What is Pod in Kubernetes? Types, Benefits, and Limitations Explained in Detail

Updated on December 23, 2024

Article Outline

In today’s world of application development and deployment, one of the biggest hurdles faced by developers and DevOps teams is dealing with containers effectively. Containers, which combine an application with its dependencies, are quite cost-effective, come in handy, and are rapid, thereby most suited for contemporary microservice-oriented applications. But, with the rise in the number of containers, administering or simply facilitating their interactions has become troublesome, to say the least. This is where Kubernetes comes into play.


Kubernetes is an open-source container management development framework for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized tools. While one could consider Kubernetes to be a container management platform, it is not designed to manage containers on an individual level. Instead, Kubernetes offers the Pod as the basic building block, which is to say that they are the fundamental working units of Kernel Labs Kubernetes Pod Cells. If you have never encountered Kubernetes before, this article will give you an understanding of what a Pod is and its importance.


In this article, we will discuss Pod in Kubernetes, its characteristics, the various steps to create and manage pods, its advantages, and hurdles amongst popular themes. Regardless of whether you are a newbie trying to get going with Kubernetes or a middle-level programmer wishing to brush up on your ideas, this article will ready you with the requisite understanding.

Before diving deep into Pods, it’s essential to understand the basics of Kubernetes and its related concepts such as containers, Kubernetes, and its architecture.

What Are Containers?

Containers are lightweight, executable software packages that include all the components required to run a program, such as the code, runtime environment, libraries, and system configurations. Containers enable the efficient use of system resources since, in contrast to traditional virtual machines, they just include the components required to run the software, not the entire operating system. Containers make apps environment-independent, which eliminates the “it works on my machine” issue.


By encapsulating the application environment, containers improve the consistency and predictability of the development, testing, and deployment procedures in many contexts. Various tools are used to create containers, and one such tool is Docker.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a free tool used to enhance the deployment of applications, especially ones that rely on container technology. It allows containers to be seamlessly run on multiple nodes or machines in a network to boost their performance. Additionally, it provides a sense of reliability since it guarantees the easy manageability and availability of the containers.


Kubernetes is responsible for completing all the tasks mentioned above. It operates as a system of containerization allowing for quicker and more efficient running of multiple applications at once.

Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes was designed with an architecture that encompasses multiple components that make container stacking easier. The main components of this architecture are:


  • Cluster: A group is made of numerous devices (referred to as nodes) that operate in sync to execute containerized applications.
  • Nodes: Nodes are the physical or virtual machines in a Kubernetes cluster. There are two types:
    1. Master Node (Control Plane): This is the brain of Kubernetes. It controls the cluster and manages the overall state. It includes components such as API Server, Scheduler, and Controller Manager.
    2. Worker Nodes: These are the machines where the actual containers run. It includes key components such as Kubelet, Kube-prox, and Container Runtime.
  • Pods: K8s smallest unit is the Pod. Pods perform in worker nodes to contain one or a maximum of two containers.
  • Services: Within a service in Kubernetes is the ability to reach pods that redirect network traffic with maximum ease.
  • Deployments: A higher-level Kubernetes object called a deployment is used to control pods. It refreshes them as necessary and makes sure the appropriate amount of Pod copies are operational.


How does Kubernetes manage containers with Pods?

The focus in K8s shifts more towards the group of containers known as pods, downplaying the importance of individual containers. This ensures that you do not have to go through the hassle of dealing with every form of storage launching in a single container instead storage alongside other networks and configurations ensures seamless work for multiple containers instead.


Now that you have an understanding of what Kubernetes is, and how it manages containers, you may have one doubt why can’t we use pods directly instead of containers? This is because containers in a Pod can communicate with each other easily (using localhost) and share storage. This makes Pods a powerful and flexible unit of deployment.

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What is a Pod in Kubernetes?

A Pod is an isolated computing unit and the fundamental one in Kubernetes that can be deployed. It depicts a particular example of a single application that runs concurrently within a PC cluster. In simple words, a Pod serves as the outer layer to one or several containers, which lets Kubernetes treat them as a single entity.


Think of Pod as a “wrapper” that preserves one or several containers needed to perform one common task without deviating too much from what is required.

Why Does Kubernetes Use Pods?

  • Easy Management: Rather than reaching individual containers, Kubernetes reaches a Pod once, which significantly simplifies the application development, deployment, and scaling procedures.
  • Grouping of Pods: Synchronized containers can be added in one Pod as it has the same scope which helps them access the local host and communicate freely.
  • Transformed Modelling: Inter-container volume and configuration replication on the pod can be minimized, thus promoting resource utilization.
  • Coupled Deployment: Upgrading or replacing one or more containers in a pod automatically activates the update for all other containers in that Pod on a single node.


For example, Imagine you have a web application and a logging agent. Rather than deploying them on different nodes as separate containers, you can house them in a single Pod. The application logs are mounted onto a volume, which the logging agent can use to retrieve application logs.


Also Read: Top 60+ Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answers

How Pods Work in Kubernetes?

Pods are the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes that associate one or more containers with shared storage and network resources. To understand the workings of Pods, we need to understand components such as networking, resource management, and communication within the Kubernetes environment. Here’s the complete breakdown:

Pod Lifecycle in Kubernetes

Kubernetes manages the lifecycle of a Pod in phases. A Pod’s status reflects its current state in the cluster. A pod has a defined lifecycle, which starts from the Pending phase, and goes to the Running phase if at least one of the primary containers gets started, then depending on the termination status, it gets into the Succeeded or Failed phases.


Here are the possible values for the phase:

  • Pending: This means the Pod has been accepted by the Kubernetes API but is waiting to be assigned to a node by the scheduler. At this point, the containers have not yet started.
  • Running: The containers are scheduled on a node, created, and in a running state (operational).
  • Succeeded: The containers in the Pod have terminated, and all containers are up depending on the restart policy. Typically, this is seen in jobs or batch processes.
  • Failed: At least one container of the Pod has terminated not as per expectation or failed and will not restart.
  • Unknown: The state of the Pod cannot be determined, at times due to communication errors between the node and the control plane.

Pod Scheduling

After creating the Pod, the next step is deciding by the Kubernetes scheduler onto which node the Pod will be scheduled to run. This scheduler is responsible for evaluating resource availability and other constraints while making this decision.


  • Kubernetes makes sure that the node has enough CPU, memory, and other resources for the Pod.
  • Scheduling policies can be influenced by node selectors, affinity rules, or taints and tolerations.


Example: Scheduling a Pod to a specific node using a node selector

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: node-selector-pod spec: nodeSelector: kubernetes.io/hostname: worker-node-1 containers: - name: nginx-container image: nginx:latest

Pod Communication and Networking

Networking is crucial in how Pods communicate between themselves and external services. Kubernetes assigns each Pod its unique IP address within the cluster.


Example: To expose a Pod using a service

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-service spec: selector: app: my-app ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 8080

In this example, the my-service object forwards traffic to the Pods with the label app: my-app. This takes the IP address of individual Pods and abstracts it.

Pod Storage

Kubernetes allows a Pod to use storage volumes to store data, whether that data is long-lived and shared across multiple containers or temporary and specific to a single container. Because all of the containers in a Pod share the same storage namespace, volume sharing is possible.


Types of Pod storage:

  • EmptyDir: A temporary volume for a particular Pod that shares a volume between several containers. It will be deleted when the Pod is removed.

For example,

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: emptydir-example spec: containers: - name: app-container image: busybox volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: temp-storage volumes: - name: temp-storage emptyDir: {}
  • Persistent Volumes (PVs): These are used for storing data that must outlive the lives of the Pods. The persistent data is associated with backing storage, such as NFS, AWS EBS, or Azure Disk.
  • ConfigMap and Secret: Kubernetes allows volumes to be mounted in a Pod for configuration files or secrets.

Pod Resource Management

Kubernetes allows users to define resource requests and limits for containers within a Pod for efficient resource management.


  • Resource Requests: The minimum amount of resources a container requires to operate at all.
  • Resource Limits: The maximum resources a container can consume.


Example: Allocation of resources

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: resource-pod spec: containers: - name: app-container image: myapp:latest resources: requests: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" limits: memory: "256Mi" cpu: "1000m"

In this example, the container requests 128Mi of memory and 500m. It is limited to 256Mi of memory and 1 CPU.

Types of Kubernetes Pods

The categorization of Pods in Kubernetes is also done with respect to its life cycle and use case. Understanding these variations can help come up with a design for the orchestration of containers efficiently.

Single-Container Pods

Single container pod which has only one container running inside the pod is the most popular type of pod. This is the simplest type of deployment and is common for a situation where an application is capable of operating on its own without the assistance of other containers. Single container Pods are more effectively controlled due to Kuberetes’ managing every detail of the Pods lifecycle. The provision of environment, networking, and storage for the container is done in the pod itself.


Example: A single-container pod

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: single-container-pod spec: containers: - name: nginx-container image: nginx:latest

In this example, the Nginx container is placed in the pod and it works automatically delivering its service. This type of pod is sufficient in deploying most workloads that contain independent applications or services to be deployed.

Multi-Container Pods

The multi-container pods are more intricate and consist of two or more containers running together. These containers use the same network, storage, and IP address. When a task requires two or more containers to work together and provide certain services the multi-container pod is perfect for that.


Example: A multi-container pod

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: multi-container-pod spec: containers: - name: app-container image: myapp:latest - name: log-container image: busybox args: ["tail", "-f", "/var/log/output.log"]

In this example, the first container contains the application (myapp) and the later container watches the tail of the logs for the application. The working space and storage within the Pod are used by both containers allowing efficient output.

Static Pods

Static pods are managed directly by the Kubelet, not the Kubernetes API server. They are usually used in settings such as when a pivotal function of Kubernetes is being performed. Normally they are created by defining the respective nodes utilizing configuration files.


Example: A static pod configuration file

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: static-pod spec: containers: - name: static-container image: nginx

How to Create and Manage Pod in Kubernetes

To create and manage Pods in a Kubernetes cluster, we can use YAML files or the command line tool such as kubectl. This tool has multiple names; it is alternatively referred to as kube-control. This tool enables the user to create commands for Kubernetes clusters. Below, we’ll look at the steps to create a Pod as well as its management.

Creating a Single-Container Pod

To create a single-container pod in Kubernetes, we will use the YAML file configuration. A simple YAML configuration for creating a Pod looks like this:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: <pod-name>   # like my-app spec: containers: - name: <container-name>              # like nginx-container image: <container-image>             # like nginx:latest ports: - containerPort: <port-number>    # like 80 Now, to create the Pod from this file, save the configuration as pod.yaml, and then run the following command: `kubectl apply -f pod.yaml`

Managing a Single-Container Pod

When a pod is made you can manage its lifecycle through kubectl commands.


  • View Pod details: To get more information about the Pod, including its status, use the kubectl describe command:


`kubectl describe pod my-pod`


  • Scaling Pods: To scale a Pod (add replicas), you typically use ReplicaSets or Deployments. However, if you want to scale manually, you can use the kubectl scale command.


`kubectl scale –replicas=3 pod/my-pod`


  • Delete a Pod: To remove a Pod when it’s no longer needed:

`kubectl delete pod my-pod`


The process of managing a pod is not complete without tracking the activity which is why Kubernetes offers Kubernetes logs to easily track device activity. To track logs, use the following command:


`kubectl logs my-pod`

Benefits of Pod in Kubernetes

  • Simplified Deployment of Containers

Kubernetes deploys its applications in simple units called pods, which are made up of one or more containers. By placing containers that are closely related in one bundle the deployment process is made easier.


  • Shared Networking and Communication

Every container inside a Pod gets deployed under the same network layer and can communicate on their `localhost` without the need to use any external services no matter how many containers exist in a single Pod.


  • Resource Sharing Through Volumes

Configuration or session files are some examples of a single Pod where containers require a shared volume to access and be efficiently managed and the data is exchanged between the storage volumes of the Containers launching a Pod making this possible.


  • Scalability and High Availability

To fulfill a growing demand, applications can be scale-out through the use of Deployments or ReplicaSets, while Kubernetes also manages the distribution of Pods to the cluster’s nodes increasing the availability of the Pods.


  • High Availability Through Continuous Monitoring

In an even easier manner, Kubernetes takes upon the complete responsibility for checking the Pods and ensuring they run accordingly by restarting a crashed Pod and such whenever necessary, minimizing possible outage time.


Also Read: An Introduction to Kubernetes And Containers

Limitations of Pod in Kubernetes

  • Restrained to Single Node

A Pod is a container that cannot be partitioned over different nodes in a cluster which translates to, a single node only being able to support a single Pod. If your application deals with multiple nodes, then you have to implement that application at a network level and incorporate Services or something of that nature to tackle this issue.


  • Less Stateful Retention

Pods themselves have no long-term retention support because they often exist as transient entities. Once a Pod is destroyed, the data inside that Pod is also lost, given that there is no persistent volume set up. As such, this is a drawback of Pods since they were meant for stateless applications. On the other hand, they can be smoothly integrated with other resources of Kubernetes such as StatefulSets or Persistent Volumes.


  • Pod Resource Constraints

Even though Pods can set resource limits and allocation, they still end up utilizing a single node, meaning all the resources are on that node. In situations where resource allocation is not properly managed, and multiple Pods are created that end up being scheduled on the same node, competition for resources is bound to happen. To mitigate this, Kubernetes uses Quality of Service (QOS) to manage resources and the inconclusive problem of resource starvation.


  • Scaling issues

Scaling Pods independently can be difficult because Kubernetes Pods may be embedded deeper within a deployment or replicate sets. These allow scaling of the system and management with little need for supervision, but scaling down a pure Pod can become a nuisance.


  • Debugging and Monitoring

Debugging can be difficult because pods can be ephemeral and constantly rebuilt. Even though Kubernetes offers powerful logging and monitoring capabilities, successful pod issue tracking still necessitates careful setup and administration.


Kubernetes has introduced a novel concept in application deployment in the form of Pods, which are one or more containers that are packaged together. Through Pods, developers can deploy, manage, and develop applications with multiple containers by sharing networking and storage resources. The nature of Pods being temporary and bound to a single node are some of the limitations of Kubernetes, but Kubernetes has features such as Deployments, ReplicaSets, and Persistent Volumes to deal with them.


This article explores the complete detailed information on Pods in Kubernetes, including its working, Pod lifecycle, various types, and benefits and limitations. For applications to be designed efficiently within Kubernetes, developers must know how to create, manage, and fine-tune a Pod. To enhance the work done with Pods, best practices such as efficient use of multi-container Pods, setting appropriate limits, and using monitoring tools should be employed. Go through the Certificate Program in DevOps & Cloud Engineering with Microsoft by Hero Vired for a detailed overview of Kubernetes and its use in DevOps.

A Pod is a basic construct provided by Kubernetes that is required to encapsulate application components such as containers, targeting networks, and storage resources into one entity so that it can be deployed as a single unit.
A Pod can consist of numerous interconnected containers that are all networked together and can share data and communication channels.
In Kubernetes, the Pods are mostly classified into two categories according to how they are designed and utilized:  
  1. Single-Container Pods: This type involves the most common type of containerized application which consists of only one container. This kind of deployment is simple and often used to deploy a single component of an application.
  2. Multi-Container Pods: Unlike the former multi-container pods include multiple containerized applications that work together as they share networking and storage resources. These types of pods are tightly co-located components such as the primary and a sidecar container that can be used for logging, caching, or as a proxy.
A Pod represents a grouping of one or more containers with the associated resources of networking, storage, and configuration as a single object. A Container is regarded as the smallest unit of software execution that performs a certain task without external influence while a Container Deployment Unit or Pod implements multiple containers to cooperate towards a single goal.
In Kubernetes, Pods get scheduled on different nodes with the help of the Kubernetes Scheduler which takes the cluster and pod requirements into consideration for planning. Other aspects that influence the placement of Pods include node affinity, taints, tolerations, and topology spread constraints. The scheduler gives ranks to the nodes and chooses them according to the rank. Once a node is chosen, the kubelet on that node launches the Pod’s containers, ensuring they run as specified in the Pod.

Updated on December 23, 2024


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