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In C++ language, comments are essential for writing clear and maintainable source code.Comments provide explanations and context, making it easier for other developers and yourself to understand the source code later without any problem. In this article, we will explore the different types of comments in C++ language and their use cases with practical examples.
In C++ language, comments are used to make the code more readable and more understandable for developers Comments are ignored by the C++ compiler, meaning they do not affect the execution of the C++ program.
The following program demonstrates the Comments:
Comments play a very important role in C++ programming language for various reasons, enhancing both the development process and the understandability of source code. Here, we are discussing some important points for comments in C++ language.
In C++ language, There are two types of comments used to annotate the source code. Single line comment and multi-line comments. Each type of comment serves a unique purpose and is used in different contexts in C++ language.
The single line comments are used for brief notes or explanations that fit on one line. It starts with ‘//’. Everything after ‘//’ on that line is treated as a comment. So Anything following // on the same line will be ignored by the C++ compiler.
The following program demonstrates a single line comment:
The multi-line comments are block comments. It allows you to comment out the multiple lines of source code. The multiline comments starts with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines and are useful for longer explanations or temporarily disabling source code.
The following program demonstrates the multi-line comments:
In C++ language, Comments are ignored by the compiler during the compilation process. They are meant for human readers and are used to explain or annotate the source code without affecting its execution. The compiler processes comments as follows:
The C-style comments originated from the C programming language. These comments are utilized to annotate multiple lines of text in the source code. The following detailed look in C-style comments.
C-style comments starts with ‘/*’ and end with ‘*/’. Everything between these delimiters is treated as a comment in the programming language.
C-style line comments are designed for multi-line comments. But we can also use them for single line comments.
/* This is a single line C-style comment */
C-style comments cannot be nested. If developers try to nest them then it will return a compilation error.
Incorrect Usage
/* This will cause an error */
C++ language introduces its own comments, which provide a concise way to annotate single lines of code.
C++ language single line comment starts with //. The following two slashes on the same line are treated as a comment.
// This is a single-line comment in C++ language
int a=5
Single-line comments in C++ offer several advantages, making them a valuable tool for developers.
We can also use comments at the end of a line of source code:
This form is very common in C++ programs.
This /* … */ is a multiline comment. It originates from the C programming language and is often referred to as C-style or block comments. These comments are used to annotate multiple lines of text or source code in the C++ programming language code .
C-style comments start with /* and end with */. Everything between these delimiters is treated as a comment, regardless of how many lines it spans.
In this article, we learned that the comments in C++ are indispensable tools for improving code readability, maintainability, and collaboration among developers. There are two types of comments in C++ language; single -line (‘//’) and multi-line (‘/*…*/’). Comments providing insights and explanations directly within the code, comments ensure that the purpose and functionality of various code segments are clear not only to the original author but also to anyone else who may work on the project in the structure.
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