JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming language in the 21st century. Over the years, it has undergone many significant enhancements. One of the most notable additions in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) is the arrow function. In this article, we will explore the arrow function in ES6 in depth.
What is the Arrow Function in JavaScript?
The arrow function, added in ES6, is a concise and powerful alternative to regular functions in JavaScript. The arrow function, also known as the fat arrow function, Arrow function provides a shorthand syntax for writing function expressions. This function is very useful for writing shorter function expressions.
// Arrow function
let arrowName = (arg1, arg2, ...argN) => {
Breakdown the ArrowFunctionSyntax
arrowName: This is the arrow function name.
arg1, arg2, …argN: Arguments of the arrow function
statements(s): Body of the function
Let’s add two numbers in javascript.
1. Using the Regular JavaScript function
let addition = function(num1,num2){
return num1+num2;
const double = n => n * 4343;
Multiple Parameters
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
Arrow Function in JavaScript with Default Parameters
The JavaScript arrow function also supports default parameters. JavaScript developers must initialise the default parameter when they define it in parenthesis.
Syntax of Arrow Function
const functionName = (param1 = defaultValue1, param2 = defaultValue2) => {
// Function body
The following program demonstrates the default parameters:
Note: Replace the URL parameter with your API link.
Advantages of JavaScript Arrow Function
Concise Syntax: The arrow function provides a shorter and more readable way to write a function expression in a JavaScript Program. This reduced boilerplate makes the code cleaner and easier to understand, which is especially beneficial in large codebases.
Implicit Return: An arrow function with a single expression allows you to omit the ‘return’ keyword and the curly braces in JavaScript, leading to a more compact syntax.
No Duplicates Parameters Name: The arrow function follows strict rules regarding parameter names and does not allow duplicate parameter names. This prevents bugs and enhances code clarity by enforcing a consistent, error-free parameter.
Disadvantages of JavaScript Arrow Function
JavaScript arrow function offers several benefits, but they also come with certain disadvantages. Let’s discuss all those disadvantages.
Cannot be used as Constructors: The arrow function cannot be used with the ‘new’ keyword. It means we cannot use the Arrow function as a constructor in JavaScript. This limitation of the arrow function makes them unsuitable for creating instances of objects.
Hard to debug: The arrow function has concise syntax, but it can sometimes be harder to debug the arrow function in the large code base.
Not Suitable for All Callbacks: While the arrow function is great for callbacks, there are cases where a traditional function might be more appropriate, especially when a developer callback needs its own ‘this’ context to access the arguments object.
Difference between Regular Function and Arrow Function
The following table differentiates the Regular function and Arrow function.
Regular Function
Arrow Function
function name () {}
()=> {}
It can be used as a constructor
It cannot be used as a constructor
Self Referencing
It can be self-referencing for recursion
It cannot be a function declaration only expression.
It is more versatile in various contexts
It is a less versatile function in certain contexts
It has a ‘prototype’ property
The arrow function does not have a prototype property
this keyword with Arrow Function
Let’s discuss the behaviour of the Arrow function with this keyword.
The arrow function does not have its own context. Instead, it captures the value of the enclosing scope at the time it is created.
The arrow function cannot be used as a constructor. If you attempt to use a new keyword with an arrow function. It will throw an error.
The arrow function uses the lexical binding. That arrow function is a common choice for writing concise functional expressions.
In this article, we learned about the Arrow function in JavaScript. It provides a modern, concise way to write functions, with several advantages, such as shorter syntax. Arrow functions have a concise syntax, make handling ‘this’ easier by inheriting it from their surrounding scope, and are greatest for callbacks and functional programming. They cannot be used as constructors, and they are not suitable for all scenarios. By understanding the Arrow function, JavaScript developers can enhance the code readability and versatility in JavaScript programming.
What is an arrow function in JavaScript?
An arrow function is a concise way to write function expressions in JavaScript in a shorter way.
For example:
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
How do you write an arrow function?
Writing an arrow function is very easy. Let’s see the example:
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
Can arrow functions be used as constructors?
No, the Arrow function cannot be used as a constructor or called as the new keyword.
When should I use the arrow function?
JavaScript developers can use short, non-method functions, especially for callbacks or functions that do not need their own ‘this’ context. This avoids them for object methods or when a constructor function is needed.
Updated on September 13, 2024
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