learning Python. By following this guide, you’ll build a strong foundation and gradually advance to more complex topics and projects, culminating in a robust portfolio that demonstrates your skills.

Best Resources to Learn Python in 2024

To learn Python, one needs access to good resources that can take him or her from the basic understanding of Python and guide to more advanced topics. Here are some of the best ways to find these resources well and get the most out of them.

Online Learning Programs

Online classes are ideal for a systematic approach to Python learning. They also provide interactive exercises, structured content, and even projects to practise your skills. Hero Vired is one of the major players in the field, providing comprehensive courses suitable for all levels.


Books are priceless tools for extensive knowledge as well as reference material. They give you time for slow learning and revision when necessary.


  • Guidance Books: You have freedom to select books aimed at beginners which explain concepts clearly using lots of examples.
  • Advanced Topics: Get books covering advanced topics on Python programming language e.g. computer science, data structure and algorithms together with its applications in real life cases.

Tutorials plus Blogs

For quick learning purposes or troubleshooting specific problems, online tutorials and blogs come in handy.


  • Getting Tutorials: Go online and look for tutorials covering any area of interest, like web development, data analysis, or automation, among other things.
  • Following Blogs: Subscribe on various Python-related blogs whereby new tutorials, tips or updates come up consistently keeping you informed about what’s happening in the Python ecosystem lately.

YouTube Channels

YouTube is a valuable resource for visual learners who benefit from seeing code in action.


  • Finding Channels: Search for reputable YouTube channels that offer comprehensive Python tutorials from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Consistency: Follow channels that post regularly and cover a wide range of topics.

University Courses

Many universities offer free or paid Python courses online. These courses are often part of broader computer science or data science programs.


  • Free Courses: Look for universities that offer open courseware or free access to course materials.
  • Accredited Programs: Consider enrolling in a formal course if you’re looking for a more structured learning experience and a recognized certification.

Demanding Python Careers in 2024

Python remains one of the most demanded programming languages, hence resulting in many job vacancies in different fields. Below are some Python jobs that will be highly sought after come 2024:

Data Scientist

Data Scientists use Python to analyse and interpret complex data to help businesses make informed decisions.


  • Key Skills: Data analysis, machine learning, statistical analysis, data visualisation.
  • Typical Tasks: Building predictive models, analysing large datasets, creating data visualisations, and deriving insights from data.
  • Why It’s in Demand: The growing importance of data-driven decision-making across industries.

Machine Learning Engineer

ML Engineers design algorithms and models that enable machines to make decisions based on what they learn through changing scenarios as opposed to following the programmer’s instructions alone.


  • Key Skills: Machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, data preprocessing.
  • Typical Tasks: Developing machine learning models, implementing neural networks, training and testing models, and improving algorithms.
  • Why It’s in Demand: The rise of AI applications in sectors such as healthcare, finance, and technology.

Web Developer

These specialists utilise the Python programming language to build user-friendly interactive websites that use augmented reality to improve browsing experiences.


  • Key Skills: Web frameworks (Django, Flask), front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript), database management systems
  • Typical Tasks: Developing back-end components, Integrating user-facing elements with server-side logic, and Managing databases.
  • Reason for Demand: Online businesses keep expanding, hence necessitating stronger web applications.

Data Analyst

Data Analysts employ Python to decode information and offer actionable knowledge.


  • Main attributes: Data manipulation, statistical analysis, and data visualisation.
  • Typical duties: Cleaning and organising data, analysing data trends, creating reports and dashboards.
  • Why it’s in demand: The need for making decisions based on evidence given the importance of understanding business metrics.

Software Developer

Python is used by Software Developers to produce software applications for different reasons.


  • Key abilities: Software development, version control, debugging, and problem-solving.
  • Typical tasks: Writing and testing code, debugging programs, developing software solutions, and collaborating with other developers.
  • Why it’s in demand: There is always a growing demand for new and innovative software solutions in various sectors.

Cybersecurity Analyst

Cybersecurity analysts use Python to create security tools as well as analyse security threats.


  • Key Skills: Network security, scripting, threat analysis, etc.
  • Typical Tasks: Writing scripts that automate security tasks, analysing incidents of security breaches, and developing tools that can be used to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Why It’s in Demand: There is increasing concern about cybersecurity threats globally, which necessitates strong safeguards against threats.

DevOps Engineer

DevOps Engineers streamline software development using Python programming language so as to fasten deployment processes.


  • Key Skills: Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), automation, cloud computing.
  • Typical Tasks: Automating deployment processes, managing infrastructure, and monitoring system performance.
  • Why It’s in Demand: There is a need for efficient and reliable software deployment pipelines.

How Do You Find Jobs in the Python Tech Stack?

Finding a job in the Python tech stack involves a combination of skill development, networking, and effective job search strategies. Here are some steps to help you navigate the job market and secure a Python-related role.


Participate Online


  • Forums and Communities: Get involved in forums such as stack overflow, the learnPython subreddit on Reddit, and Python discords.
  • LinkedIn: Connect with professionals in your area of specialisation and interact with their posts.

Benefit from the Use of Recruitment Agencies

The services of recruitment companies enable the right job opportunities to be identified for you.

Build a Strong Foundation in Python

Before you start your job search, ensure you have a solid understanding of Python and its applications.

Master the Basics and Advanced Concepts


  • Learn the Basics: Start with syntax, data structures, control flow, and functions.
  • Advance Your Skills: Move on to object-oriented programming, file handling, modules, and libraries.

Work on Projects


  • Portfolio Projects: Build a portfolio of projects that demonstrate your skills. Include projects like web applications, data analysis, automation scripts, and machine learning models.

Optimise Your Resume and Online Profiles

Your resume and online profiles are your first impression to potential employers.


Create a Professional Resume

  • Highlight Relevant Skills: Emphasise your Python skills, relevant projects, and any certifications.
  • Tailor Your Resume: Customise your resume for each job application, focusing on the skills and experiences that match the job description.

Update Your LinkedIn Profile

  • Showcase Your Skills: Add Python and related technologies to your skills section.
  • Detail Your Experience: Include detailed descriptions of your projects and roles.
  • Engage with the Community: Join Python-related groups and participate in discussions.

Leverage Job Portals and Company Websites

Job portals and company websites are primary sources for finding job openings.


Use Job Search Engines

  • Popular Platforms: Use platforms like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn to search for Python jobs.
  • Set Up Alerts: Create job alerts to receive notifications about new job postings.

Apply Directly on Company Websites

  • Target Companies: Identify companies that use Python and check their career pages regularly.
  • Tailor Your Application: Follow the application instructions carefully and tailor your resume and cover letter to each job.

Network with Professionals

Networking can open doors to job opportunities that aren’t advertised publicly.


Attend Meetups and Conferences

  • Local Meetups: Join local Python meetups or coding groups to meet other professionals.
  • Conferences: Attend conferences like PyCon to network with industry experts and potential employers.

Engage Online

  • Forums and Communities: Participate in forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit’s r/learnpython, and Python Discord servers.
  • LinkedIn: Connect with professionals in your field and engage with their content.

Keep in touch

  • Remain in Touch: Keep in regular touch with your employment agent to know when there are new vacancies.
  • Offer Suggestions: Give tips on matches at the time of interviews so that recruiters can better understand what you want.

Continue Learning and Certification

Continuous learning plus certifications improve your employability.


Take Further Courses

  • Online Courses: Register for advanced Python courses offered by platforms such as Hero Vired to deepen your understanding.
  • Special Topics: Concentrate on data science, machine learning, or web development issues depending on one’s interests and talents.

Complete Certifications

  • Python Certification: Getting Python certified is something you should think about if you need validation of your expertise level in this programming language.
  • Related fields: Earn certifications in related technologies like AWS, TensorFlow, or Django.


In today’s technology-oriented world, learning Python opens up multiple career prospects. With a structured study program, accessible materials, and strong project records, it is possible to master Python, which can be applied across various domains like data science, web development, and machine learning. With full dedication towards the study with consistent practice as well as involvement in the Python community will keep you updated about the latest technologies.


It is used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, etc.
Yes, its simple syntax rules make Python an ideal starting point for newbies.
It varies, but a structured study plan can help you learn the basics within a few months.
Online courses, books, tutorials, and coding practice platforms are excellent sources of information.
No, Python is designed for beginners as it does not require any prior experience in programming.

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