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Transitive Dependency in DBMS – An In-depth Overview

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Are you struggling with redundant data in your database? Do you find it challenging to maintain data integrity while avoiding anomalies?


These are common worries we face because of transitive dependency when dealing with database management systems.


In simple terms, a transitive dependency in DBMS occurs when a non-key attribute depends on another non-key attribute. This indirect relationship can cause data anomalies and redundancy.


Transitive dependency can cause many problems in your database design. Understanding what it is and how to eliminate it can save you many headaches.


Removing transitive dependencies can facilitate a more streamlined, more trustworthy database structure.

Detailed Explanation of Transitive Dependency with Examples

Now, let us explain transitive dependency in DBMS in detail with examples. To break this down, let’s say we have a table called Books. This table has the following columns:


  • Book_ID
  • Book_Title
  • Author_Name
  • Author_Country

Here’s a sample dataset:


Book_ID Book_Title Author_Name Author_Country
1 “The Silent Patient” Alex Michaelides UK
2 “Circe” Madeline Miller USA
3 “Educated” Tara Westover USA


In this table:


  • Book_Title determines Author_Name.
  • Author_Name determines Author_Country.


Therefore, Book_Title indirectly determines Author_Country. This is a transitive dependency.


Why is this a problem? Because it can lead to redundancy and anomalies.


If we change the author’s country in one row, we have to update all rows for that author. If we forget, the data becomes inconsistent.

Functional Dependencies and Their Role in Forming Transitive Dependencies

Functional dependencies are the basis of database normalisation. A functional dependency occurs when one attribute uniquely determines another attribute.


For example, in our Books table:

  • Book_Title → Author_Name (Book_Title determines Author_Name)
  • Author_Name → Author_Country (Author_Name determines Author_Country)

When these dependencies chain together, we get a transitive dependency. To achieve a well-structured database, we must eliminate these transitive dependencies.

Issues Arising from Transitive Dependencies in Database Design

Transitive dependencies can cause several issues:


Data Anomalies

Transitive dependencies lead to anomalies in:


  • Insertion: Adding new data can be tricky. For instance, you can’t add an author without also adding a book.
  • Update: Updating information can be inconsistent. If an author’s country changes, you must update it in every record where that author appears.
  • Deletion: Deleting data can result in loss of related information. Deleting a book entry might remove the author’s data entirely.




Transitive dependencies create redundancy. Data is repeated unnecessarily, which increases storage and maintenance costs.




With redundant data, inconsistencies are common. Updating one instance but not another leads to conflicting data.


Imagine a table where we store book titles, authors, and their nationalities. If we change the author’s country in one record but not another, we end up with inconsistent data.


Maintenance Challenges


With data anomalies and redundancy, maintenance becomes challenging. You spend more time ensuring data consistency and less time on actual productive tasks.




Consider a table:


Book_ID Book_Title Author_Name Author_Country
1 “The Silent Patient” Alex Michaelides UK
2 “Circe” Madeline Miller USA
3 “Educated” Tara Westover USA


Changing Alex Michaelides’ country to Greece means updating every record with his name. Missing any entry leads to inconsistent data.

Steps to Eliminate Transitive Dependency in DBMS for Achieving 3NF

Achieving the Third Normal Form (3NF) involves eliminating transitive dependencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do it:

1. Identify Transitive Dependencies

Look for attributes that indirectly depend on another attribute. In our example, Book_Title determines Author_Name, and Author_Name determines Author_Country.

2. Split the Table

Create separate tables to break these dependencies.

3. Normalise the Tables

Ensure each table follows 3NF rules.


Let’s see how we can fix our Books table.


Step-by-Step Process

1. Identify the Problem

    • Book_Title → Author_Name
    • Author_Name → Author_Country
    • Therefore, Book_Title → Author_Country (transitive dependency)


2. Split the Table Create two tables: Books and Authors.


Books table:


Book_ID Book_Title Author_Name
1 “The Silent Patient” Alex Michaelides
2 “Circe” Madeline Miller
3 “Educated” Tara Westover


Authors table:


Author_Name Author_Country
Alex Michaelides UK
Madeline Miller USA
Tara Westover USA


3. Normalise the Tables Now, each table is in 3NF with no transitive dependencies.


By splitting the original table, we remove redundancy and prevent anomalies. Updating the author’s country in one place ensures consistency across the database.

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Practical Examples of Removing Transitive Dependencies and Achieving 3NF

Let’s dive into a practical example. We’ll create a Python script to show how we can manage this.

# Define the Books table books = [ {"Book_ID": 1, "Book_Title": "The Silent Patient", "Author_Name": "Alex Michaelides"}, {"Book_ID": 2, "Book_Title": "Circe", "Author_Name": "Madeline Miller"}, {"Book_ID": 3, "Book_Title": "Educated", "Author_Name": "Tara Westover"} ]  # Define the Authors table authors = [ {"Author_Name": "Alex Michaelides", "Author_Country": "UK"}, {"Author_Name": "Madeline Miller", "Author_Country": "USA"}, {"Author_Name": "Tara Westover", "Author_Country": "USA"} ]  # Function to display the Books table def display_books(): print("Books Table:") for book in books: print(f"{book['Book_ID']} | {book['Book_Title']} | {book['Author_Name']}")  # Function to display the Authors table def display_authors(): print("nAuthors Table:") for author in authors: print(f"{author['Author_Name']} | {author['Author_Country']}")  # Display the tables display_books() display_authors()



Books Table:


Book_ID Book_Title Author_Name
1 “The Silent Patient” Alex Michaelides
2 “Circe” Madeline Miller
3 “Educated” Tara Westover


Authors Table:


Author_Name Author_Country
Alex Michaelides UK
Madeline Miller USA
Tara Westover USA


In this example, we clearly separate the books and authors into two tables. Each table now follows 3NF, ensuring there are no transitive dependencies.

Benefits of Removing Transitive Dependencies

Let’s discuss the benefits of removing transitive dependency in DBMS.

Improved Data Integrity

When we eliminate transitive dependencies, we ensure each piece of data is stored only once. This reduces the chances of data inconsistency.


For example, if an author’s country changes, we update it in one place, not multiple rows.

Reduced Redundancy

By normalising our database, we cut down on duplicate data. Less redundancy means a more efficient use of storage space. It also simplifies the database, making it easier to maintain.

Easier Maintenance

A normalised database is simpler to manage. Updates, insertions, and deletions become straightforward. We avoid complex updates across multiple rows, reducing the risk of errors.

Enhanced Query Performance

A well-structured database speeds up query performance. With less redundant data, searches become faster. We retrieve data more efficiently, improving overall performance.

Clear Data Relationships

Normalisation clarifies the relationships between data. This makes it easier to understand and manage the database structure. We know exactly where to find each piece of information.


Understanding transitive dependency in DBMS is crucial for maintaining data integrity and efficiency. By identifying and eliminating these dependencies, we can reduce redundancy, avoid anomalies, and simplify database management.


This normalisation process leads to a well-structured database, improving performance and making data relationships clearer. The examples showed how splitting tables can resolve transitive dependencies, resulting in a cleaner and more reliable database design.


By following these steps, we ensure that our databases are not only efficient but also easier to maintain, providing a solid foundation for any data management task.

Functional dependency occurs when one attribute uniquely determines another. For example, Book_Title → Author_Name. A transitive dependency is an indirect relationship where one attribute determines another through a third attribute. For example, Book_Title → Author_Name and Author_Name → Author_Country, leading to Book_Title → Author_Country.
Eliminating transitive dependencies ensures data integrity. It reduces redundancy, making the database more efficient and easier to maintain. This process also helps prevent data anomalies and inconsistencies.
Consider a company database with the following table:
Employee_ID Employee_Name Department_Name Department_Location
1 Preksha HR Noida
2 Shahil IT Delhi
  Here, Department_Name determines Department_Location. If Employee_Name also determines Department_Name, we have a transitive dependency.
Normalisation can be complex and time-consuming. Identifying all dependencies and restructuring tables requires careful planning. It may also lead to more tables, which can complicate the database structure. However, the benefits of reduced redundancy and improved integrity outweigh these challenges.
Normalisation generally improves performance by reducing redundancy. Queries run faster with less duplicate data. However, overly normalised databases might require more joins, which can slow down some queries. Balancing normalisation and performance is key to effective database design.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

Associate Program Director - Hero Vired

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