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Serializability in DBMS – A Complete Overview

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Have you ever wondered why your bank balance doesn’t mess up when multiple transactions happen at the same time? Or why does your online shopping cart keep its items even when thousands of others are shopping? This magic happens because of serializability in DBMS.


Serializability in DBMS ensures that transactions occur in a way that keeps data consistent. When we talk about serializability, we mean making sure that even if transactions are running at the same time, the result is the same as if they happened one by one.


There are two types of serializability: Conflict Serializability and View Serializability. Here, we will understand serializability in detail with detailed examples.

Importance of Serializability for Database Consistency

Why is serializability so crucial?


Imagine you’re running a bank. Two customers are making transactions at the same time. One deposits $100, and the other withdraws $50.


Serializability stops this by making sure that each transaction is processed in a specific order, keeping our data safe and sound. In databases, it’s like having traffic rules that avoid crashes and keep everything running smoothly.


Without serializability, these transactions could overlap, causing incorrect balances. Serializability ensures that the final result is consistent as if the transactions happened one after the other.


It keeps our data accurate and reliable.

Understanding Schedules in DBMS

Serial Schedules

In DBMS, a schedule is the order in which transactions are executed.


In a serial schedule, transactions are executed one at a time. This means no transaction starts until the previous one finishes. It’s like waiting in line at the grocery store.




  • Transaction 1 (T1): Reads balance, deposits $100, writes new balance.
  • Transaction 2 (T2): Reads balance, withdraws $50, writes new balance.


Here, T2 starts only after T1 is complete.

Non-Serial Schedules

In non-serial schedules, transactions can overlap. This improves efficiency but can lead to conflicts if not managed properly.


This is like making coffee for several people at the same time. It’s faster but riskier if not managed well.


Without proper control, overlapping transactions can lead to errors like double-booking a hotel room. This is where serializability steps in to ensure even non-serial schedules yield the same result as serial ones.



  • Transaction 1 (T1): Reads balance, deposits $100.
  • Transaction 2 (T2): Reads balance, withdraws $50.


Both transactions may read the same initial balance, leading to errors if not handled correctly.


Also Read: What is a Database Management System?


Detailed Explanation of Conflict Serializability

Definition and Concept

Conflict serializability is all about the order of operations. It is a way to determine if a non-serial schedule is safe.


If we can swap non-conflicting operations to turn a non-serial schedule into a serial one, it’s conflict-serializable.


It checks if transactions can be rearranged into a serial order without changing the outcome. This ensures data remains consistent even when transactions overlap.

Examples Illustrating Conflict Serializability

Let’s break it down with an example.


Consider two transactions:

  • T1: Reads item count, updates item count.
  • T2: Reads item count, updates item count.


Here, if T1 and T2 run simultaneously, we might get the wrong item count.


To ensure conflict serializability, we need a way to order these transactions to avoid conflicts.


Code Example:

-- Transaction T1 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @item_count := count FROM inventory WHERE item_id = 101; UPDATE inventory SET count = @item_count + 10 WHERE item_id = 101; COMMIT; -- Transaction T2 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @item_count := count FROM inventory WHERE item_id = 101; UPDATE inventory SET count = @item_count - 5 WHERE item_id = 101; COMMIT;


Output Table:


Transaction Operation Item Count Result
T1 Read (initial) 100 100
T1 Update (+10) 110 110
T2 Read (initial) 110 110
T2 Update (-5) 105 105


In a conflict-serializable schedule, T2 would wait for T1 to finish, ensuring the correct final count.

In-Depth Look at View Serializability

What is View Serializability?

Ever wonder how to keep your database accurate when transactions overlap?


View serializability makes sure the final outcome is the same as if transactions were done one by one. It’s about maintaining the correct view of data throughout.


View serializability ensures that even when transactions overlap, the end result is the same as if they happened one after the other.


It’s like baking cookies – even if you mix the ingredients in a different order, you still get delicious cookies.


View serializability checks if the sequence of actions in a non-serial schedule is equivalent to some serial schedule. This means that the transactions produce the same final state in the database, no matter the order of execution. It’s all about maintaining the same “view” of the data.

Examples Illustrating View Serializability

Let’s break it down with an example.


Consider two transactions:

  • Transaction 1 (T1): Reads data item A and writes data item A.
  • Transaction 2 (T2): Reads data item A and writes data item A.


Code Example:

-- Transaction T1 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @balance := balance FROM accounts WHERE account_id = 1; UPDATE accounts SET balance = @balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 1; COMMIT; -- Transaction T2 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @balance := balance FROM accounts WHERE account_id = 1; UPDATE accounts SET balance = @balance - 50 WHERE account_id = 1; COMMIT;

Output Table:


Transaction Operation Account Balance Result
T1 Read (initial) 100 100
T1 Update (+100) 200 200
T2 Read (initial) 200 200
T2 Update (-50) 150 150


In a view-serializable schedule, T2 will see the result of T1’s operations, keeping the final balance accurate.

Methods for Testing Serializability in DBMS

Precedence Graph for Conflict Serializability

To test conflict serializability, we use a precedence graph. It shows the order of operations and highlights any conflicts.


If there’s a cycle in the graph, the schedule isn’t serializable.


Steps to Create a Precedence Graph:


  • Identify Transactions: List all transactions involved.
  • Draw Nodes: Each transaction is a node.
  • Add Edges: Draw directed edges for conflicting operations.
  • Check for Cycles: A cycle means the schedule isn’t conflict-serializable.

Techniques for Verifying View Serializability

View serializability requires that every transaction maintains a consistent view.


Steps to Verify View Serializability:


  1. Initial Read: Ensure the first read is the same in all schedules.
  2. Final Write: Check that the last write is consistent.
  3. Intermediate Reads/Writes: Ensure intermediate steps match the serial order.


If these conditions hold, the schedule is view-serializable.

Techniques for Implementing Serializability in DBMS

Implementing serializability can seem tricky, but with the right tools, we can do it smoothly.

Lock-Based Concurrency Control

Locks are our best friends here. They prevent transactions from stepping on each other’s toes. We use two types of locks: shared (read) and exclusive (write).




  • Transaction 1 locks X for reading.
  • Transaction 2 waits until Transaction 1 releases the lock.
  • Transaction 1 releases the lock after reading.
  • Transaction 2 locks X for writing.


This way, we avoid conflicts and keep data consistent.

Two-Phase Locking Protocol

Two-Phase Locking (2PL) is a strategy that uses two phases: growing and shrinking. In the growing phase, transactions acquire locks. In the shrinking phase, they release them.



Transaction 1 (T1): Acquire lock on A (growing phase) Read(A) Write(A) Release lock on A (shrinking phase) Transaction 2 (T2): Wait for T1 to release the lock Acquire lock on A Read(A) Write(A) Release lock on A

2PL ensures that once a transaction releases a lock, it can’t acquire any more locks, preventing deadlocks and ensuring serializability.

Optimistic Concurrency Control

Optimistic Concurrency Control assumes conflicts are rare and lets transactions proceed without locking. Before committing, transactions check for conflicts.



Transaction 1 (T1): Read(A) Calculate new value for A Before committing, check if A was changed by another transaction Transaction 2 (T2): Read(A) Calculate new value for A Before committing, check if A was changed by another transaction

If no conflicts are found, the transaction commits. If conflicts are detected, it rolls back and retries.

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Role of Isolation Levels in Maintaining Serializability

Isolation levels control how transactions interact. They help maintain serializability by setting rules for data access.


Read Uncommitted

  • Transactions can read uncommitted data.
  • High risk of inconsistencies but improves performance.


Read Committed

  • Transactions only read committed data.
  • Reduces inconsistencies.


Repeatable Read

  • Ensures data read once can be read again unchanged.
  • Prevents non-repeatable reads.



  • Highest isolation level.
  • Ensures complete consistency.
  • Prevents all concurrency issues.

Challenges and Solutions in Ensuring Serializability

Handling Deadlocks

Have you ever been stuck in traffic because everyone decided to move at the same time? In databases, this is called a deadlock. It happens when two or more transactions wait indefinitely for each other to release resources.


How to Deal with Deadlocks:


  1. Deadlock Prevention:
  • Order transactions so that requests for resources follow a specific sequence.
  • Avoid circular wait by making sure each transaction requests all resources it needs upfront.


  1. Deadlock Detection:
  • Monitor transactions and resource usage.
  • Use wait-for graphs to detect cycles indicating deadlocks.
  • If a deadlock is detected, abort one or more transactions to break the cycle.


  1. Deadlock Recovery:
  • Rollback one or more transactions to a previous state.
  • Restart the rolled-back transactions to try again.

Avoiding Starvation

Starvation occurs when a transaction waits forever because other transactions keep getting prioritised. Think of it like waiting for your turn at a game, but someone keeps cutting in line.


How to Prevent Starvation:


  1. Use Priority Scheduling:
  • Assign priorities to transactions.
  • Ensure high-priority transactions don’t always get ahead of lower-priority ones.


  1. Age-Based Priority:
  • Increase the priority of a waiting transaction over time.
  • Ensure long-waiting transactions eventually get executed.


  1. Fair Resource Allocation:
  • Allocate resources fairly among transactions.
  • Prevent any transaction from hogging all the resources.

Managing Performance Issues

Are you worried about database speed when multiple transactions run at once? Ensuring serializability can sometimes slow things down.


Tips for Managing Performance:


  1. Optimistic Concurrency Control:
  • Assume conflicts are rare.
  • Let transactions execute without strict checks and resolve conflicts before committing.


  1. Proper Indexing:
  • Use indexes to speed up read and write operations.
  • Ensure efficient data retrieval.


  1. Batch Processing:
  • Group similar transactions and execute them in batches.
  • Reduce the overhead of managing many small transactions.

Practical Examples Illustrating Serializability

Bank Account Transactions

Consider two transactions at a bank: one deposits $100, and another withdraws $50. Without proper control, the balance could be incorrect.


MySQLCode Example:

-- Transaction T1 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @balance := balance FROM accounts WHERE account_id = 1; UPDATE accounts SET balance = @balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 1; COMMIT; -- Transaction T2 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @balance := balance FROM accounts WHERE account_id = 1; UPDATE accounts SET balance = @balance - 50 WHERE account_id = 1; COMMIT;

Output Table:


Transaction Operation Account Balance Result
T1 Read (initial) 100 100
T1 Update (+100) 200 200
T2 Read (initial) 200 200
T2 Update (-50) 150 150


Inventory Management System

In an inventory system, two transactions update stock levels simultaneously. Proper control ensures accuracy.


MySQL Code Example:

-- Transaction T1 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @item_count := count FROM inventory WHERE item_id = 101; UPDATE inventory SET count = @item_count + 20 WHERE item_id = 101; COMMIT; -- Transaction T2 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @item_count := count FROM inventory WHERE item_id = 101; UPDATE inventory SET count = @item_count - 10 WHERE item_id = 101; COMMIT;

Output Table:


Transaction Operation Item Count Result
T1 Read (initial) 50 50
T1 Update (+20) 70 70
T2 Read (initial) 70 70
T2 Update (-10) 60 60


Online Booking System

In an online booking system, two users book seats at the same time. Controlling transactions ensures no double bookings.


MySQL Code Example:

-- Transaction T1 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @available_seats := seats FROM booking WHERE show_id = 202; UPDATE booking SET seats = @available_seats - 2 WHERE show_id = 202; COMMIT; -- Transaction T2 BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT @available_seats := seats FROM booking WHERE show_id = 202; UPDATE booking SET seats = @available_seats - 3 WHERE show_id = 202; COMMIT;

Output Table:


Transaction Operation Available Seats Result
T1 Read (initial) 100 100
T1 Update (-2) 98 98
T2 Read (initial) 98 98
T2 Update (-3) 95 95

Benefits of Maintaining Serializability in DBMS

Ensuring Data Integrity

Serializability ensures that the database remains accurate and reliable. It prevents data corruption by making sure transactions do not interfere with each other.

Predictable Execution

When transactions are serialised, we know the exact order of operations. This predictability makes the system easier to manage and debug.

Easier Debugging

With a clear transaction order, identifying and fixing issues becomes simpler. We can trace back the steps and see where things went wrong.

Cost Reduction and Performance Improvement

By preventing data conflicts, we reduce the need for costly error corrections. Optimised serializability techniques also enhance performance, making the system more efficient.


In this blog, we’ve delved into the critical concept of serializability in DBMS. We explored how it ensures data consistency by making transactions behave as if they occurred in a serial order.


We discussed handling deadlocks, avoiding starvation, and managing performance issues. Through practical examples, we saw serializability in action in banking, inventory, and booking systems.


By mastering these techniques, we maintain data integrity, achieve predictable execution, and enhance database performance. Serializability is essential for reliable, efficient, and accurate database management.

DBMS uses techniques like locking, timestamp ordering, and optimistic concurrency control to ensure transactions are executed in a serializable order.
Conflict serializability focuses on reordering non-conflicting operations, while view serializability ensures the outcome of transactions is the same as if they were executed serially.
Precedence graphs help visualise conflicts between transactions. They identify cycles, which indicate whether a schedule is serializable.
Isolation levels define the degree of visibility a transaction has to other concurrent transactions. Higher isolation levels like serializable ensure greater consistency but may impact performance.
Common issues include deadlocks, starvation, and performance slowdowns. These can be mitigated through techniques like deadlock prevention, priority scheduling, and efficient resource management.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

Associate Program Director - Hero Vired

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