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Difference between Unix and Linux – How They Compare

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Unix and Linux are two types of Operating Systems (OS), which are mostly used in companies because of their stability, high flexibility, and efficiency. Unix has its users, but Linux is more well-known in the modern world. They have some significant differences despite sharing a similar architecture and acting as software program execution platforms.


Unix is a proprietary OS that is frequently used in servers, workstations, and by companies including Intel, HP, etc., in the manufacturing of their products. In contrast to Linux, which is an open-source, free operating system that is extensively used for software, game development, tablet PCs, mainframes, etc. But even with two general areas of their application, questions often arise as to what the exact differences between the two are. It is safe to say that the large part of the Linux system is still the UNIX OS and looking for original factors is a bit challenging.


In this article, we will discuss how Unix and Linux operate, their differences and similarities, their advantages and disadvantages, and how each of them is used in today’s world.


What is Unix?

Unix is an operating system (OS) that is characterised by multi-user and multitasking capabilities which came from Bell Labs’ computer systems developed in the 1970s by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and others. There are different Unix derivatives such as Linux and different flavours that have been derived. On workstations, servers, and mainframes Unix software is used. In addition, Unix systems have a command-line interface and a hierarchical file system that arranges files and directories in a tree form, but many Unix systems now come with graphical user interfaces.


High mobility is one of Unix’s unique selling points. It was among the first operating systems created in the high-level programming language C. It is an operating system that is referred to and licensed as proprietary by several organisations, like IBM AIX, Oracle Solaris, and Hewlett-Packard HP-UX. Over time, Unix evolved into various commercial versions including HP-UX, AIX, and Solaris, each offering unique features while maintaining the core Unix principles.

Components of Unix

  • Kernel: The kernel is the centre and most fundamental part of the Unix Operating System responsible for the administration of hardware devices, system memory, and managing processes. It performs things such as making system calls, file management, and different program scheduling, which enables the running of several programs with no contention. The kernel runs as a background process and exposes several services to the system at the fundamental level.

Also Read: Kernel in Operating System


  • Development Environment: Unix also incorporates a full-fledged software development environment that allows users to take the source and rebuild the system. This environment contains necessary software development tools like compilers, debuggers, and libraries. Using the development environment, the developers would be able to write, compile, and test the programs on the Unix system itself.
  • Commands: When you log on to Unix, you will notice a standard feature that is the presence of several types of user commands. System commands involve internal commands meant for maintenance and operation, for instance, file management, system status checking, and user management.
  • Documentation: One of the greatest features introduced in Unix was the fact that users could access documentation about the system in a way that was understandable to computers. Any documentation concerning any system was contained and could be found in the operating system, making it easy for the users to familiarise themselves with commands, and systems.

Features of Unix

  • Multi-user capability: Any of the users of that system can work on the system at the same time in an orderly manner.
  • Multitasking: It is possible to have more than one active job running on the computer i.e., allowing multiple processes to run at the same time.
  • Portability: Unix can be run on various hardware architectures, although it is mostly limited to specific platforms.
  • Security: Strong file and user permissions systems and strong security measures are features of Unix.
  • Modularity: Unix provides little, straightforward programs that can be joined to carry out intricate operations.
  • File System Hierarchy: The file system used by Unix is hierarchical, arranging files into directories and subdirectories.
  • Networking: Unix is perfect for servers and systems that need to be connected to the internet because of its robust networking features.
  • Scripting and Automation: Using the command line, users can automate processes via shell scripting.

Pros and Cons of Unix

Pros of Unix

  1. Stability: Stability is one of the advantages of Unix, especially when used by big organisations. Systems can be powered for long periods, running for many years, without being turned off.
  2. Security: Unix has a very good security system with the help of strict user permission settings and minimal access.
  3. Performance: Unix runs on special types of hardware that have high efficiency in certain conditions.
  4. Proven Track Record: Unix is old and has existed for decades, and therefore has been used in an enterprise environment reassuring big enterprises.
  5. Multitasking and Multi-user Support: The Unix system manages concurrent processes and users very well.


Cons of Unix

  1. Proprietary Nature: Unix is a closed-source proprietary system requiring users to seek the vendor’s approval to make any changes to the system. It requires a paid subscription.
  2. Cost: Most of the Unix systems are costly to implement and support due to licensing agreements and special hardware systems.
  3. Limited Hardware Support: Due to Unix software, its usage is usually restricted to hardware interfaces which limit its versatility on many devices.
  4. Complexity: Unix is not easily usable and most likely will not be beneficial to children because it is learned and has been advanced quite deeply.
  5. Limited Software Availability: Unix systems being proprietary do not support as much free and open-source software as any other Linux systems.

What is Linux?

Linux is an inexpensive and open-source operating system (OS), created by Linus Torvalds in the year 1991. It resembles an operating system known as Unix, although it does not share the same code base. Linux is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which means that anyone can use, modify, and distribute it. It has become one of the most widely used operating systems in the world, particularly in servers, desktops, embedded systems, and mobile devices (Android).


Linux can run on a variety of hardware platforms, including embedded systems, mobile devices, personal computers, and servers. Notable Linux distributions include Fedora Linux, Ubuntu, and Debian, which is made up of other variations and distributions, such as Xubuntu and Lubuntu. Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise are commercial distributions. Linux is the preferred operating system for many servers, databases, mobile devices (Android is based on a Linux kernel), and embedded systems because of its adaptability and dependability.

Components of Linux

  • Kernel: An essential aspect of the Linux operating system is its kernel (core of OS) which has to do with the handling of the interaction with hardware, management of the system memory, as well as the running of processes. It provides communication between software and hardware by governing the process execution and the integrity of the system.
  • Bootloader: The bootloader is a program executed by Linux and its purpose is to load the Linux kernel into the system’s RAM whenever the computer is turned on. Once the firmware has done its tasks the bootloader hands over control to the operating system.
  • Init Program: The init program is the first user-land process created by the Linux kernel on boot. It stays executed as the ancestor of all the processes and implements functions that include system service booting, seeding and controlling system run levels, and ensuring boot order of all adequate daemons and processes in the manager on successfully guaranteeing target system boot sequences.
  • Software Libraries: The libraries of the Linux operating system are employed very extensively in the development of programs and the performance of processes. Such as in the use of libraries of Linux for development adds value by performing tasks of doing file input-output (I/O) operations, post-software development, and preparation of cleanup activity to prevent the software from hanging even for the simplest of operations.
  • Package Management System: Installing, updating, and managing software packages is made simple for users of Linux thanks to the package management system. Depending on the distribution, these systems can handle compilations of source code as well as binary packages.

Also read: Difference Between Linux and Windows

Features of Linux

  • Open-source: The Linux source code is available for free, which means it can be altered and shared.
  • Modular Design: Each of the components of Linux such as kernel, shell, user applications that provide the services, and other components such as user-space library, etc., can be viewed as being separate.
  • Customization: The kernel of an OS such as Linux can be adapted to meet the requirements of the individual user. Linux can be heavily customised according to the user’s needs, including the installation of lightweight versions for older hardware.
  • Support for Multiple Architectures: Linux is portable and can be run on many hardware platforms ranging from computers to portable instruments.
  • Multitasking: Linux allows more than one process to run concurrently as does Unix.
  • User Interfaces (UI): Technical users and novices may use Linux since it has both graphical and command-line interfaces.
  • Security: Linux has robust security implementations and can provide/deploy customised policies/evaluation mechanisms especially when operating in server mode
  • Wide Range of Distributions: Most users know that Linux does not come in one form or shape. Linux comes in hundreds of distributions, each optimised for different use cases, from desktop systems to embedded environments.

Pros and Cons of Linux

Pros of Linux

  1. Free and Open Source: Linux is freely available as well as its source code can be modified and distributed by all.
  2. Highly Customizable: Linux distributions can be tailored by users according to their demand, ranging from servers to lightweight variations designed for older hardware.
  3. Security: Linux is considered very secure, therefore, it is used in many critical applications where security is the main concern, such as servers and embedded systems.
  4. Community and Commercial Support: Linux has wide support available, with a huge number of developers and organisations backing it. The support options vary widely and span everything from entirely free community forums to enterprise support that can be paid.
  5. Large Number of Distributions: There are hundreds of distributions explicitly designed for disparate uses, be it desktops (e.g., Ubuntu, Fedora), servers (e.g., CentOS, Debian), or even others for embedded systems and IoT.


Cons of Linux

  1. Learning Curve: For those not used to Unix-like systems, Linux can be quite tough to learn, especially at the command line.
  2. Compatibility: There are some proprietary software programs that do not run on Linux. The alternative or emulation tool, however, such as Wine, may agonise them some other time.
  3. Fragmentation: There are a lot of Linux distributions available, therefore there’s a chance that some gear or software won’t work with them all.
  4. Limitations on Gaming and Desktop Applications: Compared to Windows or macOS, Linux offers fewer alternatives for gaming and desktop applications, however, this is starting to change with the help of programs like Proton from Steam.
  5. Hardware Support Issues: A large amount of hardware is supported by Linux; however, some hardware drivers, especially for the more exotic proprietary hardware, are not always available.
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Key Differences Between Unix and Linux

Below are the key differences between Unix and Linux:


Comparison Unix Linux
Definition Users and computers can interact with Unix effortlessly since it is an effective and adaptable operating system. Linux is a versatile, open-source, and cooperative operating system that gives users access to a wide range of hardware support and software features.
Development Unix was developed by AT&T, now owned by various corporations. Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds and the open-source community.
Licence Unix is proprietary and licensed under commercial terms. Linux is open-source and licensed under GPL.
Cost Unix is paid and requires a commercial licence. Free to use, with optional paid support for enterprise versions.
Source Code Unix has a closed source code which is not available to the public. Linux is open-source and freely available.
User Interface Unix is primarily a command-line interface. The default interface is BASH (Bourne Again SHell). Linux offers both command-line and graphical user interfaces (GUI).
Customization It has limited customization options. It has higher options for customization.
Security Unix is more secure due to limited access and proprietary nature. Linux is highly secure but depends on the distribution and configuration.
Hardware support It is limited to certain hardware architectures. It supports a wide range of hardware architectures.
Usage Unix is primarily used in enterprise servers and mainframes. Linux is used in servers, desktops, mobile devices, and embedded systems.
Performance It is optimised for specific hardware and enterprise environments. It is highly efficient and customizable for various workloads.
File Systems Unix has proprietary filesystems like JFS and UFS. Linux provides support for multiple file systems such as ext4, Btrfs, XFS, etc.
Kernels It has larger and more complex kernel structures than Linux. It has the Unix-update kernel, which is less complex than Linux.
Virus Threats As of now, it has around 85–120 viruses listed. As of now, it has around 60-100 viruses listed.
Distributions Several commercial variants like AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, etc. Hundreds of distributions, both community-driven and commercial.


Use Cases of Unix and Linux

Enterprise-class workstations and servers run Unix. This use case is far less prevalent, even if it can be utilised on home computers. Organisations that need to host data, apps, or services on high-volume servers frequently use Linux as their platform of choice. Here are the common use cases or applications of Unix and Linux:



  • Mainframes: AIX is a Unix system for Mainframes because it can support a large number of transactions concurrently.
  • Workstations: High-performance workstations associated with engineering, scientific research, and 3D modelling are other examples of Unix executions.
  • Telecommunication Systems: The architectural importance of Unix within telecommunication systems is primarily due to its reliability and networking facilities.
  • Network Services: The Unix servers are the ones that provide the network services which in turn include DNS, email (SMTP), and web hosting (Apache).
  • Enterprise Servers: Unix is used within big enterprises for mission-critical applications, database management, enterprise resource planning (ERP), and financial services.



  • Web Servers: Linux is the most preferred OS for web servers. Other server software are Apache and Nginx, running on Linux systems.
  • Cloud Computing: Most cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, prefer Linux-based virtual machines for the stability and scalability of Linux.
  • Embedded Systems: Linux is generally adapted for use in embedded systems. Examples are routers, and smart TVs as well as industrial control systems.
  • Mobile Devices: Android, the world’s most prevalent mobile operating system is based on the Linux kernel.
  • Supercomputers: Most of the supercomputers in the world run on Linux because of its superior performance and scalability as well as for the level of customization it offers.
  • Personal Computers (PC): Yet another favourite Linux distribution for personal computing is Ubuntu or Mint which both are open-source.


Both Unix and Linux operating systems (OS) have grown as powerful operating systems and offer numerous features, advantages, and disadvantages to their users. Unix has mostly remained in business use; thanks to its reliability and efficiency while Linux, due to the nature of being free to share and modify, has found a place among programmers on servers and for personal computers and mobile phones. It is rather obvious that the decision to utilise either Unix or Linux will be informed by the activities to be conducted and one’s budgeting as well as the level of computer knowledge.


Unix will continue to be a wise selection for enterprises requiring time-tested, safe, and powerful systems for mission-critical applications. But for those looking for systems with open source and free software which are flexible and can be used for many applications, Linux is the operating system that they need to use.

The main difference is that Unix is an operating system developed and sold by some companies whereas Linux is a free operating system similar to Unix which is free and open. Unix has a limited range of hardware configurations whereas Linux can be found on a legion of devices.
No, they are not. Unix and Linux are similar in some aspects but not totally the same. The Unix operating system was first invented in the 1970s as a closed regime software primarily intended for servers and mainframe computers. On the other hand, Linux OS was developed like Unix which was designed and distributed in the 1990s. While it is based on Unix principles, Linux does not contain Unix code and is distributed freely.
It is naive to imagine that Unix, Linux, and Windows are similar although they are all operating systems. Unix OS is commercial software and is largely found in a corporate setting like on servers or workstations or mainframes. Linux ideas have always been drawn from the Unix OS but essentially it is open-source and can be used in anything from desktop computers to portable devices embedded systems and supercomputers.
The commands used in both systems are similar as Linux was developed to be Unix-like. The commands ls, cd, rm, cp, mv, and chmod are frequently used to list files, change directories, remove files, copy files, and move files, respectively
Unix and Linux are both secure OS but there is a growing belief within the Open Source community that Linux is more secure than any other OS since there is ready access to its raw code, allowing easy access to identify and fix vulnerabilities. According to them, Unix also possesses significant security features but works under proprietary control.

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