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Top Agile Methodology Interview Questions and Answers

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Agile is the most liked software development method which emphasises adaptability, teamwork and client satisfaction. It has grown to be a vital part of the modern-day software development process and therefore is useful in searching for a job or developing one’s career.


This blog post will focus on the top Agile methodology interview questions separated by skill level i.e. beginner, intermediate, and advanced. These questions will go a long way to ensure you are well-prepared for your next interview, whether you are just starting out or looking to increase your knowledge further.

Beginner-Friendly Agile Interview Questions

1.   What is Agile?

Agile is a software development method that highlights adaptability, collaboration and user feedback. Through small manageable increments, it encourages iterative progress, thereby allowing the teams to react quickly to changes while efficiently delivering high-quality software.

2.   What distinguishes Agile from Lean methodologies?

Aspect Agile Lean
Focus Flexibility and customer collaboration Efficiency and waste reduction
Approach Iterative development and continuous feedback Streamlining processes by eliminating non-value-adding activities
Origin Software development Manufacturing (adapted to software development)
Key Practices Sprints, User Stories, Continuous Integration Value Stream Mapping, Just-In-Time Delivery

3.   What is the Agile methodology?

The Agile methodology is a framework that guides teams in implementing Agile principles. It involves iterative development, continuous feedback, and collaboration across cross-functional teams. The focus is on delivering small, functional parts of the software frequently, allowing for constant improvements.

4.   What are some important parts of the Agile process?

Key parts of the Agile process include:


  • Iterations: Short development cycles.
  • Stand-ups: Daily team meetings.
  • Backlogs: Prioritised lists of tasks.
  • User Stories: Simple descriptions of features from the user’s perspective.
  • Retrospectives: Meetings to reflect on progress and improve processes.

5.   What are the different types of Agile methodologies?

Agile methodologies include several frameworks, such as:


  • Scrum: Focuses on iterative progress through sprints.
  • Kanban: Visualizes workflow to optimise efficiency.
  • Extreme Programming (XP): Emphasises technical excellence and customer satisfaction.
  • Lean: Focuses on reducing waste and improving efficiency.

6.   What do you know about scrum agile methodology?

Agile Scrum methodology involves organising work into sprints of two to four weeks. Each sprint produces a potentially ship-able product increment. It involves roles such as Scrum Master, Product Owner and Development Team with regular ceremonies like daily stand-ups, sprint planning meetings and retrospectives.

7.   Compare the roles of a Scrum Master and a Project Manager.

Aspect Scrum Master Project Manager
Focus Facilitates Scrum processes Manages project scope, time, and budget
Role in Team Servant leader, removes impediments Leader, directs the team
Scope Focuses on team’s success within sprints Focuses on overall project success
Documentation Minimal, focuses on Agile principles Extensive, required for project tracking
Authority No direct authority, acts as a coach Has authority over team members

8.   Define lean software development.

Lean Software Development is characterised by its focus on eliminating waste in order to optimise efficiency. It focuses on delivering value to customers with minimum overhead, emphasising continuous improvement through practices like minimising delays and reducing unnecessary features, among others fostering a learning culture.

9.   What does extreme programming mean?

XP (Extreme Programming) is an agile methodology focused on frequent releases and technical excellence. It advocates practices such as pair programming, test-driven development (TDD) and continuous integration as ways of improving code quality and being able to respond fast to changing customer requirements.

10. What Are the Principles of Agile Testing?

  • Continuous Testing: Testing is integrated throughout the development process.
  • Collaborative Testing: Testers work closely with developers and stakeholders.
  • Customer Focus: Testing is aligned with user needs and feedback.
  • Automation: Automated tests are heavily utilised to ensure efficiency.
  • Flexibility: Testing practices adapt to changes in requirements.

11. What are some Agile metrics that need to be focused on?

  • Velocity: Measures the amount of work completed in a sprint.
  • Cycle Time: The time it takes to complete a task from start to finish.
  • Burndown Chart: Tracks remaining work in a sprint.
  • Defect Density: The number of defects per unit of code.
  • Lead Time: Time from task creation to completion.

12. Explain the difference between Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog.

Aspect Product Backlog Sprint Backlog
Content All features, requirements, and improvements for the entire product Subset of the Product Backlog selected for a specific sprint
Ownership Managed by the Product Owner Managed by the Development Team
Scope Broad, covers the entire project Narrow, focuses on a single sprint
Update Frequency Updated throughout the project Updated daily during the sprint

13. What Is Kanban?

Kanban board visualises workflow through which teams can manage their work while limiting work-in-progress (WIP), promoting flow and enhancing focus on delivery at all times within agile methodologies. The typical kanban board includes different stages of the workflow represented in columns.

14. What are the obstacles to the Agile process?

Common obstacles to Agile include:


  • Resistance to Change: Teams may resist adopting new practices.
  • Lack of Experience: Inexperienced teams may struggle with Agile principles.
  • Poor Communication: Collaboration issues can hinder progress.
  • Inadequate Tooling: Lack of proper tools can slow down Agile processes.
  • Incomplete Requirements: Unclear requirements can lead to confusion.

15. Explain what dynamic software development methods are.

Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM) is an Agile framework that emphasises full project lifecycle support, focusing on rapid delivery of software with active user involvement. DSDM promotes iterative development, where functionality is delivered in stages and adjusted based on user feedback.

16. Contrast Agile User Stories with Use Cases.

Aspect User Stories Use Cases
Focus Brief, customer-centric feature descriptions Detailed descriptions of system interactions
Format “As a [user], I want [feature] so that [benefit].” Includes actors, scenarios, preconditions, and postconditions
Level of Detail High-level, focused on user needs Detailed, focused on system functionality
Documentation Minimal, lightweight More comprehensive and structured
Use Agile projects Traditional projects, but can be adapted to Agile

17. Define adaptive system development.

Adaptive System Development (ASD) is an agile methodology that emphasises continuous adaptation and learning throughout the software development process. It encourages iterative cycles, constant user feedback, and the ability to change course as needed to deliver value.

18. What are the advantages of the Agile process?

  • Flexibility: Ability to change requirements as needed.
  • Customer Collaboration: Ensures product meets user needs through regular feedback.
  • Faster Delivery: Incremental releases ensure quick time-to-market.
  • Improved Quality: Continuous testing and feedback loops improve quality.
  • Team Collaboration: Fosters close collaboration among cross-functional teams.

19. What are the disadvantages of the Agile process?

  • Scope Creep: Continuous changes can lead to uncontrolled growth of project scope.
  • Lack of Documentation: Agile may result in insufficient documentation.
  • Misaligned Expectations: Constant changes can lead to misaligned expectations.
  • Inconsistent Quality: Frequent releases can sometimes compromise quality.
  • Team Dependency: Agile requires strong team collaboration, which can be challenging in distributed teams.

20. What are Agile frameworks?

Agile frameworks are structured approaches to implementing Agile principles in software development. Popular frameworks include:


  • Scrum: Focuses on iterative sprints.
  • Kanban: Visualizes and optimises workflow.
  • Extreme Programming (XP): Emphasises coding best practices.
  • Lean: Aims to reduce waste and improve efficiency.


Each framework offers unique practices and tools to help teams stay Agile.

21. When should you use Waterfall over Scrum?

Waterfall is preferred over Scrum in scenarios where:


  • Requirements are well-defined and unlikely to change.
  • The project has a fixed scope and timeline.
  • Regulatory or contractual obligations require extensive documentation.
  • The project is simple and does not require frequent adjustments.

22. How long does the Scrum cycle last?

A Scrum cycle, known as a sprint, typically lasts two to four weeks. During this period, the team works on a set of prioritised tasks and aims to deliver a potentially shippable product increment by the end of the sprint.

23. What is the difference between the release burn-down chart and the sprint burn-down chart?

Aspect Release Burn-Down Chart Sprint Burn-Down Chart
Scope Tracks work remaining across multiple sprints leading to a product release Tracks work remaining within a single sprint
Focus Long-term progress towards release goals Short-term progress within the sprint
Audience Stakeholders, product management Scrum team, including Scrum Master and developers
Update Frequency Updated at the end of each sprint Updated daily during the sprint
Purpose Ensures the team is on track for release deadlines Ensures the team is on track to complete sprint goals

24. What are the applications of Agile?

Agile can be applied in various domains, including:


  • Software Development: Iterative and incremental development.
  • Project Management: Managing tasks with flexibility.
  • Product Development: Rapid prototyping and customer feedback.
  • Marketing: Adjusting strategies based on customer response.
  • Education: Adapting teaching methods to student needs.

25. What is continuous testing?

Continuous testing is a practice that involves running automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline. By catching bugs early on, it ensures that code remains in the deployable state at all times, making it integral in Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) processes.

26. Explain what continuous feedback means.

In Agile, continuous feedback means getting regular input from various stakeholders like customers or team members during the entire software lifecycle. This allows for adjustments by the team to improve the product continuously while realigning them with customers’ expectations.

27. Explain why communication skills are important for Agile testers.

Communication skills are vital for Agile testers because:

  • Collaborative Work: Testers must work closely with developers and stakeholders.
  • Clear Reporting: Issues and bugs must be communicated clearly and promptly.
  • User Feedback: Testers need to understand and act on customer feedback.
  • Team Alignment: Effective communication ensures that everyone is on the same page.

28. Can you tell me how less documentation is important for Agile testing?

Less documentation is important in Agile testing because:


  • Focus on Working Software: Agile values working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Speed and Flexibility: Less documentation reduces overhead, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes.
  • Collaboration: Face-to-face communication and collaboration often replace formal documentation, speeding up the development process.

29. When should you not use Agile?

  • Requirements are fixed and well-documented.
  • The project is simple and doesn’t require frequent adjustments.
  • There’s a need for extensive documentation for regulatory or legal reasons.
  • Stakeholders are unwilling to engage continuously.
  • The team is inexperienced with Agile practices or prefers a more structured approach.

30. What is the product burndown chart?

A product burndown chart shows the remaining work in a product backlog over time. It helps teams track their progress towards the overall project goal thereby ensuring they remain within planned timelines for delivery of complete products.

31. What is a sprint burndown chart?

A sprint burndown chart shows the amount of work remaining in a sprint. Updated daily, it helps teams monitor progress toward sprint goals. The chart provides a quick visual reference to determine if the team is on track to complete all tasks by the end of the sprint.

32. What is the Release burndown chart?

A release burndown chart monitors the development of the tasks done across many sprints up to product delivery. It displays how much work is left until a product can be released, allowing teams and stakeholders to gauge progress and make any necessary changes.

33. How is the velocity of the sprint measured?

Sprint velocity is measured by calculating the total amount of work completed in a sprint, typically in story points or hours. It is the sum of all the story points associated with user stories that were completed during the sprint. Velocity helps teams estimate future sprints’ capacity.

34. Explain the difference between Agile testing and traditional testing approaches.

Aspect Agile Testing Traditional Testing
Timing Continuous, throughout the development process After the development phase is completed
Collaboration Close collaboration with developers and stakeholders Limited collaboration, often isolated from development
Feedback Immediate, during the sprint Delayed, after the entire project is developed
Documentation Minimal, often automated Extensive, detailed test plans and cases
Focus Customer needs and requirements Meeting predefined specifications

35. What are the major agile quality strategies?

  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): Writing tests before code to ensure quality.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): Integrating code frequently to catch issues early.
  • Pair Programming: Two developers work together to improve code quality.
  • Code Reviews: Regular peer reviews to maintain high standards.
  • Automated Testing: Using automation to ensure consistency and speed.

36. What do you understand about Daily Stand-Up?

A Daily Stand-Up is a short, time-boxed meeting held every day, usually lasting 15 minutes. Team members discuss what they accomplished the previous day, what they plan to do today, and any blockers they face. It keeps everyone aligned and informed.

37. What are the different roles in Scrum?

Scrum has three primary roles:


  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the process, removes impediments.
  • Product Owner: Represents the customer’s interests, manages the product backlog.
  • Development Team: Cross-functional members who do the actual work of developing, testing, and delivering the product.

38. How does the Definition of Done differ from the Acceptance Criteria?

Aspect Definition of Done Acceptance Criteria
Purpose Ensures a task is fully completed Ensures a specific feature meets requirements
Scope Broad, applies to all user stories and tasks Narrow, applies to individual user stories or features
Focus Quality standards, such as coding, testing, documentation Functional requirements, such as behaviour and outcomes
Responsibility Defined by the team Defined by the Product Owner

39. What do you know about the Scrum ban?

Scrum-ban is a hybrid methodology that combines Scrum and Kanban. It uses Scrum’s structure (like sprints) while leveraging Kanban’s focus on continuous flow and visualising work. This approach is useful for teams that need to maintain flexibility while still following a structured framework.

40. How do you handle conflicts within an agile team?

  • Open Communication: Encouraging team members to voice concerns.
  • Mediation: Facilitating discussions to find a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Focus on Goals: Reminding the team of the common objectives.
  • Empathy: Understanding different perspectives to find common ground.
  • Follow-Up: Ensuring that the resolution is effective and sustainable.

41. What is the difference between Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment?

Aspect Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Deployment (CD)
Focus Integrating code into a shared repository Automatically deploying code to production
Goal Early detection of integration issues Rapid release of new features
Automation Automated testing on integration Automated deployment to production
Frequency Multiple integrations per day Frequent deployments, sometimes multiple per day
Control Manual approval for deployment Fully automated, no manual intervention

42. How do Agile and DevOps complement each other?

Agile and DevOps complement each other by focusing on improving the software development lifecycle:


  • Agile: Enhances collaboration, flexibility, and continuous delivery through iterative development.
  • DevOps: Bridges the gap between development and operations by promoting automation, continuous integration, and deployment.
  • Together: They foster a culture of continuous improvement, with Agile driving development efficiency and DevOps ensuring smooth deployment and operations.

43. How do Agile and traditional project management differ?

Aspect Agile Project Management Traditional Project Management
Approach Iterative and incremental Sequential (Waterfall)
Flexibility High, adapts to changes Low, changes can be costly and time-consuming
Team Structure Self-organising, cross-functional teams Managed, hierarchical structure
Documentation Minimal, just enough Extensive, detailed documentation
Customer Involvement Continuous, regular feedback Limited, mainly at the start and end of the project

44. Compare and contrast the Sprint Backlog and Release Backlog.

Aspect Sprint Backlog Release Backlog
Scope Work planned for a specific sprint Work planned for an entire release
Content Detailed tasks and user stories for the sprint High-level features and goals for the release
Duration Typically 2-4 weeks Can span multiple sprints
Ownership Managed by the Development Team Managed by the Product Owner and Development Team
Flexibility Can be adjusted during the sprint if necessary Adjusted as priorities change over multiple sprints

45. What is the difference between a Feature and an Epic in Agile?

Aspect Feature Epic
Definition A specific functionality that delivers value to the user A large body of work that can be broken down into smaller features or user stories
Size Smaller, more manageable Larger, often requiring multiple sprints to complete
Scope Narrow, focused on a particular user need Broad, encompassing multiple related functionalities
Tracking Tracked as part of the sprint backlog Tracked at a higher level in the product backlog

46. What is the difference between a Product Owner and a Scrum Master?

Aspect Product Owner Scrum Master
Primary Focus Maximises product value by managing the product backlog Facilitates the Scrum process, ensures the team follows Agile practices
Authority Has authority over the product backlog and prioritisation Has no direct authority, acts as a servant leader
Customer Interaction Regularly interacts with customers and stakeholders Focuses on supporting the team internally
Responsibilities Defines user stories, sets priorities, and ensures the team delivers value Removes impediments, facilitates meetings, and coaches the team
Ownership Product vision and backlog Scrum process and team dynamics

47. Contrast the concepts of Velocity and Burn-down charts.

Aspect Velocity Burn-down Chart
Definition Measures the amount of work completed in a sprint Visualizes remaining work in a sprint or release
Usage Helps estimate future sprints Tracks progress toward completing sprint or release goals
Focus Team’s productivity over time Remaining work versus time
Update Frequency Calculated at the end of each sprint Updated daily during the sprint
Purpose Predicts team capacity for future sprints Ensures the team is on track to meet its goals

48. What differentiates Agile Story Points from Hours estimation?

Aspect Story Points Hours Estimation
Basis Effort, complexity, and uncertainty Time required to complete a task
Scale Relative (e.g., Fibonacci sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8) Absolute (e.g., hours or days)
Purpose Helps estimate work effort across teams Helps track time spent on individual tasks
Flexibility More flexible, accounts for complexity and risk More rigid, focuses on time only
Subjectivity Subjective, based on team consensus More objective, based on time-tracking

49. Difference between Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)?

Aspect Test-Driven Development (TDD) Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)
Focus Writing tests before writing code Writing behaviour specifications before writing tests and code
Audience Primarily developers Developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders
Language Typically uses programming languages Uses natural language or domain-specific language
Output Unit tests that guide the development process Scenarios that describe system behaviour
Goal Ensure code correctness and refactor as needed Ensure alignment between business goals and implementation

Intermediate-Level Agile Interview Questions

50. Explain what pair programming means.

Pair programming is a practice in Extreme Programming (XP) where two developers work together at a single workstation. One writes the code (the “driver”) while the other reviews each line as it’s written (the “observer” or “navigator”). They switch roles frequently to ensure both contribute equally.

51. Explain the advantages of pair programming.

  • Improved Code Quality: Continuous review by a second developer reduces errors.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Junior developers learn from more experienced ones.
  • Faster Problem Solving: Two minds working together can solve problems quicker.
  • Increased Collaboration: Promotes teamwork and improves communication skills.
  • Better Design Decisions: Immediate feedback leads to better design choices.

52. How is Agile methodology different from the traditional Waterfall process?

Aspect Agile Methodology Traditional Waterfall Process
Approach Iterative, incremental development Linear, sequential development
Flexibility High, allows for changes and adjustments Low, difficult to accommodate changes
Customer Involvement Continuous feedback and collaboration Limited involvement, mainly at the beginning and end
Documentation Minimal, focuses on working software Extensive, detailed documentation required
Delivery Frequent, with small increments One-time delivery at the end of the project

53. What is a sprint review meeting?

A sprint review meeting is held at the end of each sprint to demonstrate the work completed. The development team showcases the finished product increment to stakeholders, who provide feedback. This meeting helps ensure the project is on track and aligned with customer expectations.

54. What is a sprint retrospective meeting?

A sprint retrospective meeting is held after the sprint review. The team reflects on the sprint, discussing what went well, what didn’t, and how processes can be improved. The goal is to identify actionable steps to enhance future sprints, fostering continuous improvement.

55. Difference between extreme programming and scrum?

Aspect Extreme Programming (XP) Scrum
Focus Technical excellence and continuous customer involvement Process and project management framework
Practices Pair programming, TDD, continuous integration Sprints, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives
Flexibility Highly adaptive, changes can be made at any time Structured with set roles and ceremonies
Team Size Typically smaller teams Can work with teams of varying sizes
Emphasis Code quality and technical practices Process, team collaboration, and iterative delivery

56. What is refactoring?

Refactoring is the process of improving the internal structure of existing code without changing its external behaviour. The goal is to make the code cleaner, more efficient, and easier to maintain. This can involve simplifying complex code, eliminating redundancy, or improving readability.

57. How can QA add value to an Agile team?

  • Early Involvement: Participating in planning and design to identify potential issues early.
  • Continuous Testing: Providing feedback throughout the development cycle, ensuring quality at every stage.
  • Collaboration: Working closely with developers to ensure features meet quality standards.
  • Automation: Implementing automated tests to speed up the testing process and improve accuracy.

58. What is the difference between Scrum and Kanban?

Aspect Scrum Kanban
Structure Time-boxed sprints with predefined roles Continuous flow without predefined time frames
Roles Scrum Master, Product Owner, Development Team No specific roles required
Focus Delivering a potentially shippable product increment Visualising and optimising workflow
Planning Sprint planning at the start of each sprint Continuous planning, work added to the board as needed
Flexibility Limited flexibility within a sprint High flexibility, work items can be reprioritized anytime

59. What are the essential qualities a good Agile tester should have?

  • Collaboration Skills: Ability to work closely with developers, product owners, and other stakeholders.
  • Flexibility: Adaptability to changing requirements and priorities.
  • Proactive Attitude: Taking initiative to identify and solve problems early.
  • Automation Skills: Proficiency in using automated testing tools and frameworks.
  • Customer Focus: Understanding of user needs and ensuring the product meets them.

60. Mention the challenges involved in developing Agile Software.

  • Changing Requirements: Frequent changes can lead to scope creep.
  • Time Management: Short sprints require careful planning and execution.
  • Communication: Requires strong communication among team members and stakeholders.
  • Skill Gaps: Teams may lack experience with Agile practices.
  • Tooling: Inadequate tools can hinder the Agile process, especially in automated testing and CI/CD.

61. Explain the difference between incremental and iterative development.

Aspect Incremental Development Iterative Development
Approach Building the system in small, complete increments Refining the system through repeated cycles
Delivery Delivers parts of the product progressively Delivers a basic version first, then improves it over time
Focus Adding new functionality with each increment Refining and improving existing functionality
Outcome Complete working features at each step Improved versions of the product with each iteration
Use Case Useful when the product can be divided into clear, standalone parts Useful when the product needs ongoing refinement or exploration

62. What is Zero sprint in Agile?

Zero sprint refers to the preparatory work done before the first sprint begins. It includes activities like setting up the environment, gathering initial requirements, creating a project backlog, and planning the overall project. This sprint doesn’t produce a deliverable but sets the stage for the development process.

63. What are three project management tools that programmers use in Agile development?

  • Jira: A tool for tracking issues, planning sprints, and managing backlogs.
  • Trello: A visual tool for managing tasks and workflows using boards and cards.
  • Asana: A collaboration tool for tracking tasks, assigning responsibilities, and monitoring progress.

64. Explain the difference between agile testing methods and other testing methods.

Aspect Agile Testing Methods Traditional Testing Methods
Timing Continuous, throughout the development process Performed after the development phase is complete
Collaboration Close collaboration with developers and stakeholders Limited collaboration, usually isolated from development
Documentation Minimal, focuses on working software Extensive, detailed test plans and cases
Flexibility High, can adapt to changing requirements Low, changes can be costly and time-consuming
Feedback Immediate, during the sprint Delayed, often after the project is nearly complete

65. What do you mean by release candidate?

A release candidate is a version of the software that is nearly ready for release. It has passed through all the necessary tests and checks and is considered stable. If no critical issues are found, it can be officially released to customers. It’s the final step before the official launch.

66. What is the difference between the release burn-down chart and the sprint burn-down chart?

Aspect Release Burn-Down Chart Sprint Burn-Down Chart
Scope Tracks work remaining across multiple sprints leading to a product release Tracks work remaining within a single sprint
Focus Long-term progress towards release goals Short-term progress within the sprint
Audience Stakeholders, product management Scrum team, including Scrum Master and developers
Update Frequency Updated at the end of each sprint Updated daily during the sprint
Purpose Ensures the team is on track for release deadlines Ensures the team is on track to complete sprint goals

67. What is the scrum of scrums?

Scrum of Scrums is a scaled Agile technique used when multiple Scrum teams work on the same project. Representatives from each team meet regularly to discuss progress, coordinate efforts, and address dependencies or impediments. This ensures that all teams are aligned and working towards the same goal.

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Advanced Level Agile Interview Questions

68. How do you scale Agile in large organisations?

Implementing Scaled Agile Frameworks (SAFe): These frameworks help coordinate multiple Agile teams.

  • Creating Cross-Functional Teams: Ensuring teams have all the necessary skills to deliver features independently.
  • Synchronising Sprints: Aligning sprint cycles across teams for better coordination.
  • Establishing a Product Vision: A unified vision guides all teams towards common goals.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular retrospectives to refine processes across teams.

69. Can Agile methods be substituted by Scrum methods?

When it comes to Agile philosophy, it is vast while Scrum is a particular type of Agile framework with definite roles, events as well as artefacts. Agile methods can be adapted by developers if their project does not fit into Scrum but they would miss out on the structured approach offered by Scrum. Project demands and team dynamics dictate this choice.

70. What do you know about the “Scrum Poker” method?

Scrum poker also referred to as planning poker is an estimation technique used by agile teams based on consensus. During sprint planning, members of the team use cards with numbers in order to estimate the effort required for a user story. The estimates are discussed until the team agrees on them so that they have more accuracy and balance with their workload.

71. When would you use velocity metrics for Agile projects?

  • For Sprint Planning: To estimate how much work the team can commit to in a sprint.
  • For Forecasting: To predict the completion date of the project based on past performance.
  • For Process Improvement: To analyse and improve team productivity over time.
  • For Stakeholder Communication: To provide transparency and set realistic expectations.

72. What is a tracer bullet?

A tracer bullet is a technique in Agile used to explore potential solutions quickly and with minimal resources. It involves building a simple, functional slice of the software that touches all major components, helping teams understand feasibility, identify risks, and guide future development.

73. How to manage remote teams?

  • Clear Communication: Use tools like Slack or Zoom for regular updates.
  • Setting Expectations: Clearly define goals, roles, and deadlines.
  • Frequent Check-Ins: Regular meetings to track progress and address issues.
  • Trust and Autonomy: Empower team members to make decisions and manage their own work.
  • Use of Tools: Leverage project management tools like Jira or Trello for task tracking and collaboration.

74. What does the term impediment mean?

An impediment is anything that blocks or slows down the progress of an Agile team. It could be technical issues, lack of resources, or organisational challenges. The Scrum Master is responsible for identifying and removing these impediments to ensure the team can work efficiently.

75. Mention the places where the Scrum and Kanban methodologies are used.



  • Software Development: Managing complex software projects with iterative progress.
  • Product Development: Guiding the creation of new products from concept to delivery.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Planning and executing marketing strategies in cycles.




  • IT Operations: Managing ongoing tasks and incidents with a focus on flow.
  • Manufacturing: Optimising production processes by visualising work stages.
  • Support Teams: Handling service requests and tickets with continuous flow.

76. What are the essential qualities to have as a Scrum Master?

  • Facilitation Skills: Ability to guide meetings and discussions effectively.
  • Problem-Solving: Identifying and removing impediments quickly.
  • Communication: Clear and open communication with team members and stakeholders.
  • Leadership: Inspiring and motivating the team without direct authority.
  • Adaptability: Adjusting to changes and helping the team adapt as well.

77. What is the right moment to use the agile model?

Requirements are likely to change: Agile allows for flexibility and adaptability.


  • Customer feedback is crucial: Agile involves frequent iterations and continuous customer involvement.
  • Rapid delivery is needed: Agile promotes incremental releases, providing value faster.
  • Complex projects: Agile’s iterative nature helps manage complexity and uncertainty.
  • Collaboration is key: Agile thrives on close teamwork and communication.

78. What are the major principles of agile testing?

  • Continuous Testing: Testing is done throughout the development cycle.
  • Customer Collaboration: Testing focuses on customer needs and feedback.
  • Automated Testing: Automation is used to ensure quick and consistent testing.
  • Flexibility: Testing practices are adapted as requirements change.
  • Team Responsibility: Quality is everyone’s responsibility, not just the tester’s.

79. What Is Adaptive System Development (ADS)?

Adaptive System Development (ADS) is an Agile methodology that emphasises continuous adaptation and learning. It focuses on iterative development, frequent feedback, and the ability to pivot based on changing requirements. ADS is particularly useful in environments where uncertainty and rapid change are common.

80. What is Spike in Agile?

A Spike in Agile is a time-boxed research activity used to gather information or explore a technology, concept, or issue. Spikes are often used when the team needs to understand an aspect of the project before they can estimate or implement it. Spikes can be technical or functional.

81. Explain TimeBoxing in Scrum.

TimeBoxing in Scrum refers to setting a fixed duration for an activity or task. For example, a sprint is a TimeBoxed iteration, typically lasting 2-4 weeks. TimeBoxing helps keep the team focused, ensures that work is completed within a set time, and prevents scope creep. Common TimeBoxed events include daily stand-ups (15 minutes) and sprint reviews (2-4 hours).

82. What is test-driven development?

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice where developers write tests before writing the actual code. The process involves:


  1. Writing a test for a specific functionality.
  2. Developing the minimal code required to pass the test.
  3. Refactoring the code while ensuring all tests continue to pass.


TDD helps ensure code quality and reduces bugs early in the development process.


The introduction of agile methodology has changed how software development teams tackle projects, bringing flexibility, collaboration and continuous improvement. Understanding key concepts, practices and roles within Agile is essential for anyone who wants to excel in an agile environment. Whether at entry level or experienced professionals having knowledge about common interview questions will give you an upper hand in getting a position that uses agile methodologies.


To effectively contribute towards the success of your team through driving innovation in your projects requires mastering these principles as well as practices around Agile frameworks. Agile thrives on constant learning plus adjustment, hence continuing seeking new horizons in order to achieve a competitive advantage in this ever-changing field.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

Associate Program Director - Hero Vired

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Hero Vired is a leading LearnTech company dedicated to offering cutting-edge programs in collaboration with top-tier global institutions. As part of the esteemed Hero Group, we are committed to revolutionizing the skill development landscape in India. Our programs, delivered by industry experts, are designed to empower professionals and students with the skills they need to thrive in today’s competitive job market.
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