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Top Web Development Interview Questions and Answers for [2024]

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The surge in digitalization, the exponential growth of e-commerce, the increasing need for mobile responsiveness, advancements in technology, expanding opportunities for remote work, and growing concerns about cybersecurity have collectively heightened the demand for web developers. For individuals seeking employment in web development or aiming to advance their careers in the field, familiarity with common web development interview questions and answers is invaluable. This knowledge not only enables candidates to articulate their skills effectively but also demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of key concepts. Likewise, students and learners in the field of web development can derive significant benefit from this insight, directing their focus towards essential topics and preparing them for real-world scenarios.


Individuals looking to change their careers and transitioning into web development recognize the significance of understanding interview questions as a valuable tool for showcasing how their existing skills align with the industry’s demands. Furthermore, interviewers and employers benefit from gaining valuable insights to assess candidates more effectively, ensuring a match between the required skills and a candidate’s capabilities.


Educators and trainers also find these questions instrumental in aligning their curriculum with industry expectations. In essence, web development interview questions and answers serve as a valuable resource for a spectrum of individuals, including candidates, educators, interviewers, and human resources professionals, fostering a more informed and confident hiring process. Let’s acquaint ourselves with the significantly vital web development interview questions and answers and thoroughly prepare for success.


Top Web Development Interview Questions for Freshers


  1. State any 5  key responsibilities of Web Developers.

    It is generally expected that web developers will be able to perform the following tasks:
  • Constructing products entails utilising HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and other pertinent coding languages.
  • Crafting applications involves the design, development, testing, debugging, and deployment within a cross-platform, cross-browser environment.
  • Formulating design specifications and patterns is a key aspect of optimising web programs.
  • Recognising and rectifying bugs, troubleshooting, and addressing website issues are integral tasks.
  • Managing the technical facets of a site, including its cache and performance metrics, ensures efficient functioning and capacity for handling traffic.


  1. In your opinion, what skills should a good Web Developer have?Web development experts ought to possess the following essential skills:
  • Comprehensive understanding of Python, Ruby, and PHP
  • Familiarity with Domain-Specific Language (DSL), particularly SQL
  • Strong problem-solving capabilities


  1. Can you tell the difference between XHTML and HTML?The differences between XHTML and HTML are:
  • Lowercase formatting is mandatory for all tags in XHTML.
  • Double quotes must be employed for all attributes in XHTML.
  • Proper closure of tags is a requisite in XHTML.
  • Inline elements are not allowed to encompass block-level elements in XHTML.


  1. Describe CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and elucidate its significance.CORS, or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, is a browser mechanism facilitating controlled access to resources across different domains (cross-domain requests). In essence, it permits scripts in a browser client to interact with and retrieve resources from origins other than their own.CORS enhances and extends the Same-Origin Policy (SOP), which limits a website’s capability to access resources beyond its source domain. For instance, if a JavaScript application intends to invoke an API (Application Programming Interface) hosted on a different domain, the SOP would normally block such an action. The introduction of CORS was prompted by the need to address constraints imposed by the same-origin policy.


  1. Enumerate the recently added input types, APIs, form components, and elements designed to accommodate media content in HTML5.HTML5 has undergone multiple updates in recent years, and the incorporation of various input types has significantly streamlined its functionality. Some of these input types include:
  • Colour: Allows users to pick or designate a colour using the colour picker.
  • Date: Permits users to select or specify a date from a dropdown calendar.
  • Datetime-local: Facilitates the selection of both local date and time by users.
  • Email: Provides a field for users to input an email address.
  • Month: Enables users to select or designate a month and year from a dropdown calendar.
  • Week: Allows users to choose a week and year from a dropdown calendar.

    HTML5 presents the following novel form elements:

    • <datalist>: Designates a list of options for input controls.
    • <keygen>: Generates an encryption key.
    • <output>: Specifies the result or output of an expression.
    • <progress>: Indicates progress towards 100% of the maximum value.
    • <meter>: Displays a gauge illustrating a general value within a specified range.

    Several new APIs have been introduced in HTML5, including:

    • History API: Grants programs access to the browser’s history.
    • Page Visibility API: Allows the determination of the current visibility state of a page.
    • Battery Status API: Presents the current battery status of the device.
    • User Timing API: Equips programmers with high-precision timestamps for measuring application performance.
    • Vibration API: Offers access to the device’s vibration functionality.

    HTML5 incorporates five elements that facilitate media integration:

    • <audio>: Employed for embedding audio files within a web page.
    • <video>: Utilized for embedding video files on a web page.
    • <source>: Employed to attach multimedia files encompassing audio, video, and images.
    • <embed>: Utilized for embedding external applications, typically multimedia content like audio or video, into an HTML document.
    • <track>: Specifies text tracks associated with audio and video components.


    Describe Webpack.

    Webpack generates static assets to represent modules containing dependencies. This free and open-source JavaScript module bundler is primarily designed for JavaScript but can also handle modifications of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and images when the necessary loaders are available. When working with modules that have dependencies, it allows for the implementation of various JavaScript files without concerns about loading order, resulting in more concise code.

    Additionally, it extends its utility beyond JavaScript, aiding in converting various other file types into modules and assembling multiple JavaScript modules.


  1. Explain the distinction between the <span> and <div> tags in HTML5.Div TagIn the construction of a web page, a hypertext document created by a website and presented to a user through a web browser, HTML elements play a crucial role in formatting and providing semantics to different segments of the content. The generic HTML elements <div> and <span> are both employed to delineate distinct sections of a website, serving purposes in both structure and styling. This discussion explores the disparities between the HTML tags for <div> and <span>.Span TagFor the purpose of styling text, the versatile inline element <span> is utilised. It applies styling to a specific part of inline content, occupying space only as much as the text itself without necessitating a new line. These tags find application in brief passages of text, images, links, and various other HTML components that can be seamlessly displayed in line with other content.
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Top Web Development Interview Questions for Experienced Web Developers


If you possess prior experience as a web developer and are in the process of interviewing for senior web developer positions, it’s probable that you will encounter these commonly asked questions tailored for senior web developer interviews.


What is the optimal approach for incorporating diverse stylesheets into a website?

Usually, the choice depends on the layout and user interaction patterns of your site. However, the most effective method is often consolidating all styles into a single file named styles.css (or a similar designation).

Combining styles into a unified document is more efficient, as loading one file is simpler for clients compared to loading multiple files. To make stylistic changes, you can easily open the styles.css file, navigate to the relevant section, and modify the CSS. The stylesheet can be linked in your HTML using the following code:

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>



  • What strategies do you employ to enhance the loading speed of your web application as a Web Developer?

    As a Web Developer, here are key techniques to minimise load times and optimise your web application’s performance:

    • Compress and optimise images.
    • Externalize JavaScript and CSS files.
    • Minimise the use of redirects and load CSS and JavaScript files asynchronously.
    • Employ minification for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • What constitutes an Entity Tag?The Entity Tag, commonly known as ETag, plays a crucial role in HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), the communication protocol facilitating interactions between servers and web browsers. It serves as one of the mechanisms within the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, specifically designed for cache validation, enabling conditional requests from a client.
  •  How would you describe Long Polling?Long Polling is a technique that involves sustaining a persistent connection to the server. This method maintains the client’s connection, keeping it open until the server is ready to send data to the client. The connection remains active either until data is successfully delivered to the client or a connection timeout occurs.
  • What types of popup boxes are supported in JavaScript?

    JavaScript employs popup boxes to present notifications and messages to users. The various types of popup boxes in JavaScript include:

    Alert Box: Utilised for showcasing warning messages, the alert box prompts users to press the OK button to proceed after it appears.



    alert(“Your Alert Text”)

    Example: Executing the script below will trigger the display of an alert box featuring the message “This is Scaler Academy” and an accompanying OK confirmation button.



       alert(“This is Scaler Academy”);


    Confirm Box: Employed for securing authorisation or permission from the user, these popup boxes require the user to click either the OK or Cancel button to proceed.



    confirm(“Your query”)

    Example: Running the script below triggers the appearance of a confirmation box with the text “Confirm this action,” featuring both a confirmation button and a cancellation button. Depending on the user’s input, the function returns a boolean value – true if the user clicks to confirm and false if the user clicks cancel.



      let bool = confirm(“Confirm this action”);



    Prompt Box: This popup box is designed to collect user input for subsequent use. After entering the required information, the user can proceed to the next stage by clicking OK; alternatively, clicking the Cancel button results in a null value.



    prompt(“Your Prompt”)

    Example: Executing the script below triggers the display of a popup box with the message “Enter your email,” accompanied by both a confirmation button and a cancellation button.



      let name = prompt(“Enter your email”);



    Once you provide input in the prompt box, you can view your email in the console.

    Culminating Insights and Reflections


    Navigating the dynamic landscape of web development interview questions requires a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and the ability to articulate one’s skills effectively.


    Whether you are a job seeker, an educator, or an industry professional, familiarity with top web developer interview questions and answers is instrumental. It not only enhances your prospects in the job market but also contributes to the overall improvement of the industry.


    Stay informed, stay prepared, and consider enrolling in Hero Vired’s Certificate Program in Full Stack Development with Specialisation for Web and Mobile to elevate your skills and career in the ever-evolving field of web development.



      To embark on a career as a web developer, follow these steps:
    • Select a specialisation (Frontend, Backend, or Full Stack).
    • Acquire proficiency in relevant programming languages.
    • Gain practical experience through small projects and build an online portfolio.
    • Learn from existing websites to enhance your skills.
    • Obtain certificates in areas like front-end or full-stack web development, JavaScript, and cloud development.
    • Engage in consistent practice to refine and strengthen your skills.
    Usually, web developer roles can be categorised into three skill-based types: front-end, back-end, and full-stack development. Front-end developers concentrate on designing the visible aspects of a website for users. Back-end developers handle server-side application logic and front-end integration, which is not visible to users. Full-stack developers engage in both the back-end (server-side) and front-end (client-side) aspects of an application.
    For beginners, mastering web development from scratch typically requires around four to six months, with daily study sessions of 2-3 hours. Individual learning timelines vary, with some grasping the concepts within a couple of months, while others may take a year or more.
    Web developers need a solid grasp of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's also beneficial to explore libraries and frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery. Acquiring these foundational skills is crucial for gaining insight into how programming languages function.
    Becoming a web developer is open to everyone—anyone with an interest in creating websites can embark on this journey. You don't need to be a tech expert or possess an extensive list of formal qualifications to pursue a career in web development. Success in this field primarily requires motivation and a genuine eagerness to learn as you progress in your career.

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