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MEAN Stack vs Full Stack: An Overview and Comparison

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What is MEAN stack?

MEAN stack is a JavaScript framework used to develop web applications faster than ever before. Each MEAN stack developer needs to know them well in order to achieve desired results. 


MEAN is an acronym for the components used in the stack – MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node. Each piece of the stack has little in common with any other piece.


The qualities that make it so appealing are the consistency and simplicity. Everything is written in JavaScript, which makes coding simpler for developers and debugging simpler for app owners.

What is full stack?

Software engineers typically focus on either the frontend or the backend, but a full stack developer, as opposed to a typical developer, can work within all parts of development.

MEAN stack vs Full stack

While MEAN stack is an acronym for the tools it is comprised of (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.js), full stack refers to a development framework that is used for creating applications from end-to-end. Full stack development includes frontend development, middleware, and backend development.


  1. Front-end development deals with the design of the website and web app and how it looks to the user. 
  2. The back end is the inner workings: the programming and coding, which keeps the web application running.
  3. Full stack development includes both the backend and frontend development of a web application. 

A comparison table of MEAN Stack vs Full Stack

Here’s a comparison of mean stack vs full stack and the difference between mean stack and full stack:


Mean Stack Full Stack
A combination of MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. A combination of Mean stack and other technologies, such as Java and Node.js. 
Easy to learn and use for beginners to create web apps without having to learn multiple languages. Easier to develop on top of the full stack as it offers options for development.

Mean stack vs full stack: Technologies and components used

With the Mean stack, you get to use all of these technologies: MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js. 


The Full Stack platform uses MongoDB as its database system to store data in JSON documents. Express.js is used as the web server framework, AngularJS is used for creating rich client-side applications with reusable code, while Node.js powers a backend server.

Mean stack vs full stack: Ease of use

Here’s the difference between mean stack and full stack in terms of ease of use. With the Mean stack, installing or configuring any of your own software is easier. It’s as simple as signing up for an account with a few clicks.


With full stack development, there are more steps involved. You’ll need to install and configure your own servers and databases before you can start building applications. 


Hence, Ease of use Mean stack vs full stack is easily won by Mean stack.

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Careers in the field of mean stack vs full stack web development are growing rapidly. This growth is driven by mean stack vs full stack developers’ unique skills allow them to fill many different roles within an IT team.

Mean stack vs full stack: Similarities

Here’s the similarities between mean stack and full stack:


Aspect Full Stack Development MEAN Stack Development
Definition Full Stack development refers to working on both the frontend and backend of a web application, handling all layers of the technology stack. MEAN Stack development refers to using specific technologies to build web applications and handling both frontend and backend development.
Frontend Development Involves working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. Involves working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and specifically AngularJS, a frontend framework in the MEAN stack.
Backend Development Involves working with server-side languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP, and frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, Spring, or Laravel. Involves working with Node.js, a backend JavaScript runtime, along with Express.js, a web application framework, in the MEAN stack.
Database Management Involves working with different databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or MongoDB, depending on the project requirements. Specifically utilizes MongoDB, a NoSQL database, as a part of the MEAN stack.
Server-Side Execution Environment Can use various server-side environments, such as Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS, depending on the chosen backend technology. Can use various server-side environments, such as Apache or Nginx, alongside Node.js, to execute server-side code in the MEAN stack.

The best path to a full stack web developer career

You could become a full stack web developer by acquiring the skills needed to become a front or backend developer. 


It is easier for professionals who are already working with databases or application development to start programming web-based applications. You can supplement your existing knowledge with courses designed to teach you the necessary skills, like the  Hero Vired Certificate Program in Full Stack Development with Cloud for Web and Mobile


The program is designed to equip you with the skills to build applications end-to-end and master the complete technology stack and techniques of web & mobile development.

Benefits of full stack development

  1. Time and Money Saver: You can have a full view of what is needed and need to be done when you are an end to end developer. The AI also makes it easy for Designers and Developers to switch their focus between front-end and back-end work, as they can both manage these tasks to ensure the code and design are in sync. 
    Furthermore, such developers can resolve complex programming problems in less time and money. This is the reason a lot of companies have a preference for a full stack software engineer. They plan to launch their product by a definite time and budget that helps in adding additional people in the project team, hence reducing the operational and contractual costs. With an AI solution, small and mid-sized companies can now take advantage of a full mental spectrum to run the show. 
  2. Rounded Solution: A person with expertise in all tiers can develop a solution that has lesser bugs and is more efficient. An easier debugging tool, to even test the product. The process to create a solution is drastically reduced from years to months.As a result, you can quickly launch it in the market. 
  3. Higher Visibility: Hiring a full stack engineer as opposed to a mean stack developer will ensure that you have an experienced team member working on your project. They don’t think from just one perspective, but give you a solution that best fits for both frontend and backend. With a higher visibility of the concepts and code, it creates an improved user experience for developers. 
  4. Complete Ownership: If you have ever worked as a quality assurance engineer for a project, you will have an idea of the constant shunting of responsibility between the backend and frontend. Especially when a bug is raised. 
    However, if you have experience as a full stack web Developer, then you would be  wholly responsible for development and resolution of bugs in code either through frontend or backend. 
  5. More Learning and Greater Opportunity : Full stack web Developers get to learn more than others. This creates a great opportunity to grow their wings. Some of these developers become solution-oriented. They end up having careers where they provide the entire blueprint of the products – both on a functional and an architectural level. 
    Besides frontend, developers also get to learn on the backend and enjoy ample opportunities for learning.This allows them to constantly learn, upgrade and polish their skills throughout their careers. 

To expand your learning horizon, read more about trending topics such as:


Now we know the difference between mean stack and full stack. If you’re looking to go for Full Stack and Mean Stack, there are many great resources out there.

Both can be used interchangeably to build various web applications.
  • MongoDB stores data as JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas.
  • Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js.
  • Angular is a front-end web application framework to build SPAs.
  • Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment that executes JavaScript code.
Full Stack is more suitable.
Mean stack comes with built-in authentication tools hence flexible and scalable.

Deploying Applications Over the Cloud Using Jenkins

Prashant Kumar Dey

Prashant Kumar Dey

Associate Program Director - Hero Vired

Ex BMW | Google

19 October, 12:00 PM (IST)

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