Functions are a primary building block of modules for all programming languages. They are self-contained and single blocks of codes that can conduct a task.
In this post, you will comprehend python functions, their benefits, and their arguments. You will also get a detailed explanation of the examples of the python functions, so let’s begin!
What are Python Functions?
A function is a group of assertions that conducts an evaluative, analytical, and mathematical operation. A group of statements known as python functions is known to return the specific task.
Here, the actual aim of the python functions is to place a specific group of actions in a group and then define the function.
You can then call the function and get to reuse the code present in it with different variables. You don’t have to repeatedly make the same type of code block for various input variables.
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Types of Python Functions
There are two types of functions under python functional programming. Let’s learn about them in detail.
Standard Library Functions
The standard library functions are known as a group of script modules that can be accessed by the Python program. This type of function will help simplify the entire programming process.
Also, it will eliminate the need for rewriting the normally utilized commands, and you can use them by importing/calling at the beginning of the script.
User-Defined Functions
The user-defined is a type of python function where you get to define functions on your own to conduct a specific task.
This type of function can accept two numbers as arguments because it has already been defined as two parameters.
Benefits of Using Python Functions
Even though it’s crucial to learn how to use python functions, it’s also important to know their benefits. In this section, you will comprehend some of the benefits of python functions:
Code Reusable
Once you know how to write python functions, you can then:
Utilize the function as many times as you want within the program.
You can reuse the code without the need to write the code again.
Code Readability
When you get to reuse the code in python functions, it will help in
Enhancing its readability also lets you maintain [when you wish to make some changes or encounter a mistake or error].
You can use the same type of code as many times as you need when there is repetitive work in the program.
You can opt for some related functions and then get to call it as many times as you want.
Python Function Declaration
When it comes to making a declaration in python functional programming, the process is pretty simple. You have to declare the function with the “def” keyword. The following way shows how to do it:
“ def _funcName_ (_parameter (s)_, …):
//function body”
Through this process, you get to learn that:
_funcName_: The function’s name
_parameters (s)_: Input parameters, which gets conceded to the function
_parameters (s)_: Input parameters, which gets conceded to the function
function body: The statements that are written down within the function.
Creating a Function in Python
You can easily create python functions with the help of the “def” keyword. To have a good understanding of it, here is how you should do it:
“# A straightforward python function”
def fun ():
print (“Welcome to Herovired”)
Calling a Function in Python
The calling of the python functions comes right after you create them. So, you can call the functions by utilizing the function’s name and the parenthesis that contains the parameters of that function.
This is how you can call a function in Python:
“# A straightforward Python function”
def fun():
print(“Welcome to Herovired”)
# Driver code to call the function
So, the output here is “Welcome to Herovired.”
How to Make a Function in Python?
When it comes to making a function in python, the experts who conduct data- warehousing-and-data-mining have said that it can be easily created with the DEF keyword. In this section, you will comprehend how to make a function in python and also in a detailed manner.
“#To make the function”
def my_function():
print(“This is the function”)
Remember, the “def” keyword will only define and make a function. Now, if you wish to call a function, you need to utilize the function name and the parentheses. Here is what you should do:
“#To make the function”
def my_function():
print(“This is the function”)
If you fail to indent, the function’s body is viewed as a syntax error.
But it’s advised that you do not utilize identical names for the corresponding parameters present within the function definition and arguments passed to the function.
Python Function Arguments
Under python functional programming, arguments are known as the value, which is sent to the function when it’s called. Arguments specified after the name of the function are present inside the parentheses.
You can add many arguments but just need to separate all the arguments with a comma. The example provided in this section shows that it has a function with just one argument. Read more about python libraries by Hero Vired.
When the function gets called, you pass a first name. This first name is then utilized inside the function to print out a full name. Now, let’s check the examples of python functions:
By now, you already know what python functions, its benefits and how they are created. But there are certain examples of the python functions which can provide you with a much better understanding of it:
Here is an example of the python functional programming with parameters:
You need to call and define the function with the parameters:
def function_name(parameter: data type) -> return type:
“ “ “Docstring” ” ”
# body of a function
return expression
The next python function example utilizes parameters and arguments. Let’s check it out:
def add (num1: int, num2: int) -> int:
“ “ “ Add two numbers“ “ “
num3 = num1 + num 2
return num3
#Driver code
Num1, num2 = 15, 15
ans = add(num1, num2)
print( f“The addition of [num1] and [num2] results [ans].”)
So, the output here is “15 + 15 = 30”
Function Arguments
Once you learn what is python functions, you will get also learn that there are various kinds of arguments in the python function, which are
Positional Arguments
Keyword Arguments
Arbitrary Arguments
Default Arguments
But in this section, you learn about only one type of function argument. So, let’s begin!
Default Arguments: This type of argument is known as a parameter, which assumes the default value when the function call has no value for the argument. Here is an example of a default argument that can help you understand:
#Python program to illustrate
#default arguments
def myFun(x, y=50):
print(“x: “, x)
print(“y: “,y)
#Driver code (Calling myFun() with only
# argument)
The output: X is 10, and Y is 50
The functions in python are extremely important because it helps return a particular task. With the Python function, you can easily place repeated or commonly done work together.
That way, you don’t have to write down the code every time but use function calls to reuse the code present in it and utilize it as many times as you need.
What is the syntax for calling a function in Python?
The syntax for calling a function in Python is called def function_name().
How do you use the return statement in Python functions?
You can easily utilize the return statement inside the method or function to send the results of the function back to the caller.
What is the difference between a method and a function in Python?
There is a massive difference between functions and methods in Python. This table will provide a clear understanding of it.
There is no need to define the function.
Method definitions are present inside the class
It’s not associated with the objects
It's associated with a class object
Function is called by its name
It gets called on the object
Function does not depend on a class. It’s known as an identical entity
Method depends on the class they are part of
Function doesn’t need any argument
It needs itself as the 1st argument
How do you document Python functions using docstrings?
You can easily document the Python functions utilizing the docstrings by including three crucial elements, such as:
The return value
The parameters
One-sentence summary
What is a default argument value in Python functions?
In python functions, the default argument is known as the 'fallback value.'