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Difference between GUI and CUI – A Comparative Analysis

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In the world of computing, the way users interact with machines is critical. Two main types of user interfaces have come into force: a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a Character User Interface (CUI). These occur in a visual representation or environment that contains still or moving images, drawings, and other graphic objects denoting the information of the system and the plan of actions that can be performed.


In this article, we will offer a comparative analysis of the difference between GUI and CUI, exploring their characteristics, pros, cons, and major differences.

What is a User Interface?

A user interface (UI) is a medium through which a user can communicate with a computer system. It is an interface between the user and the device’s hardware/software, making it possible for the user to issue commands and still get some feedback. A User interface can be seen on any physical device, such as a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. It is similar to watching a movie, playing a game, etc.


There are two main types of user interfaces that they can interact with:


  1. Graphical User Interface (GUI): Users use Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) to interact with the computer using graphical components, for example, windows, icons, buttons, and menus.
  2. Character User Interface (CUI): Users interact through the input commands using words that can be typed into a computer, or any other device.


We will now understand these two different types of user interfaces and compare them to see how they differ in their work, resources, visual representation, and various other aspects.


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What is GUI (Graphical User Interface)?

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a user-friendly interface that offers a variety of visual representations for users to manipulate the computer system instead of typing. This allows the ability to drag, point, and click rather than enter commands using keys. They offer a visual environment with the use of pictures or images, animations, videos, and graphic objects that represent system data and potential actions.


The goal of a GUI is to ease daily activities for the user by clearly representing a system’s backend code. GUIs are used in a variety of software programs. Most Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are found in operating systems, such as Windows, Android, iOS, Mac OS, Linux, etc., but they are also found in web browsers, word processors, video editors, and other applications.

Characteristics of GUI

  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface: Action is followed with visible effect, effortless understanding of why the same thing is quite different.
  • Visual Representation: GUI uses icons, buttons, menus, etc., to build a visual representation for the users to interact.
  • Multi-tasking tasks. Various applications can be run separately and users can switch and use them interchangeably.
  • Flexibility: It is adaptable and may be made to the user’s specifications. Users can easily change the themes, fonts, colours, and other settings with the help of a GUI.
  • Intuitiveness: Beginner-friendly as options and related actions are graphic and self-explanatory.
  • Accessibility: It improves computing accessibility for users with visual impairments or those who may not be accustomed to text-based commands (CUI).
  • Resource-intensive: Needs ample memory, processing speed, and graphics processing power.

Advantages of GUI

      1. User-Friendly and Intuitive

The GUI utilises a user-friendly interface that includes icons, menus, and windows that facilitate interaction for the non-technical person. This makes it more appealing especially to beginners who can perform complicated tasks without having to learn their functions.

     2. Visual Representation of Information

The graphical user interface makes information accessible more interestingly and less difficult. For example, instead of showing documents such as text documents, the interface has icons representing such documents. It is clear how such images benefit the users in understanding the system’s corresponding actions.


     3. Supports Multitasking

In the case of GUIs, it allows the user to carry out multiple tasks and open so many windows and applications and makes it easy too to just switch from one task to another or to open many applications at once (such as dealing with emails while filling in a workbook).

    4. Rich Interaction Features

GUIs permit interaction with the systems via mouse clicks, touch, hand movements, drag and drop operations, and speaking the commands out. Such capabilities increase user engagement with the system and make the user interface more flexible.

      5. Error-Tolerant

GUIs normally come with error messages, prompt confirmations, and undo options encouraging or enhancing the user-system interaction whereby users can make mistakes, for instance, incorrectly deleting a document or closing a particular page.

     6. Learning Curve

In general, a GUI has a minimal learning curve. Because many GUI interfaces follow similar design patterns, users can rapidly get familiar with its functionalities and navigate across many apps and platforms with ease.

      7. Enhanced Productivity

By enabling rapid access to frequently used tools and functions, GUIs improve productivity by streamlining workflow and cutting down on the time and effort needed to complete activities.

      8. Consistent User Experience

GUI programs improve user engagement by providing a consistent experience across a range of hardware, operating systems, and apps.


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Disadvantages of GUI

     1. High Resource Consumption

GUIs are also high in requirements of resources in terms of memory (RAM), processing unit (CPU), and, in some cases, additional graphic hardware. For instance, one cannot do video editing or 3D rendering without powerful graphic software installed on their computer, which in turn requires advanced hardware.

     2. Slower Performance for Experts

Although GUIs perform complicated operations affecting the novice positively, they may become a hindrance at advanced levels whereby users might be able to type commands faster. The excessive use of visual elements such as icons and buttons leads to a waste of time when these things could have been done using a command prompt.

     3. Limited Control and Customization

Most GUIs hide the under-breaking system components, therefore the level of control a user can exercise over operations is restricted. GUIs pose problems to advanced users in the sense that they cannot go beyond what is displayed on the GUI to perform more advanced and simple things.

    4. Development Complexity

The creation and use of a GUI within the duration of its life are more costly, labour-intensive, and resource-consuming than the former strategy of a simple text-based interface. There are aspects of the developers that are layouts, usability, graphics, responsiveness, and interactivity.

     5. Accessibility

Users with disabilities, such as vision impairments or motor difficulties, may find it difficult to utilise GUIs. As a result, they may have to get some help to use the GUI for their tasks.

     6. Security Vulnerabilities

Users are more at risk for security in some GUI setups. For instance, unskilled users could unintentionally install malware by clicking on aesthetically pleasing but misleading GUI prompts.

     7. Higher Power Consumption

GUIs, especially those graphics intensive, with animations and other sexy graphics drink more power and hence will drain a laptop or personal computer battery within no time.

What is CUI (Character User Interface)?

A Character User Interface (CUI) can be also called a Command-Line Interface as it visually represents all tasks related to the computer in textual mode i.e., using the Input/Output (I/O) mode. The user is required to enter appropriate inputs that reduce execution time to the lowest while executing most tasks given to the computer. The Linux Kernel, Windows Powershell, Windows Command Prompt, and various other devices, all use this kind of user interface.


CUI is an interface where the user uses the keyboard as their only means of interacting with the computer and needs commands to carry out any task. Most of the early computers used CUI, which is the predecessor to GUI for communicating with the users. What we are telling the computer is indicated by the character. For example, if we want to create a folder in Windows through the command line, the user would open its terminal and type – “mkdir foldername”, and then press enter. CUI uses a line of text that contains the commands that the user enters into the command-line interface.

Characteristics of CUI

  • Text-Based: All commands are executed using the input text.
  • Memory Efficient: CUI requires less system resources than a graphical user interface. It is, therefore, a wise option for systems with limited resources or low-end machines.
  • Expert-Oriented: For effective use, instructions and syntax must be understood, therefore an expert is required to interact with the systems through input commands.
  • Compatibility: It works with the majority of modern hardware and operating systems. It makes it user-friendly and broadly accessible.
  • Single-Tasking: Usually only manages one task at a time, though task management may be possible with contemporary CUIs.
  • Robust and Adaptable: Provides complete command over the system, permitting accurate functions.

Advantages of CUI

     1. Faster for Experienced Users

Although navigating with GUI might be faster for average users, it is more efficient for users who use the CUI extensively. Instead of traversing various menus and windows, the user simply gives the required single command, and the operation gets done, saving time for users who are experts.

    2. Scripting Capabilities

CUIs feature powerful scripting capabilities, enabling users to automate repetitive processes and develop complex workflows using command-line scripts or batch files.

    3. Low Resource Consumption

Interacting with the system through CUIs requires fewer resources than doing that through GUIs. Since their operation is not dependent upon graphical clutters, less memory and processing power is expended; therefore, great for low-end gadgets or systems.

     4. Greater Control

CUIs offer users better management of the system. This enables them to conduct more in-depth activities with the use of GUI which may not be possible without such, for example, deep system checking, system configuration changes, or creating programs for repetitive operations.

     5. Remote Access

By using command-line interfaces (CUIs), CUIs enable administrators to remotely access and manage servers and devices from any location with an internet connection.

    6. Scriptable and Automatable

The command-line interface is very scriptable in functionality and users can use shell/batch files to do repetitive work instead of doing it manually. In this regard, it is important for system admin and developers since they can script actions making the process more effective.

    7. Lower Development Overhead

One very striking advantage is to create a CUI that is development-wise less complex compared to making a full-blow graphics user interface. With CUIs, it is more about functionality rather than looks which in turn cuts down on time and cost spent on developments.

Disadvantages of CUI

      1. Steep Learning Curve

Users have to memorise and understand all commands with their specific syntax rules which in the first place is quite a challenge for beginners. A single typo or error in the command input will throw an error or carry out unintended results.

      2. No Visual Representation

CUIs do not have graphical representations of data or actions performed. Users work within a textual feedback environment, making complex tasks rather difficult to visualise and manage.

     3. Bad Error Handling

It is very sensitive to the input of the user, and any error, including mistyping of commands, results in crashing, process failures, or system problems. In contrast, the GUI provides an error prompt or failsafe to avoid mistakes by the users.

     4. Not suitable for Complex tasks

CUIs are less useful for activities like online browsing, gaming, and photo editing that call for visual engagement. A graphical platform is significantly more effective at handling these kinds of jobs.

     5. Limited Accessibility

Users who need assistive technology, including touch-based controls, or who have visual impairments find CUIs less accessible due to the lack of visual aids.

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Key Differences Between GUI and CUI

Both GUI and CUI serve essential roles in different contexts. The key differences between GUI and CUI are as follows:


Criteria Graphical User Interface Character User Interface
Mode of Interaction GUI’s interaction is done via graphical elements including icons, menus, and windows. CUI’s interaction is done via text-based commands.
Ease of use GUI is easier for business and is intuitive. CUI requires technical knowledge of commands.
Speed They are slower, especially for experts. They are faster for users familiar with commands.
Learning curve Low learning curve. Steep learning curve.
System resource GUI uses high resources i.e., consumes more CPU, RAM, and graphics. CUI uses low resources i.e., minimal resource consumption.
Control over system GUI has limited control over the system which is done using the available graphical options. CUI provides more control and flexibility.
Multitasking GUI supports multitasking with ease. CUI are mostly single-tasking although modern CUIs can multitask easily.
Customization Limited customization. High customization options through scripts.
Visual Feedback GUI provides the immediate, visual feedback for each action performed by the user. There is no visual feedback but rather only text-based responses.
Error Tolerance More forgiving, with error prompts. Even small mistakes in command can lead to failure, therefore it is less error-tolerant.
User Base GUI has its user base as general users and non-technical users. Experts, developers, and system administrators are some of the user base for CUI.
App usage Widely used in personal computing, web browsers, and design software. Preferred in server management, programming, and automation tasks.
Precision LOW HIGH
Peripherals used Keyboard, mouse, or any pointing device. Keyboard only
Navigation Easier navigation Difficult navigation

Applications of GUI and CUI

Here are the real-world applications of GUI and CUI in computer science.

Applications of GUI

  • Operating Systems: GUI’s help in creating the best Operating Systems (OS). OS helps in performing day-to-day computing tasks including creating documents, file management, and browsing the net. For example: Windows, macOS, Linux (with Windows Managers like GNOME, etc.
  • Design and Creative Software: Tools used for creating design or creative objects or figures also use the GUI. Such software is loaded with advanced intuitive design tools for the convenience of a digital artist, graphic designer, or engineer. For example: Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Figma, etc.
  • Web Browsers: GUI interface web browsers are applications that allow a user to navigate through the web and utilise it with the auxiliary support of graphical content and elements utilised by the user. For example: Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.
  • Office and Productivity Tools: These limitation-free applications help in personal and professional work using visual applications such as spreadsheets, word processors, and presentation software spearheaded by technological advancement tools. For example: Office, Workspace, and Pages.
  • Gaming: Such graphical interfaces are very useful in undertaking various tasks such as navigating through gameplay menus, interacting with other players, or changing in-game actions. For example: PC Games, X box, Play Station.
  • Mobile Applications: Mobile phones embedding GUIs expands the ways people can use applications and the operating system using purely touch gestures and visual elements. For example: Android, IOS, etc.

Applications of CUI

  • System Administration: CUI is extensively used in running servers, changing system parameters, performing scheduled events, or administering computer network resources. Developers often use the command line terminal for their day-to-day small tasks.
  • Cloud Computing: Online cloud providers extensively use command-line interfaces for their operations. The providers of cloud services have command utility for cloud infrastructure management, application deployment, and service configuration. For example: AWS CLI, Google Cloud CLI, Azure CLI.
  • Networking and Security: CUIs are used by network admins for network system management, inclusion of troubleshooting, and security by way of secure remote administration. For example: SSH (Secure Shell), Netstat, Ping.
  • Development and Programming: Programmers tend to perform code compilation, configure versioning, and set up CI/CD using command line interfaces frequently. For example: Git, compilers, and IDEs with integrated command-line tools.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning: Data managers, data engineers, and ML engineers normally use command line interfaces to call the scripts, do data preparation, or run the ML models, frequently in a cloud environment. For example Python CLI, Jupyter Notebooks (command-based), and RStudio CLI.
  • Embedded Systems: Command-line interfaces are written by engineers for the setting up and running of embedded systems including microcontrollers and the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. For example: Arduino CLI, and Raspberry Pi terminal.


GUI and CUI are both essential to computing purposes depending on the user’s needs and expertise. GUI is a convenient, visually rich environment, resourceful environment for the types of users as well as tasks that demand attention simultaneously as well as design. CUI resource management and efficiency are the two advantages in favour of CUI as a variation of direct computer interaction among users geared at technical tasks and less demanding environments. Understanding their variations and picking the proper interface is vital dependent on the application and the user’s level of experience.


GUIs are prevalent for routine computing operations because of their ease of use and simplicity. However, system administrators and power users continue to find the command line necessary. In the end, the particular use case and user experience will determine which GUI or CUI is best. Are you passionate about user experience design? Explore the Professional Diploma in UX Design offered by Hero Vired, offered in collaboration with UX Design Institute.

The differences between a GUI (Graphical User Interface) and a CUI (Character User Interface) lie in their method of interaction. A GUI enables the user to use graphical components like icons, buttons, windows, and menus to interact with the system. In contrast, it is a CUI that is entirely dependent on textual commands typed by the users from a console or a terminal.
In terms of ease of use, the CUI is the most appropriate concerning experts. This is because the design is simple and a user only needs to execute commands where the user does not have to study any complicated commands. However, a CUI performs the exact opposite. It focuses on gaining input through learning frustrating command methods which most beginners may be overwhelmed by but may be a plus for those who can work faster than the average user.
CUI is rather more efficient than GUI for the advanced user as it allows the user to execute a command much faster. The common advantage of a CUI is that when a user is required to do something, he types in a command whereas in a GUI, many buttons are pressed and many menus are traversed before the same task is done.
Web browsers, office tools, mobile applications, design software, and operating systems like Windows and macOS all frequently employ graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
CUIs become the choice in situations that call for management, efficiency, and overall resource utilisation. CUIs also extend those capabilities to power users, who are still dealing with a system but are granted a more in-depth perspective that is not always available in GUIs. CUIs are also low-weight applications, as they are designed to utilise less memory and CPU power, which are useful in servers, etc.

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