JavaScript is a programming language that is in demand right now, and possessing this skill is a crucial factor to look for in a developer if you want to land your dream job. To nail a JavaScript coding interview, one needs to be prepared with both theoretical knowledge and how to provide practical answers to coding problems. This article presents the top 90 most common JavaScript coding interview questions with their answers for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.
Top 90 JavaScript Coding Interview Questions
Basic Javascript Coding Questions
Data types, variables and scoping, array, string manipulation, OOP (Object Oriented Programming), error handling, control flow, DOM manipulation, and asynchronous programming are basic questions in JavaScript. The basic JavaScript coding interview questions are:
1. Write a JavaScript function to calculate the sum of two numbers.
When the Interviewer asks these questions, the interviewer is looking for a basic understanding of JavaScript.
function addition (a,b){
return a+b ;
2. Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum number in an array.
function findMax(arr){
return Math.max(...arr) ;
3. Write a JavaScript function to check if a given string is a palindrome (a string that reads the same forward and backward.
function isPlandirome(str){
return str === str.split("").reverse().join("") ;
4. Write a JavaScript program to reverse a given string.
The NaN function checks if the passed value is NaN(not a number) and if it’s of the type ‘number’. In JavaScript, the value NaN is a type of number. If the argument is not a number, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
6. Which is faster in JavaScript and ASP script?
JavaScript is faster than ASP script & ASP script is a server-side scripting language. The server-side scripting language ASP always depends on the server — other languages seen in this section can be developed on notebooks, resulting in their deployment on the server in general.
7. What is negative infinity?
The negative infinity is a constant value with the lowest possible value. What it means is that no figure is smaller than this quantity. It can be generated using a self-made function or by an arithmetic operation. In JavaScript, when giving it a value to calculate, it will display the NEGATIVE_INFINITY as -Infinity.
8. Is it possible to break JavaScript source code into several lines?
We can break the javascript source code into several lines in a string statement. This can be broken by using the backslash n ‘n’.
console.log(“Voldemort Computer Science n for Robots, Harry Potter”)
9. Which company developed JavaScript?
JavaScript was developed by Netscape Communication corporation. It was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 while working at Netscape.
10. What do you mean by Null in JavaScript?
The NULL value represents no value or no object. It is known as an empty value object.
11. What is a prompt box?
The prompt box is a dialogue box which prompts the user to enter some text in the message it provides within the prompt box. The user uses it if you want to input a value before you go to a page. If the input consists of a string, it returns it; otherwise, it returns null.
12. What is the ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript?
JavaScript functions are important objects. It behaves similarly to objects, can be assigned to variables, passed to other functions, and returned from functions. Like objects, they also have their properties, and ‘this’ stores the current JavaScript program’s execution context. As a result, this value changes depending on how the function is defined, invoked and the default execution context when it is used inside a function.
13. Does JavaScript support automatic type conversion?
Yes, JavaScript supports automatic type conversion.
14. What is called Variable typing in JavaScript?
Variable typing is the type of the variable used to store a number and use that same variable to assign a “string”.
raj_potter = 55 ;
System = “computer”.
15. What is a closure in JavaScript?
A closure is a function doing something different from its outer scope. It remembers where it is now, even after the outer function ends.
16. How does a for loop work in JavaScript?
A for loop executes a block source code a specific number of times.
for(let i = 0; i<5;i++){
console.log(i) ;
17. How does the if-else statement work in JavaScript?
This executes different source code blocks based on conditions.
if (x > 5) {
console.log("x is greater than 5");
} else {
console.log("x is 5 or less");
18. How do you create an array in JavaScript?
Let fruits = [“Apple”, “Banana”, “Cherry”];
19. What is the DOM?
The DOM is a programming interface for web documents, representing documents written in HTML or XML. It includes Events, methods, and properties.
20. How do you select an HTML and element in JavaScript?
Using the following methods document.getElementById(), document.querySelector(), or document.getElementByClassName().
21. What is event bubbling in JavaScript?
Event building is where an event propagates from the target element to its parent elements.
22. How do you add an event listener in JavaScript?
ES6 modules allow source code to be organized into separate files using import and export statements.
24. What are promises in JavaScript?
The promises represent an asynchronous operation’s eventual completion (or failure).
25. What is the difference between == and ===?
In JavaScript, two operators are used to compare values: the equality operator (==) and the strict equality operator (===), but their difference is in how they convert their data types. The equality operator (==) performs type coercion. This means that it converts its operands to the same type before performing the comparison and, hence, sometimes can produce some rather unexpected results. For example, 5 == “5” is true because the element on the right-hand side of the ‘==’ operator is converted into a number, in this case, 5. On the other hand, the strict equality operator (===) tests for value equality and the type of the operated arguments. This helps in comparison that will not compare the type of 5 and “5”, even though 5 === “5” returns false. It is always advisable to use === to compare things because there is often an implicit type of coercion in the case of loose comparison.
26. What are some commonly used array methods?
push(): Adds an element to the end.
pop(): Removes the last element.
shift(): Removes the first element.
map(), filter(), reduce(): Perform transformations and computations.
27. How do you create an object in JavaScript?
letperson= { name:“John”, age:30 };
28. Explain the concept of object prototype in JavaScript.
Every JavaScript has a prototype, another object from which it inherits properties and methods.
29. What is event bubbling in JavaScript?
This is a condition in JavaScript in which an event triggered in a child control of another control is passed up through the parent, parent, and all other ancestors in the DOM model. This means the event is the first run here. The target element is the element in which the event happened, and then, with the parent and grandparent, it is stopped up to the root element ten.
30. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?
Synchronous: The tasks are executed sequentially.
Asynchronous: This task can run independently without waiting for others to complete.
31. What are the ES6 modules?
The ES6 modules organise source code into separate files using import and export statements.
32. What are arrow functions, and how are they different from regular functions?
The arrow function is introduced in ES6. The arrow function allows us to write the shorter function syntax.
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
33. What is the use of JSON.stringify() and JSON? parse()?
JSON.stringify(): This converts an object into a JSON string.
JSON. parse(): This converts a JSON string into a JavaScript object.
34. What is the purpose of callback functions in JavaScript?
Another function is called with a callback function passed as an argument and is executed when the other function call completes.
34. What are the key features of JavaScript?
Key features of Smalltalk include dynamic typing, object orientation based on the prototype, first-class functions, and support for event-driven and asynchronous programming.
Intermediate Javascript Coding Questions
36. What is event delegation in JavaScript?
In other words, it’s a JavaScript technique where instead of attaching multiple event listeners to multiple child elements, we attach only one event listener to a parent element called the event delegation.
37. What are promises, and how do they work?
The value that promise represents might be present now, in the future, or never. It is used to work on asynchronous operations. Promises have three states: They have methods that are pending, resolved (fulfilled), and rejected.
38. What is the blind() method in JavaScript?
The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has this keyword set to the provided value and prepends any provided.
39. How do you create a deep copy of an object in JavaScript?
In modern JavaScript, you can create a deep copy using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)) or libraries like loadash or structuredClone.
40. What is the difference between null and undefined?
The “null” is a deliberate assignment value representing no value or object. The “undefined” means a variable has been declared but not assigned a value.
41. What is the apply() method in JavaScript?
The apply() method is similar to call() because it is invokable. The only difference is that the application accepts the arguments as an array or an array-like object, whereas the call accepts the arguments anyway.
42. Explain the concept of a “Promise Chain”?
A promise chain is a series of then() calls on a promise. Each then() returns a new promise, allowing you to chain multiple asynchronous operations sequentially.
43. What are generators in JavaScript?
Generators are special functions that pause execution using yield and resume where they left off. They provide a way to iterate over data asynchronously.
44. What are template literals in JavaScript?
Backtick (`) enclosed template literals have expressions inside of expressions, multi-line string, and string interpolation using `${}`.
45. What is the setTimeout() function in JavaScript?
A setTimeout() is a function that executes some function or a segment of source code after a given time(ms).
46. What is the setInterval() function in JavaScript?
The setInterval() executes a given function or source code snippet repeatedly with a fixed time delay between each call.
47. What is the purpose of this keyword in JavaScript?
This keyword refers to the object that executes the source code in the current context, and its value is based on when it is used.
48. How do you handle errors in JavaScript?
The errors in JavaScript can be handled using try, catch, and finally, blocks. Throw can be used to manually throw errors.
49. What is the spread operator(…) in JavaScript?
The spread operator expands an iterable (like an array or object) into individual elements or properties.
50. How do you handle asynchronous source code in JavaScript?
The async makes a function return a promise, which makes the function wait until the promise is complete.
51. What is destructuring in JavaScript?
Destructuring is a simple way to make values from arrays or objects into variables.
52. What is the purpose of the Object.freeze() method in JavaScript?
Object.freeze() converts an object so it cannot be modified because its properties and values cannot be modified.
53. What is an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)?
An IIFEE is a function defined and executed immediately after its creation. It is often used to create a local scope to avoid polluting the global scope.
54. How does the reduce() method work in JavaScript?
The reduce() method iterates over an array and accumulates a single result by applying a callback function.
55. How do you clone an object in JavaScript?
You can clone an object using Object. assign({}, originalObject) or the spread operator({…originalObject}).
56. What is a WeakMap in JavaScript?
A WeekMap is a collection of key-value pairs where the keys are objects, and the values can be any type. This does not prevent garbage collection of keys.
57. What is the event loop in JavaScript?
The core of a JavaScript event loop is powerful machinery that allows the creation of non-blocking, asynchronous programs by orchestrating some tasks performed in that environment in a thread fashion.
58. What is the purpose of the new keyword in JavaScript?
The new keyword is used to create a new instance of an object, initializing it using constructor functions.
59. What is a Proxy in JavaScript?
A Proxy is an object that wraps another object and intercepts operations like property access, assignment, etc., enabling custom behaviour.
60. How do you prevent a function from being called multiple times in JavaScript?
We can prevent multiple calls by using techniques such as debouncing or throttling.
61. What is the purpose of the setImmediate() function in JavaScript?
The setImmediate() executes an asynchronous function after the current event loop cycle. It is similar to setTimeout() with a delay of 0.
62. How does the find() method work in JavaScript?
The find() method searches the first element in an array for which all the members satisfy the given testing function. If an argument is not passed in this method, it returns the root object; otherwise, it returns the value of the first element for which the specified criteria are met or returns undefined.
const numbers = [10, 20, 30];
const result = numbers.find(num => num > 15);
63. What are higher-order functions in JavaScript?
A HOF(Higher Order function) is a function that takes another function as an argument and must return another function or both. These functions are typical of the functional programming paradigm in JavaScript, especially with methods such as map, filter or reduce.
function higherOrder(func) {
return function(value) {
return func(value);
const multiplyByTwo = higherOrder(value => value * 2);
64. What is hoisting in JavaScript?
Host is a JavaScript mechanism that moves variables, function declarations, or classes to the top of their scope during execution. For example, variable declarations are hoisted but not their assignments.
var a = 5;
function sayHello() {
65. What is a WeakSet in JavaScript?
A WeakSet is similar to a Set but only holds objects, not primitive values. Its references are weak, meaning that if no other references exist, the objects in a WeakSet can be collected as garbage.
let obj = { key: "value" };
const weakSet = new WeakSet();
obj = null;
66. What is the purpose of the typeof operator?
The typeof operators is used to determine the type of a value.
67. What is the purpose of async and await in JavaScript?
The async and await simplify working with promises by turning asynchronous sources into code written synchronously.
68. What is memoization in JavaScript?
Memoization is a concept that involves saving the result of expensive function calls in a cache so that the function can be quickly retrieved when it is called again with the same argument.
function memoize(fn) {
const cache = {};
return function (...args) {
const key = JSON.stringify(args);
if (!cache[key]) {
cache[key] = fn(...args);
return cache[key];
69. What is the prototype in JavaScript, and how is it used?
Every JavaScript object has a prototype property that allows for inheritance. When a method or property is not found on an object, JavaScript looks up the chain to its prototype.
function Person(name) { = name;
Person.prototype.greet = function () {
console.log(`Hello, ${}`);
const alice = new Person("Alice");
alice.greet(); // Output: Hello, Alice
70. How can you check if a property exists in an object?
71. What is the difference between and Function.prototype.apply()?
The call() and apply() methods in JavaScript invoke functions with a specified value. The primary difference lies in how they handle arguments. The call() method arguments individually, while applying () takes them as an array. The methods are instrumental in borrowing methods from other objects or invoking functions in a specific context.
72. How does async/ await simplify working with asynchronous source code?
ES2017 introduced async/await, a syntactic sugar based on Promises that makes asynchronous code appear more like synchronous code.
async just tells the compiler that this is an asynchronous function and returns you a Promise out of the box. In an async function, the await keyword pauses execution until a Promise is resolved or rejected. By doing this, we have cleaner and more readable code and don’t have to have nested .then() chains. Secondly, error handling is simplified, using await with try…catch blocks.
73. How does JavaScript handle memory management?
The name implies memory management in JavaScript, performed automatically using a garbage collector. This process recovers objects not used or referred to and frees memory.
Almost all real implementations of garbage collection algorithms, like mark-and-sweep garbage collection, start with the object graph from the roots, such as global variables, and mark all accessible objects. Then, unmarked objects are cleaned up and considered unreachable. Memory-wise, developers can optimize memory usage by carefully managing these object references, avoiding references caused by circular references or keeping more references than necessary.
74. What are generator functions, and how do they work?
The function syntax defines the generator functions in JavaScript, which allows functions to yield multiple values over time rather than return a single value. The generator function is called and returns an iterator object. The iterator’s next() method executes the generator functions up to the next yield statement, pausing execution and returning the yielded value. Generators are useful for implementing lazy evaluation, asynchronous workflows, and custom iterables.
75. Explain the concept of “hoisting” in JavaScript.
Hoisting is a JavaScript feature that elevates all variable and function declarations to the top of the relevant scope during the compile-state phase. If we declare a variable using the var or a function declaration, it gives us a reference to the variable or function, so we don’t have to define it in the code.
76. What is the Promise.all() method in JavaScript?
It is a method introduced in Promise that executes multiple promises simultaneously and waits until all of them are fulfilled (or one is rejected). It returns the new Promise, which resolves with an array of results from those input Promises or is rejected if any of those input Promises is rejected.
However, we can use a throttle function to limit the frequency at which we call a function. This ensures that the function is called at the right times regardless of how often the event is triggered (for example, when we scroll or resize). It helps us only execute the function if necessary.
function throttle(fn, delay) {
let lastTime = 0;
return function(...args) {
const now = new Date().getTime();
if (now - lastTime >= delay) {
lastTime = now;
78. What is the event loop in JavaScript?
JavaScript is a non-blocking, asynchronous programming language, and the best way to have asynchronous code is to use the Event loop. It constantly checks whether the call stack is empty and processes the task queue. The event loop pushes the top task in the queue onto the call stack for execution unless there are tasks (which) are in the queue.
79. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous source code?
In synchronized code, each operation of code will be executed sequentially. The next operation can’t start until the previous one has finished. If one operation takes a long time, delays can result.
On the other hand, asynchronous code executes other code even while certain operations (such as network requests or timers) run in the background. JavaScript does this through callbacks, Promises or async/await.
The JavaScript event loop handles asynchronous operations. It allows you to perform I/O operations (like open(), etc.) from JavaScript without disturbing the main program. A message queue continuously checks for pending events, which are then pushed to the call stack for execution when the call stack is empty.
The call stack, message queue, web APIs (I/O operations), and the event loop enable JavaScript to perform tasks in parallel without wasting time on the main thread.
81. What is a higher-order function in JavaScript?
A higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments or returns a function as output. It’s also a common concept in JavaScript for callbacks and function composition.
function applyOperation(x, y, operation) {
return operation(x, y);
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
console.log(applyOperation(5, 3, add));
82. What is the Object.create() method in JavaScript?
To create a new Object using an existing object as that new object’s [[Prototype]]. It is useful for setting up inheritance between objects. This is useful for setting up inheritance between objects.
let person = {
greet: function() {
let employee = Object.create(person); = function() {
83. What are higher-order functions in JavaScript?
A higher-order function is a function that takes another function as an argument, returns another function, or both. This will help us to write more abstract, more reusable code.
function multiply(a, b) {
return a * b;
function applyOperation(a, b, operation) {
return operation(a, b);
console.log(applyOperation(3, 4, multiply));
84. What is event delegation in JavaScript?
Event delegation is a technique in JavaScript where a single event listener is added to a parent element instead of attaching multiple event listeners to individual child elements. The event listener checks the event. target to determine which child element triggered the event.
The DOM Input Checkbox Property sets or returns a checkbox field’s checked status, reflecting the HTML Checked attribute.
86. What will be logged in the console?
console.log(1 < 2 < 3);
console.log(3 > 2 > 1);
87. What will be the result of the following source code?
let x = 10;
let y = (x++, x + 1, x * 2);
88. What will be the output of this recursive function?
Function foo(num){
if (num === 0) return 1;
return num + foo(num - 1);
89. What will be logged by the following source code?
function test() {
Window or global object
90. How do you target a particular frame from a hyperlink in JavaScript?
This can be done by using the target attribute in the hyperlink.
< a href=”/herovird.html” target=”newframe”> New Page </a>
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What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is dynamically typed (Variable type changes at the time of execution) and interpreted language (written and added as part of HTML to a web page, and it gets interpreted by the environment in which the page is currently loaded). It is a lightweight cross-platform scripting language used to perform real-time updates for form validations, animations, and user interactions in the browser, and it is very useful.
Key Features of JavaScript?
Interactivity: Interactive web elements, including buttons, dropdowns and modal windows, are brought to life with JavaScript.
Client-Side Execution: It is run directly inside the browser, making it easy to load and run.
Versatility: It can be used to build front-end (web) and back-end applications (environments like Node.js).
Event-Driven: User actions such as clicks, key presses and mouse movements cause JavaScript to respond.
Cross-Platform: JavaScript runs on platforms, operating systems or mobile devices as long as a browser supports JavaScript.
To learn coding interviews and become a good web developer, you must master JavaScript. With ES6 and beyond, you can focus on core concepts, such as closures, asynchronous programming and object manipulation, and properly show how you solve practical challenges.
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What is JavaScript, and why is it popular?
JavaScript is an interpreted language used for web development. It is easy to implement since it is not an object-oriented language. It has gained popularity because it integrates with HTML and CSS and is compatible with current frameworks such as React and Angular.
Does JavaScript support object-oriented programming (OOP)?
Although JavaScript doesn’t support OOP principles like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, it still does. It still uses prototypal inheritance but provides ES6+ class syntax to developers familiar with traditional OOP languages.
Is JavaScript a client-side or server-side language?
JavaScript is also a server-side scripting language used in environments like Node.js, although it is primarily a client-side language.
What is the role of JavaScript in modern web development?
JavaScript provides dynamic content, provides user experience and allows for Single Page Applications (SPA). It is also essential for full-stack, mobile app, and API building.
Does JavaScript support type-checking?
JavaScript is an interpreted language used for web development. It is easy to implement since it is not an object-oriented language. It has gained popularity because it integrates with HTML and CSS and is compatible with current frameworks such as React and Angular.
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