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An Introduction to the RANK Function in SQL

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The RANK() function in SQL is useful for ranking the rows in a specific set. This function assigns a rank number to each row according to specific circumstances. The rank values are helpful in different operations on the data, for instance, to identify superior performers or to sort the data in a coherent way.


When we frequently deal with large datasets, sorting items based on their values for a given column becomes useful. For instance, we might wish to sort students by their rank or employees by their sales. The RANK() function in SQL can help us accomplish this efficiently.


The RANK() function can be categorised within the window function, which requires a defined range of rows and returns a value for each. The window function is more flexible and informative than the basic aggregation function.

Importance of RANK() Function in Data Analysis

In data analysis, ranking the data becomes very important. The ranking compares items within a given set. For instance, we might require ranking the sales representatives to identify the best performers based on total sales.


Using the RANK() function, we can easily answer questions like:


  • Which students best performed in a class based on the test scores?
  • Which items are the most popular in a given classification?
  • What position can the employees occupy as far as productivity is concerned?

Ranking functions are also used to build leaderboards, sort data for report purposes, and make analysis comparisons, making them crucial in business intelligence and data analytics.

Syntax and Basic Usage of the RANK() Function in SQL

It is critical to learn more about the structure of the RANK() function in SQL to be able to use it most efficiently. The basic syntax is:

RANK() OVER ([PARTITION BY partition_expression] ORDER BY sort_expression)
  • PARTITION BY partition_expression: This clause splits the result set into partitions on which the RANK() function is applied. It is optional. If this parameter is omitted, the function treats the whole result set as one partition.
  • ORDER BY sort_expression: This clause states how each partition’s rows are sorted. It is mandatory.

Let’s illustrate this with an example so you can understand clearly. Let us assume that there is a table named students with three attributes: student_id, name, and score. It also has to sort the students, starting with the highest score.

Practical Examples of Using the RANK() Function

Example 1: Basic Ranking

Assuming we have a table called students that has the names of the students as well as their grades:


student_id name score
1 Abhishek 95
2 Bhavna 95
3 Chitra 90
4 Dharmendra 85


Based on their test results, we want to place these students in decreasing order of score.


We want to rank these students based on their scores in descending order.

SELECT student_id, name, score, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY score DESC) AS rank FROM students;


student_id name score rank
1 Abhishek 95 1
2 Bhavna 95 1
3 Chitra 90 3
4 Dharmendra 85 4


In this example, we use the RANK() function without the PARTITION BY clause. The result will list all students, ranked by their scores in descending order. If two students have the same score, they will receive the same rank, and the next rank will have a gap.

Example 2: Ranking Within Partitions

Now, let’s rank the students in each section by adding a section column to our student’s table:


student_id name score section
1 Abhishek 95 A
2 Bhavna 95 A
3 Chitra 90 B
4 Dharmendra 85 B
5 Deeksha 88 A
6 Sachin 85 A
7 Rohit 92 B


Students in each section should be ranked according to their test results.

SELECT class, student_id, name, score, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY class ORDER BY score DESC) AS rank FROM students;


section Student_id name score rank
A 1 Abhishek 95 1
A 2 Bhavna 95 1
A 5 Deeksha 88 3
A 6 Sachin 85 4
B 7 Rohit 92 1
B 3 Chitra 90 2
B 4 Dharmendra 85 3


Here, we added the PARTITION BY clause. This means the ranking is reset for each section. Students are ranked within their respective sections based on their scores.

Example 3: Handling Ties and Gaps

Let’s see how the RANK() function handles ties and gaps using the same table:

SELECT student_id, name, score, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY score DESC) AS rank FROM students;


student_id name score rank
1 Abhishek 95 1
2 Bhavna 95 1
7 Rohit 92 3
3 Chitra 90 4
5 Deeksha 88 5
4 Dharmendra 85 6
6 Sachin 85 6


Bhavna and Abhishek are tied for first place in this table since they both have the highest score. Rohit comes in third place with the next-highest score. Due to the tie, the second rank is skipped. Dharmendra and Sachin are tied for sixth place, followed by Carol, Eve, Dave, and Frank.

Detailed Comparison of RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), ROW_NUMBER(), and NTILE() Functions

To fully understand the capabilities of the RANK() function in SQL, we need to compare it with similar functions: DENSE_RANK(), ROW_NUMBER(), and NTILE(). All of the functions are used for unique purposes, and all may be utilised for various ranking and numbering problems in SQL.

RANK() Function

It is worth noting that the RANK() function directly labels each row in the result set partition. If ties are found (meaning more than one variable has the same value in some of the rows), they get the same rank. The tiles that follow are assigned the next rank up, which is incremented by the number of tied rows, resulting in ranking gaps.

  • Syntax:
RANK() OVER ([PARTITION BY partition_expression] ORDER BY sort_expression)


  • Use Case: Use RANK() when you need to handle ties, and don’t mind gaps in the ranking sequence.

DENSE_RANK() Function

DENSE_RANK() function is similar to the RANK() function but ranks the data without gaps in the sequence. Tied rows share one rank, though the subsequent rank goes to the next number without skipping any rank.

  • Syntax:
DENSE_RANK() OVER ([PARTITION BY partition_expression] ORDER BY sort_expression)


  • Use Case: Use DENSE_RANK()to avoid gaps in the ranking sequence while handling ties.

ROW_NUMBER() Function

The ROW_NUMBER() function provides an integer that can uniquely identify the rows of the result set based on the partitions created. This function disregards connection or relationship and assigns a number unique to each row.

  • Syntax:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER ([PARTITION BY partition_expression] ORDER BY sort_expression)


  • Use Case: Use ROW_NUMBER() when you need a unique identifier for each row without concern for ties.

NTILE() Function

NTILE() works to partition the rows into a given number of rough equal groups. For each group, an ID number of a bucket is assigned, which is one initiatively.

  • Syntax:
NTILE(number_of_buckets) OVER ([PARTITION BY partition_expression] ORDER BY sort_expression)


  • Use Case: Use NTILE() when you need to divide rows into a specific number of groups for further analysis.

Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table summarising the key points:


Function Handles Ties Gaps in Rank Unique Values Divides into Groups
RANK() Yes Yes No No
NTILE() No No No Yes
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Implementing RANK() Function with PARTITION BY Clause

The RANK() function in SQL requires the PARTITION BY clause to help partition the result set. Therefore, it is possible to rank each partition individually, which may be more helpful in many cases.


To explain it, let’s go back to example 2. In that example, the PARTITION BY clause ensures that the ranking is reset for each section. This way, students were ranked within their respective sections.

Benefits of Using PARTITION BY

  • Organises Data: It allows an analyst to categorise data in a more refined manner, breaking the information into segments that are easier to analyse for patterns and correlations.
  • Improves Clarity: Ranking within partitions provides clearer insights, especially in large datasets.
  • Simplifies Queries: It simplifies queries by avoiding the need for multiple subqueries or complex joins.

Handling Ties and Gaps in Ranking with RANK() Function

Ties and gaps are inherent to the RANK() function’s behaviour. Understanding how to handle them is crucial for accurate data analysis.


Handling Ties


Tied rows receive the same rank. For example, if two students have the same score, they share the same rank. In example 1, Abhishek and Bhavna both have a score of 95 and share the 1st rank. Chitra, with the next highest score of 90, is ranked 3rd, creating a gap in the sequence.


Handling Gaps


Gaps occur in the rank sequence when there are ties. The RANK() function in SQL skips rank numbers equal to the number of tied rows. We need to understand their implications to handle gaps and decide if they are acceptable for our analysis. If gaps are undesirable, we might use DENSE_RANK() instead.

Key Points About Using the RANK() Function

When using the RANK() function in SQL, keep these key points in mind:


  • Partitioning Data: Use the PARTITION BY clause to rank data within specific groups.
  • Handling Ties: The RANK() function assigns the same rank to tied rows and skips subsequent ranks.
  • Gaps in Ranking: When ties exist, gaps will appear in the ranking sequence.
  • Choosing the Right Function: Consider using DENSE_RANK() or ROW_NUMBER() for different ranking scenarios depending on your needs.
  • Syntax and Order: Ensure correct syntax and use the ORDER BY clause to define the ranking order.

Using the RANK() function effectively allows us to gain meaningful insights from our data, rank items within partitions, and handle ties and gaps appropriately. This understanding enables better data analysis and more informed decision-making.

Use Cases for the RANK() Function in SQL

The RANK() function in SQL is versatile and can be used in various scenarios. Let’s explore some practical applications where ranking data becomes invaluable.

Ranking Sales Performance

In sales, we often need to identify top performers. The RANK() function allows us to rank sales representatives based on their total sales.

SELECT sales_rep_id, name, total_sales, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY total_sales DESC) AS rank FROM sales_data;

This query helps us quickly identify the highest-performing sales representatives. We can see who ranks at the top and analyse their strategies to improve overall sales performance.

Academic Performance Analysis

Educational institutions often rank students based on their grades. The RANK() function in SQL helps create a list of students ordered by their academic performance.

SELECT student_id, name, grade, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY class ORDER BY grade DESC) AS rank FROM student_grades;

This query partitions the data by class and ranks students within each class. It is useful for generating class rankings and identifying top students.

Product Popularity

E-commerce platforms need to know which products are the most popular. By ranking products based on sales or user ratings, they can prioritise them in marketing and promotions.

SELECT product_id, product_name, sales, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY sales DESC) AS rank FROM product_sales;

This query ranks products by their sales, helping the platform highlight best-selling products to potential customers.

Customer Segmentation

Businesses often segment customers based on their purchase history. The RANK() function in SQL helps identify high-value customers by ranking them based on their total spending.

SELECT customer_id, name, total_spent, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY total_spent DESC) AS rank FROM customer_data;

This query ranks customers by their total spending, enabling businesses to target high-value customers with special offers and loyalty programs.


In this blog, we gained a deeper knowledge of the RANK() function in SQL, the syntax and examples of using it, as well as other real-life scenarios. We understood that to rank rows within different partitions, it is necessary to use the RANK() function, which assists in analysis processes. We compared it with other ranking functions like DENSE_RANK(), ROW_NUMBER() and NTILE(), where the above-mentioned ranking functions are used for different purposes in data analysis.


You will recall that in the RANK() function in SQL we discussed earlier, the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY options play a critical role in how it works. From the foregoing, you now know how to order sales representatives, students, products, and customers given certain conditions. Moreover, we mentioned approaches to dealing with the ties and gaps in the ordered ranks and the advantages of applying the clause PARTITION BY for orderly data grouping.


By comparing the two functions, one can distinguish or decide which function to use depending on the task at hand. Whether it is sales, grades, popular products, or customer consumption, something as simple as the RANK() function is highly effective in presenting better information and making choices.

The main difference lies in how they handle ties. The RANK() function in SQL assigns ranks with equal rank numbers to the tied rows and then skips the subsequent ranks to create gaps. However, the DENSE_RANK() function also gives tied rows the same rank number but does not leave gaps between them. The next rank progresses in a sequentially orderly manner.
Yes, the RANK() function in SQL can be used without using the PARTITION BY function. When the PARTITION BY clause is left empty, this function considers the entire result set as a single partition. This means that it sorts all the rows in one place depending on the ORDER BY clause given.
The ORDER BY clause defines the means by which rows within each partition are ordered. When using this type of query, adding the ORDER BY clause to define the sorting parameter is also advisable. The RANK() function labels the record by ranking it according to the values in the columns used in the ORDER BY clause.
The RANK() function in SQL has numerous practical applications in business, including:
  • Sales Performance Analysis: Identifying top-performing sales representatives.
  • Academic Performance Analysis: Ranking students based on their grades.
  • Product Popularity: Ranking products by sales or user ratings.
  • Customer Segmentation: Identifying high-value customers based on their total spending.
Most SQL database systems, such as SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc., support the RANK() function. Depending on the specific system one might use, there can be slight differences in syntax; however, the overall use and capabilities are preserved. It is advised to refer to the SQL database manual for specific usage instructions to obtain an appropriate syntax.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

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