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Different Types of Cybersecurity You Should Be Aware of in 2024

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Cybersecurity is like the superhero armour for our digital lives. Imagine it as this invisible shield that guards all our sensitive info, from personal data to top-secret company stuff. It’s a big deal because cyber attacks aren’t just about snooping around; they can mess up our finances, wreck our reputation, and, in some cases, cause real-world chaos.


Knowing about cybersecurity isn’t just a good idea; it’s like learning the superpowers of the digital world. There are these different types of cyber security threats, like malware (the sneaky virus types), phishing (think of it like a digital con artist trying to trick you), and even ransomware (the villain that kidnaps your files until you pay up).


Understanding these types helps us stay one step ahead. It’s like knowing the bad guys’ tricks so we’re not caught off guard. And the cool thing? We’re not just protecting ourselves; we’re keeping our digital world safer for everyone else too. So, it’s kind of a digital responsibility, you know?


Just like we learn to lock our doors at night, learning about cybersecurity types is our way of locking up our digital space. It’s the modern-day superhero training we all need!

What is Cybersecurity? 

Cybersecurity involves a thorough strategy aimed at protecting digital systems, networks, devices, and data from unauthorised entry, breaches, harm, or theft. It encompasses various methods, technologies, and actions intended to secure IT assets from potential threats and weaknesses. 

Why is Cybersecurity Important? 

Securing our digital assets, encompassing sensitive personal data, financial records, intellectual property, and critical infrastructure, is imperative. Cybersecurity stands as a crucial defence. The ramifications of cyberattacks are profound, ranging from financial setbacks and harm to reputation to potential physical repercussions.


  • Business Expansion and Digitization
  • Holistic Approach for Scalability
  • Supply Chain Security
  • Cloud Security for Resilience
  • AI and Cyber Risks
  • Adaptability and Future Preparedness


Each point emphasises the critical role of cybersecurity in today’s evolving business landscape, outlining how its integration throughout operations is vital for resilience, growth, and future-proofing against emerging cyber threats.

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Different Types of Cyber Security

In the digital realm, safeguarding our virtual kingdoms involves an array of specialised shields, each designed to fortify a unique facet of our cyber domain. Picture a tapestry of defences intricately woven to shield our networks, devices, and precious data from the lurking threats of the digital wilds. Some shields focus on locking down our gateways, standing vigilant against unauthorised entry, while others cloak our information in an impenetrable shroud, rendering it unreadable to prying eyes.


Amidst this arsenal of defences lie guardians that patrol our digital alleys, vigilant for any signs of abnormal activity, ready to sound the alarm at the slightest hint of danger. These invisible sentinels not only secure our data’s stronghold but also ensure that the very pathways we traverse remain secure, shielding us from the unseen dangers that dwell in the shadows of the cyber realm.  Each defence holds its unique prowess, weaving a tapestry of security that fortifies our digital world against the relentless tide of cyber threats.

10 Types of Cyber Security

Here is the list of 10 types of cybersecurity that one must be aware of in 2024:

1. Application Security

Application security is one of the most common types of cyber security. It is the practice of safeguarding software applications from various threats and vulnerabilities that could compromise their integrity, data confidentiality, and availability. One prominent example that underscores the importance of application security is the Equifax data breach in 2017.


Equifax, one of the largest credit reporting agencies, suffered a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of approximately 147 million individuals. The breach occurred due to an unpatched vulnerability in Apache Struts, a widely used open-source framework for building web applications.


This incident highlighted the critical role of application security in mitigating cyber risks. Had Equifax applied the available security patch in a timely manner or employed robust security measures such as regular vulnerability assessments, intrusion detection systems, and secure coding practices, the breach could potentially have been prevented.


Key features of Application Security


  • Examining code for potential issues and scanning for vulnerabilities,
  • Employing secure coding methodologies,
  • Incorporating secure authentication and authorisation systems,
  • Consistent security assessments and timely updates. 

 2. Cloud Security 

Cloud security is one of the types of Cybersecurity that refers to the practices, technologies, and policies employed to protect data, applications, and infrastructure in cloud computing environments. As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, ensuring robust security measures becomes paramount. An illustrative example of cloud security concerns and solutions involves the data breach at Capital One in 2019.


In this incident, a hacker exploited a misconfigured web application firewall (WAF) on a cloud server hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Capital One’s cloud provider. Due to the misconfiguration, the attacker gained unauthorised access to sensitive customer data, compromising the personal information of over 100 million individuals.


Key features of Cloud Security


  • Employing secure settings for cloud configurations and virtual private networks,
  • Executing controls for identity and access management,
  • Encrypting data both when stationary and during transmission,
  • Conducting routine security evaluations and compliance verifications.

 3. Critical Infrastructure Security 

Critical infrastructure security involves protecting essential systems and assets that are vital for the functioning of society, such as energy, transportation, healthcare, and communication systems. An example that underscores the importance of critical infrastructure security is the Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2010.


Stuxnet, a sophisticated computer worm, specifically targeted programmable logic controllers (PLCs) used in centrifuges at Iran’s nuclear facilities. It aimed to disrupt and sabotage the uranium enrichment process.


Key Features of Critical Infrastructure Security


  • Develops strategies and plans to ensure the continuous operation and quick recovery of critical systems in the face of disruptions.
  • Implements stringent physical security controls to safeguard critical infrastructure against unauthorised access or physical threats.
  • Ensures security measures extend throughout the supply chain, guarding against vulnerabilities originating from external partners or vendors.
  • Constantly monitors infrastructure operations and conducts assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks or vulnerabilities.

4. Endpoint Security 

Endpoint security focuses on securing individual devices or endpoints (such as laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets) from cyber threats. An example that demonstrates the importance of endpoint security is the ransomware attack on the healthcare provider, NHS (National Health Service), in 2017.


During the NHS cyberattack, ransomware known as WannaCry targeted endpoints that ran outdated versions of the Windows operating system. The malware encrypted files on infected devices and demanded ransom payments in exchange for decryption keys.


Key features of Endpoint Security:


  • Shielding endpoints from viruses, malware, and other malicious software.
  • Monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic on endpoints.
  • Ensuring timely updates and patches for software vulnerabilities on endpoints.
  • Real-time monitoring of endpoint activities and immediate response to security incidents

5. Data Security 

Data security involves protecting digital data from unauthorised access, theft, or corruption throughout its lifecycle. An example that illustrates the importance of data security is the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal that surfaced in 2018.


In this incident, a third-party app collected user data from millions of Facebook profiles without their explicit consent. This data was later shared with Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm, for targeted political advertising purposes.


Key features of Data Security:


  • Protects sensitive data by converting it into an unreadable format, only accessible with an encryption key.
  • Restricts and manages access to data, ensuring that only authorised individuals can view or modify it.
  • Alters or hides specific data elements to prevent unauthorised access while maintaining usability.
  • Ensures adherence to data protection laws, regulations, and internal policies governing data usage and storage.

 6. IoT (Internet of Things) Security 

IoT (Internet of Things) security refers to the measures taken to safeguard the vast network of interconnected devices, sensors, and systems that comprise the IoT ecosystem. An illustrative example that highlights the significance of IoT security is the Mirai botnet attack in 2016.


The Mirai botnet exploited vulnerable IoT devices, such as internet-connected cameras and routers, by using default or weak credentials to infect them and recruit them into a botnet. These compromised devices were then used to launch massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, disrupting internet services worldwide.


Key features of IoT (Internet of Things) Security


  • Implements strong authentication methods to ensure only authorised devices can access the network or IoT ecosystem.
  • Secures data both in transit and at rest, preventing unauthorised access or manipulation of sensitive information.
  • Ensures regular updates and patches for IoT devices to address cyber security vulnerabilities and maintain their resilience.
  • Divide IoT networks into isolated segments to contain breaches and limit the impact of compromised devices.
  • Prioritises user privacy by ensuring data collection and usage adhere to consent and privacy regulations.

 7. Mobile Security 

Mobile security refers to the methods and tools used to protect smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices from security threats and vulnerabilities. An example that vividly illustrates the significance of mobile security is the case of the FaceApp controversy in 2019.


FaceApp, a popular mobile application that allowed users to apply various filters to their photos, gained widespread attention. However, concerns arose regarding its privacy and security practices. The app’s terms of service and privacy policy raised alarms over data privacy as it granted the app broad permissions to access and use user-generated content and images.


Key features of Mobile Security:


  • Safeguards data on mobile devices through encryption, ensuring that even if the device is lost or stolen, data remains protected.
  • Implements strong authentication methods like biometrics, PINs, or two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Enables remote management of devices, enforcing security policies, and ensuring compliance across the device fleet.
  • Utilises solutions that proactively identify and mitigate mobile-specific threats like malware, phishing, or network attacks.

8. Network security 

Network security refers to the measures and practices designed to protect a network infrastructure from unauthorised access, misuse, modification, or denial of network resources and data. An illustrative example of network security is the WannaCry ransomware attack that occurred in 2017, which exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Windows operating system.


WannaCry propagated through a network by exploiting a vulnerability in the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, affecting unpatched Windows systems.


Key features of Network Security:


  • Monitoring and management tools for networks
  • Systems for access control and authentication
  • Methods for encrypting and decrypting data
  • Technology involving firewalls
  • Routine security evaluations

9. Operational security 

Operational security (OPSEC) involves the measures and practices used to protect sensitive information and activities from adversaries. It aims to safeguard critical details that, if obtained by unauthorised parties, could compromise an organisation’s security, plans, or strategies. An example that underscores the importance of operational security is the Stuxnet cyberattack.


Stuxnet, a sophisticated malware discovered in 2010, targeted Iran’s nuclear facilities, specifically aiming to disrupt uranium enrichment processes. This attack highlighted several facets of operational security.


Key features of Operational Security:


  • Implementing measures to control and manage access to systems, data, and facilities.
  • Protecting physical assets, locations, and infrastructure from unauthorised access or harm.
  • Developing and enforcing security policies and procedures tailored to the organisation’s needs. 

10. Zero Trust 

Zero trust is a security concept centred around the principle of not automatically trusting anything inside or outside a network perimeter. Instead, it advocates for strict identity verification and continuous authentication to ensure secure access to resources, regardless of the location of the user or device. An example that illustrates the implementation of zero trust is Google’s implementation of BeyondCorp.


Google’s BeyondCorp is a zero-trust security framework that rethinks traditional network security models. Instead of relying on a trusted internal network and perimeter-based security, BeyondCorp focuses on verifying every access request, treating all network traffic as untrusted.


Key features of Zero Trust:


  • Emphasises continuous authentication and verification of user and device identities.
  • Divide networks into smaller, isolated segments to restrict lateral movement in case of a breach.
  • Consistently evaluates and scrutinises network traffic and user behaviour for potential threats.
  • Enables secure access to applications and resources regardless of the user’s location or device.


So this was all about types of cyber security. In the evolving landscape of digital threats, understanding and implementing securities for different types of cyber security attack measures remains pivotal in safeguarding our interconnected world.

In a Nutshell 

The demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to surge globally, with organisations across industries recognising the imperative need for skilled experts to safeguard their digital assets. As cyber threats evolve, the proficiency gained from this program becomes increasingly valuable, opening doors to a rewarding career path in an ever-expanding and essential field.


The Certificate Program in Cybersecurity Essentials & Risk Assessment at Hero Vired, in collaboration with Microsoft, offers a gateway to a dynamic and crucial field. It equips individuals with essential skills in cybersecurity, providing insights into risk assessment, threat mitigation, and the latest industry practices aligned with Microsoft’s expertise.

The main types include Network Security, Endpoint Security, Application Security, Data Security, and Cloud Security.
Network Security focuses on safeguarding computer networks from unauthorised access or data breaches by monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic.
Endpoint Security involves protecting individual devices like computers, smartphones, and IoT devices from cyber threats through measures like antivirus software and access controls.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

Associate Program Director - Hero Vired

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