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Non Primitive Data Types in Java with Examples

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Java is a versatile programming language that supports various data types. In Java data types are classified into two types: primitive and non-primitive data types. Primitive data types include int, char, boolean etc. Non-primitive data types encompass classes, arrays, interfaces, and more. In this article, we will discuss non primitive data types in Java, providing examples to illustrate their usage and importance.

What is Data Type?

In Java language, a data type is a classification that specifies which type of value a variable can hold and what operations can be performed on that value. Java is a statically typed language, which means that the data type of a variable must be specified at the time of declaration.

Types of Data Types

In Programming language, Data types are categories used to define the type of data that a variable can hold.  Data Types are generally divided into two main categories. primitive data types and non-primitive data types.

Primitive Data Types 

Primitive data types are the most basic data types provided by a programming language.  They are predefined in every programming language. The exact types and their names can vary between languages, But some common primitive data types here:

  • Integer: It is used to represent whole numbers. Example ‘int’.
  • Floating Point (float, double): This type represents a floating component. Examples include ‘float’ and ‘double’ in Java.
  • Character (char): The represent a single character, examples include ‘char’ in Java.
  • Boolean (boolean): This represents a value that can be either true or false.
  • Byte: It represents an 8 bit signed integer.
  • Short : They represent a 16 bit signed integer.
  • Long: This type represents a 64 bit signed integer.
  • Double: This type represents a double precision 64 bit IEEE 754 floating point.

Non-Primitive Data Types 

The non-primitive data types (also called reference types) are more complex and are derived from primitive data types.  They can store multiple values and provide more functionality. Non-primitive data types include.  Here, we are discussing some common non primitive data types:


  • Arrays: Used to store multiple values of the same type in a single variable. Example ‘int[]’ in Java.
  • Strings: Used to represent sequences of characters. Example ‘String’ in Java.
  • Classes: Used to define ‘interface’ in Java.
  • objects that encapsulate data and functions. Example custom class definitions in Java.
  • Interfaces: This defines methods that can be implemented by classes. Example Enumeration: Used to define a set of named constants. Example ‘enum’ in Java language.
  • Collections: This type is used to store groups of objects, such as lists, sets and maps , Example ArrayList, and HashSet and HashMap in Java language.

Types of Non-Primitive Data Types in Java

  • Classes and Object: Classes are the user defined data type that is used to create an object . A class contains a set of methods and instance variables that are common in Java language.


The following program demonstrates the classes and objects:



class Example1{ int num = 100 ; public Example1(){ System.out.println(num) ; } public void addition(int a, int b){ int c = a+b ; System.out.println("Addition of Two numbers = "+c) ; } public static void substract(int a, int b){ int c = a-b ; System.out.println("Subtraction of numbers"+c) ; } public static void main(String args[]){ Example1 ob = new Example1() ; ob.addition(30, 50); ob.substract(50, 30); } }


100 Addition of Two numbers = 80 Subtraction of numbers =20
  • String: Strings are an integral part of Java programming language. In Java, Strings are objects that represent sequences of characters. The ‘java.lang.String’ class is used to create and manipulate Strings.


Syntax  for declaring Strings

Strings string_variable_name = new String(“<sequence_of_character>”)

Example 1: Standard String Declaration 


The following example declares a string by using the non primitive data type strings and initializing them with some values.



public class Example2 { public static void main(String args[]){   String str1  = "Non-Primitive" ; String str2 = "Data Type" ;   System.out.println(str1+" "+str2) ; } }


Non-Primitive Data Type

Example 2: String Declaration Using new Operator


We can also define the string using the new operator in the Java language where the sequence of characters is passed as a single parameter to the new String() constructor.


The following program demonstrates the new Operator



public class StringConstructor { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = new String("Computer working days"); System.out.print(str1); } }


Computer working days
  • Array: Arrays are non primitive data types in Java language. This is used for storing elements of the same data type in a contiguous manner in the computer system. It is the simplest and most widely used data structure in computer science and programming. They provide a way to store multiple items of the same type together. 


Syntax of Array Declaration

<data_type> [] <array_name> = new <data_type> [size] ; <data_type> <array_name> [] = {array_item_values} ; int []arr = new int[5] ; int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,8}

The following program demonstrates the array:



import java.util.*; public class Array2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scn = new Scanner(; // Declaration & Initialization int arr1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9,10 }; // Array of size 5 declared int[] arr2 = new int[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { arr2[i] = scn.nextInt(); } scn.close(); System.out.print("Array arr1 elements: "); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { System.out.print(arr1[i] + " "); } System.out.println(); System.out.print("Array arr2 elements: "); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { System.out.print(arr2[i] + " "); } } }


Enter the Number from User 30 40 50 60 70 Array arr1 elements: 1 2 3 4 5 Array arr2 elements: 30 40 50 60 70
  • Interface: An interface in Java is a reference type, similar to a class, that can contain only constants, method signatures, default methods, static methods, and nested types. Interfaces cannot contain instance fields or constructors. They are used to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java language.


The following program demonstrates the interface in Java language:



// Define an interface interface Animal { void makeSound(); void eat(); }  // Implement the interface in a class class Dog implements Animal { public void makeSound() { System.out.println("Woof"); }  public void eat() { System.out.println("Dog is eating"); } }  class Cat implements Animal { public void makeSound() { System.out.println("Meow"); }  public void eat() { System.out.println("Cat is eating"); } }  public class InterfaceExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create instances of Dog and Cat Animal myDog = new Dog(); Animal myCat = new Cat();  // Call methods myDog.makeSound();;  myCat.makeSound();; } }


Woof Dog is eating Meow Cat is eating
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Difference between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types in Java

This is a comparison between primitive and non-primitive data types in Java in a tabular form.


Aspect Primitive Data Types Non-Primitive Data Types
Definition Basic Data Types predefined by the language This data type created by the developer
Examples Int,char, boolean, byte, sort, long, float, double String, arrays, classes, interface
Memory Allocation Allocated on the stack Allocated on the heap
Size It has fixed size (depends on the  type) Variable size(depends on the size)
Default Values Default values (eg 0 for int, false, for boolean) NULL (for objects)
Operations It can be used with arithmetic and bitwise operators directly This require methods or specific operations to manipulate
Storage Stores actual values Stores references to objects


In this article, we learned about the Non-primitive data types in Java language. These types allow for encapsulation of data and behavior, promoting code reusability and modularity. Understanding and effectively utilizing non-primitive data types is crucial for master Java programming. They provide the tools necessary for mastering Java programming, as they provide the tools necessary for creating sophisticated and efficient software solutions.

Non-primitive data types, also known as reference types, include classes, interfaces, arrays, and enumerations. They are more complex than primitive data types and can store multiple values and methods.
Arrays can store multiple values of the same type in a single variable, and they are objects in Java language, with properties and methods, thus categorized as non-primitive.
Enums are used to define a fixed set of constants. They are useful for representing a collection of related values, such as days of the week or states of a process.
Understanding non-primitive data types is crucial because they allow for more complex and flexible data structures and behaviors, which are essential for building robust and efficient applications in Java language.

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Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

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