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Process Model in Software Engineering: Exploring Top SDLC Models

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Software development follows a structured process to deliver reliable applications. These steps ensure that projects meet requirements, deadlines, and quality standards. Different methods have evolved over time, each offering unique approaches for handling development tasks.


Some models focus on strict planning, while others emphasise flexibility and quick changes. The choice often depends on project goals, team structure, and time constraints.


In this blog, we will explore some of the top software development models used today, compare their differences, and discuss how companies choose the best one for their needs. We’ll also look at why agile models are gaining popularity.


What is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Model?

The SDLC or Software Development Life Cycle model is one of the processes used during software development, aimed at achieving developing software of the utmost required standard. It describes a number of activities that a team is tasked to perform ranging from requirement gathering to the deployment of the product. These phases enable the management of the complexities of the software development process whereby there is an assurance that each necessary phase is finished correctly and completely before proceeding to the next one.


From the planning, controlling, devising, programming, quality checking and maintenance, there are different phases that are formulated by different SDLC models. Some models take a linear perspective whereas some allow multiple loops and hence allow the teams to go back to previous stages of the process due to some feedback received. The selection of a model has a direct impact on how the development proceeds and the level of agility to change.



Each SDLC model has its own strengths and limitations, making it suitable for specific types of projects. It is important for the members of these teams to have an understanding of these models as it enables them to choose the most convenient one according to their project scale, required deadlines and customer’s needs and demands.

Top SDLC Models in Software Engineering

The process of software development can be quite complicated but somehow there are models which can be adapted for managing that process. Models that are created by engineers are used to guarantee that the work is done in a way that each phase is completed. Let us examine some of the popular SDLC models in software engineering and their pros, cons and real-life implementation.

Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is one of the oldest models in software development and one of the simplest as well. It has a linear and chronological order which means each phase has to be completed before the next one can begin. This model is ideal for use when the project has clearly defined requirements which do not change.


Phases of the Waterfall Model

  1. Requirement Gathering: Collect all the project requirements before starting development.
  2. System Design: Design the system architecture based on gathered requirements.
  3. Implementation: Start coding based on the design specifications.
  4. Integration and Testing: Combine all developed units and test them to find defects.
  5. Deployment: Release the final product for user use.
  6. Maintenance: Address any issues or changes needed after deployment.


  • Easy to understand and manage due to its structured approach.
  • Works well for small projects with clearly defined requirements.
  • Each phase has specific deliverables, making progress easy to track.


  • Not suitable for projects where requirements may change during development.
  • Testing is done late in the process, which can delay the identification of issues.
  • Inflexible, as once a phase is completed, going back is difficult and costly.


  • Used in projects with well-defined requirements that are unlikely to change.
  • Suitable for government and large-scale enterprise projects.
  • Often applied in construction and manufacturing where changes during the process are limited.



The V-Model, or Verification and Validation model, is an advancement over the Waterfall approach in that it highlights the need to pay attention to the testing phase in each step of development. No step in the process of development is performed without due consideration of an appropriate testing step. Due to this, the structure of the model can be depicted in the form of the letter “V” where the left side indicates the development side of the model, while the right side indicates the testing side.


Phases of the V-Model

  1. Requirement Analysis: Collect detailed requirements, serving as the basis for acceptance testing.
  2. System Design: Create a system architecture that will be tested in the system testing phase.
  3. High-Level Design: Plan individual modules that will undergo integration testing.
  4. Low-Level Design: Define detailed internal logic for modules, which will be validated during unit testing.
  5. Implementation: Develop the code, leading to the execution of the corresponding test phases.
  6. Testing Phases: These include unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.


  • Early detection of defects, as testing happens at every stage.
  • Clearly defined stages make it easy to manage and track progress.
  • Works well for small to medium-sized projects with clear requirements.


  • Rigid, with limited flexibility for changes during development.
  • Not ideal for projects where requirements are expected to evolve.
  • High dependency between stages, making it hard to address issues in later phases.


  • Commonly used in medical and safety-critical software development.
  • Suitable for projects where validation is key to meeting compliance standards.
  • Applied in embedded systems where testing at each phase is crucial.


Agile Model

The Agile model has flexibility as its cornerstone and ensures rapid adaptation of the model to change. It divides the whole process of software development into time-bound mini cycles commonly called ‘sprints’ or ‘iterations’ of between two to four weeks. At the end of every sprint, an increment is delivered for review and the product is improved according to input received from customers.


Phases of the Agile Model

  1. Requirement Gathering: Initial requirements are collected, with more detailed ones gathered during each sprint.
  2. Planning: Plan the sprint activities, tasks, and goals.
  3. Design and Development: Implement the features planned for the sprint.
  4. Testing: Perform testing for the sprint’s deliverables.
  5. Review: Get feedback from the customer or stakeholders.
  6. Deployment: Deliver the working product increment.
  7. Maintenance: Update the product based on ongoing feedback.


  • Adaptable to changing requirements throughout the project.
  • Delivers a working product at the end of each sprint.
  • Encourages customer involvement and feedback, leading to a product that better meets user needs.


  • Can be challenging to manage without experienced teams.
  • Not suitable for projects with fixed scope or deadlines.
  • Requires constant involvement from stakeholders, which may not always be feasible.


  • Widely used in web and mobile application development.
  • Ideal for startups where quick changes and iterations are necessary.
  • Used in software development projects requiring frequent updates or new features.


Incremental Model

The Incremental model allows software to be built in small sections or increments, with one release building upon the last. The product is incrementally developed, which allows for the early delivery of a working system in stages.


Phases of the Incremental Model

  1. Requirement Gathering: Define requirements for each increment.
  2. Design: Plan the architecture for each increment.
  3. Development: Implement each increment as a separate release.
  4. Testing: Test each increment to ensure it works independently.
  5. Integration: Combine the increment with previous releases.
  6. Deployment: Deploy the updated product after each increment.
  7. Maintenance: Address issues as they arise in each version.



  • Provides a working product at each stage, allowing for early user feedback.
  • Easier to manage and test smaller sections rather than the entire system.
  • Allows for changes and updates based on user feedback throughout the project.



  • Planning can be complex, as each increment must integrate smoothly.
  • May lead to poor system architecture if not planned correctly.
  • Total cost may be higher due to frequent testing and updates.



  • Suitable for projects where early delivery of core features is required.
  • Used in projects with unclear or evolving requirements.
  • Ideal for businesses needing frequent updates to their software.


RAD Model

The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model emphasises quick development and iterative feedback. It focuses on building prototypes that are refined based on user input, allowing for changes and improvements throughout the development process. RAD is known for reducing development time by overlapping design and coding.


Phases of the RAD Model

  1. Requirement Planning: Identify the requirements that are understood at the outset.
  2. User Design: Create prototypes with user input to refine the design.
  3. Construction: Develop the software using the feedback from the prototypes.
  4. Cutover: Finalise testing, deploy the system, and provide training.
  5. Maintenance: Make adjustments based on real-world use and feedback.



  • Speeds up development due to quick iterations and user feedback.
  • Reduces the chances of major changes late in the development cycle.
  • Enhances user satisfaction by involving them in the development process.



  • Not suitable for projects with high complexity or scalability requirements.
  • Requires continuous user involvement, which can be difficult to maintain.
  • May result in poor documentation due to the fast-paced nature.



  • Effective for small to medium-sized projects where development speed is a priority.
  • Commonly used in web and mobile app development.
  • Applied in projects where quick delivery and frequent updates are needed.


Iterative Model

The Iterative model develops software in repeated cycles, allowing teams to refine the product through multiple versions. Instead of starting with a complete set of requirements, development begins with a basic version of the software, which is improved in each iteration. This model emphasises revisiting and revising work based on feedback.


Phases of the Iterative Model

  1. Initial Planning: Define the basic scope and requirements to start the first iteration.
  2. Design: Create a simple design for the initial iteration.
  3. Development: Implement a basic version of the software.
  4. Testing: Test the software and identify any issues or needed changes.
  5. Evaluation and Feedback: Gather user feedback to refine the next iteration.
  6. Repeat: Continue with the next iteration, building on the previous one.



  • Allows for early detection and resolution of risks or issues.
  • Facilitates ongoing feedback, leading to a better product over time.
  • Adaptable to changes, as each iteration can adjust based on new requirements.



  • Can result in scope creep if iterations are not managed well.
  • Planning and scheduling can be challenging due to continuous changes.
  • Requires more management effort to track progress across multiple iterations.



  • Suitable for large projects with evolving requirements.
  • Used in software systems that need frequent enhancements.
  • Ideal for research and development projects where initial requirements are unclear.


Spiral Model

The Spiral model is a hybrid of the iterative and waterfall models with the added fact that risk analysis and risk reduction are carried out at every level. The entire development process is segmented into numerous loops, also termed as ‘spirals’. Each spiral comprises four phases of development which include planning, an assessment of risk, engineering, and the last phase being evaluation. It is a model that suits the requirements of complex projects with higher risks.


Phases of the Spiral Model

  1. Planning: Identify objectives, alternatives, and constraints for the iteration.
  2. Risk Analysis: Evaluate risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.
  3. Engineering: Design and implement the software based on the risk analysis.
  4. Evaluation: Review the results with stakeholders and gather feedback for the next iteration.



  • Effective for large, complex projects with many risk factors.
  • Allows for changes and refinements throughout the development process.
  • Focus on risk management reduces the chances of project failure.



  • Can be expensive due to ongoing risk analysis and iterative development.
  • Requires expertise in risk management.
  • May result in long development times if too many spirals are needed.



  • Commonly used in military and aerospace software development.
  • Suitable for projects with high-risk requirements.
  • Ideal for large-scale systems with evolving requirements.


Prototype Model

The Prototype model emphasizes in making a working software prototype in the early stages of the software development life cycle. The prototype serves as a scaled-down version of the product that is to be designed and is used to demonstrate and test the concept and its functionality. The prototype progresses through several iterations based on user feedback to reach a sufficiently developed stage.


Phases of the Prototype Model

  1. Requirement Gathering and Analysis: Gather initial requirements based on user needs.
  2. Quick Design: Create a simple design for the prototype.
  3. Prototype Building: Develop the prototype with basic functionality.
  4. User Evaluation: Gather feedback from users to identify needed improvements.
  5. Refinement: Update the prototype based on feedback until it meets expectations.
  6. Final Development: Develop the final product based on the refined prototype.



  • Encourages user involvement, resulting in a product that meets user expectations.
  • Allows for early detection of problems or misunderstandings.
  • Reduces development time and cost by focusing on essential features.


  • Can lead to excessive changes if user feedback is not managed properly.
  • May cause developers to focus too much on the prototype instead of the final product.
  • Often results in poor documentation.


  • Suitable for projects where user requirements are unclear.
  • Used in developing user interfaces and system functionality that requires user input.
  • Ideal for complex systems with high interaction between components.

Kanban Model

The Kanban model involves the use of a visual board to promote and improve the workflow. It encourages teams to deliver steadily, dividing work into chunks and limiting the number of chunks being worked on at a particular instant. The model seeks to enhance efficiency through the use of visualisation techniques to manage WIP and pinpoint bottlenecks.


Phases of the Kanban Model

  1. Backlog: Create a list of tasks that need to be completed.
  2. To Do: Move tasks from the backlog to the “To Do” column when ready.
  3. In Progress: Limit the number of tasks that can be worked on at once.
  4. Review/Testing: Move tasks to testing once they are completed.
  5. Done: Mark tasks as done when they pass all criteria.



  • Increases visibility of work in progress, allowing for quick adjustments.
  • Improves flexibility by allowing changes to be made as needed.
  • Focuses on delivering tasks continuously, leading to faster results.



  • May be difficult to manage if the team does not have experience with Kanban.
  • Lacks a set structure, which may lead to inconsistent results.
  • Can be less effective for teams working on large, complex projects.



  • Suitable for projects that require continuous updates.
  • Widely used in software development, especially for maintenance tasks.
  • Applied in manufacturing and service industries for process optimization.


Scrum Model

The Scrum model is an Agile framework that uses time-boxed iterations known as “sprints” to deliver small, incremental updates. Scrum emphasises collaboration, flexibility, and quick response to changes, with daily stand-up meetings to track progress and resolve issues.


Phases of the Scrum Model

  1. Sprint Planning: Define the goals and tasks for the sprint.
  2. Daily Scrum: Conduct daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress and obstacles.
  3. Development: Implement tasks during the sprint.
  4. Sprint Review: Demonstrate the completed work and gather feedback.
  5. Sprint Retrospective: Reflect on the sprint and identify areas for improvement.



  • Allows for quick changes based on feedback.
  • Promotes teamwork and collaboration.
  • Delivers a working product at the end of each sprint.



  • Requires experienced team members to manage effectively.
  • Can lead to scope creep if sprints are not well-defined.
  • High reliance on team communication.



  • Ideal for software development projects with changing requirements.
  • Used in web development, app development, and game development.
  • Suitable for projects where customer feedback is crucial.


Big Bang Model

The Big Bang model is a simple approach where development starts without any formal planning or requirements. Developers begin coding with only basic requirements, and the project evolves as it progresses. Testing is done after the development phase is complete.


Phases of the Big Bang Model

  1. Requirement Gathering: Basic requirements are discussed, often informally.
  2. Development: Begin coding based on initial understanding.
  3. Testing: Conduct testing after the development phase.
  4. Deployment: Release the final product.
  5. Maintenance: Fix issues and make improvements after deployment.



  • Very simple and requires minimal planning.
  • Works well for small projects with limited requirements.
  • Suitable when time is a constraint, and rapid development is needed.


  • High risk due to lack of structured planning.
  • Can lead to poor-quality software.
  • Not suitable for large or complex projects.



  • Used in small projects with unclear requirements.
  • Suitable for academic projects or proof-of-concept tasks.
  • Ideal for situations where changes can be managed post-development.


How to Choose an SDLC Model?

Choosing the right Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is crucial for the success of a project. The choice depends on several factors, including project requirements, team experience, budget, timeline, and risk management. Here’s how to select the best model based on these key considerations:


1.   Project Requirements

  • If the requirements are well-defined and unlikely to change, models like Waterfall or V-Model can work well since they follow a structured, linear approach.
  • For projects where requirements may evolve, models like Agile or Incremental are better as they allow for flexibility and continuous changes.

2.   Project Size and Complexity

  • Small, simple projects with well-known requirements may benefit from straightforward models like Big Bang or Waterfall.
  • Large and complex projects, especially those involving high levels of risk or needing constant updates, may require more flexible approaches like Spiral or Agile, which accommodate iterative testing and risk analysis.

3.   Timeline and Budget Constraints

  • Short timelines and limited budgets may call for models that provide rapid delivery, such as RAD or Incremental, where working software can be delivered in phases.
  • Projects with more flexible schedules and higher budgets may benefit from models like Spiral, where risk management and multiple iterations can improve quality.

4.   Team Expertise and Experience

  • Experienced teams may handle flexible models like Agile or Scrum, which require collaboration and adaptability.
  • Less experienced teams may find structured models like Waterfall or V-Model easier to manage due to the well-defined phases and milestones.

5.   Customer Involvement

  • If customer feedback is essential, choose models like Agile, Scrum, or Prototype, where ongoing user input shapes the development process.
  • If customer involvement is limited, models like Waterfall or Big Bang may suffice, as they don’t require continuous feedback.

6.   Risk Management

  • Projects with high risk factors, such as unknown requirements or new technologies, benefit from the Spiral model, which emphasises risk analysis at every iteration.
  • For low-risk projects, simpler models like Incremental or Waterfall may be sufficient.


Choosing an SDLC model should involve a careful evaluation of these factors, balancing the need for structure and flexibility. The right choice helps manage risks, reduce development time, and improve software quality, leading to a more successful project outcome.

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Why Are Companies Shifting Toward Agile Software Development Models?

Companies are shifting to Agile software development models due to several benefits:


  • Adaptability to Change: Agile allows quick responses to changing requirements. This flexibility helps teams keep up with evolving market needs.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Agile focuses on continuous customer feedback throughout the project. This ensures the final product better meets user expectations.
  • Faster Delivery of Features: The iterative nature of Agile allows for quicker releases of functional software. This speeds up time-to-market for new features.
  • Improved Risk Management: Ongoing testing and integration help detect issues early. This reduces the likelihood of major problems late in development.
  • Enhanced Team Collaboration: Agile promotes communication through regular meetings and updates. This leads to stronger teamwork and better project outcomes.

Comparative Analysis of Different SDLC Models

Model Best for Flexibility Risk Management User Involvement Development Speed Cost
Waterfall Small projects with well-defined requirements Low Low Low Medium Low
V-Model Projects requiring validation at every phase Low Medium Low Medium Medium
Agile Projects with changing requirements High Medium to High High High Medium to High
Incremental Medium-sized projects needing phased delivery Medium Medium Medium High Medium
RAD Projects needing rapid delivery High Medium High Very High Medium to High
Iterative Large projects with evolving requirements Medium to High Medium Medium Medium to High Medium
Spiral High-risk projects High Very High Medium Medium High
Prototype Projects where requirements are not clear High Medium Very High Medium Medium
Kanban Projects requiring continuous updates Very High Medium High High Medium
Scrum Projects needing frequent iterations Very High Medium High High Medium
Big Bang Small, informal projects Low Low Low High Low


The success of every software undertaking hinges on the selection of an appropriate SDLC model. These models have their distinct advantages and disadvantages which make them appropriate for various types of projects, different cycles, and requirements. Recognition of these differences enables the teams to choose the model that is most applicable to their challenges and opportunities.


Today, adopting Agile and other adaptive models allows organisations to be more responsive to changes and deliver software of better quality in shorter periods. It is important that such a case be made with respect to the size of the project, budgetary allocations, the teams’ deliverables, and the level of user methodology so as to make certain that the approach selected guarantees the success of the project in terms of the objectives targeted. If you’re planning to kickstart your tech career, pursuing the Certificate Program in DevOps & Cloud Engineering in collaboration with Microsoft might be a good choice.

An SDLC model is a process for planning, developing, and maintaining software.
The Spiral and Iterative models work well for large projects with evolving requirements.
Agile allows for flexibility, quick changes, and continuous customer feedback.
Requirement gathering, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
Yes, some projects use a hybrid approach, mixing elements from different models.
The V-Model incorporates testing at every phase, while Waterfall does testing after development.
Agile is ideal for projects with changing requirements but may not fit projects with fixed scopes.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

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