A Comprehensive Guide on Python Data Types with Examples

Updated on July 4, 2024

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Think of Python as the Swiss Army knife of programming languages, versatile and multifaceted. Its importance is akin to the backbone of tech wizardry, seamlessly woven into web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Python isn’t just a language; it’s a powerhouse that empowers everyone, from coding enthusiasts to seasoned developers. Now, let’s talk about its types, the building blocks that make Python a programming marvel. From traditional numeric types like integers and floats to the enigmatic complexities of sets, dictionaries, and strings, Python’s got it all. It’s not just a language; it’s an ecosystem of possibilities waiting to be explored.


So, whether you’re scripting a website, crunching numbers, or diving into the world of machine learning, Python is your trusty companion, making the complex seem as easy as Sunday morning brunch.


What is Python?

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, is widely used in various fields, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more. One of the key features that make Python so flexible is its robust support for different data types.


Understanding Python data types is fundamental to writing efficient and effective code. In this comprehensive guide, you will explore the various data types in Python, providing detailed explanations and examples to help you grasp their usage.


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What are Data Types?

In programming, data types are classifications that specify which type of value a variable can hold. Python, being a dynamically typed language, allows the interpreter to assign data types during runtime. This flexibility simplifies coding but also demands a clear understanding of the available data types.


Common Data Types in Python 

Python supports several built-in data types, categorised into the following:

  • Numeric 
  • Sequence
  • Set 
  • Dictionary 
  • Boolean 

Data Types in Python with Examples

    Numeric Types

    Numeric Python types refer to the fundamental data types in Python that handle numerical values. These types play a crucial role in mathematical and scientific computations, making Python a powerful language for data analysis, machine learning, and scientific research.

    Integer (int)

    The integer class represents this value, encompassing both positive and negative whole numbers without fractions or decimals. In Python, there exists no restriction on the length of an integer value, allowing for limitless magnitude.

    Float (float)

    The float class represents this value, denoting a real number with a floating-point representation characterised by a decimal point. Optionally, one can append the character ‘e’ or ‘E’ followed by a positive or negative integer to indicate scientific notation.
  • Complex (complex)

    The complex class represents a complex number specified in the form of (real part) + (imaginary part)j. An illustrative example is 2 + 3j.

    For example: 

    This code demonstrates how to determine the data type of variables in Python using the type() function. It prints the data types of three variables: a (integer), b (float), and c (complex). The output shows the respective data types for each variable.


    a = 5

    print(“Type of a: “, type(a)) 

    b = 5.0

    print(“nType of b: “, type(b)) 


    c = 2 + 4j

    print(“nType of c: “, type(c))



    Type of a:  <class ‘int’>

    Type of b:  <class ‘float’>

    Type of c:  <class ‘complex’>


  • Sequence Types

    The sequence data type in Python refers to an ordered collection of either similar or different data types. Sequences provide a structured and efficient means of storing multiple values.


  • List (list)

    Lists are mutable sequences, allowing the modification of elements. Here’s an example that demonstrates the use of a list to store and manipulate a sequence of numbers:

    # Creating a list of numbers

    numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    # Accessing elements in the list

    first_element = numbers[0]

    second_element = numbers[1]

    # Modifying elements in the list

    numbers[2] = 10


    # Adding elements to the list


    # Removing elements from the list

    removed_element = numbers.pop(3)

    # Iterating through the list

    for num in numbers:


    # Checking if an element is in the list

    is_present = 7 in numbers

    # Finding the length of the list

    list_length = len(numbers)

    # Slicing the list

    subset = numbers[1:4]

    # Concatenating two lists

    other_numbers = [7, 8, 9]

    combined_list = numbers + other_numbers

    # Sorting the list


    # Reversing the list


    # Clearing all elements from the list



    # Printing the results

    print(“List after modifications:”, numbers)

    print(“Removed element:”, removed_element)

    print(“Is 7 present in the list?”, is_present)

    print(“Length of the list:”, list_length)

    print(“Subset of the list:”, subset)

    print(“Combined list:”, combined_list)

    This example covers various operations on a list, including accessing elements, modifying the list, adding and removing elements, iterating through the list, checking membership, finding the length, slicing, concatenating, sorting, reversing, and clearing the list.


  • Tuple (tuple)


    Tuples are immutable sequences, and once created, their elements cannot be changed.  Here’s an example demonstrating the use of a tuple:


    # Creating a tuple

    fruits_tuple = (‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’, ‘grape’)

    # Accessing elements in the tuple

    first_fruit = fruits_tuple[0]

    second_fruit = fruits_tuple[1]

    # Iterating through the tuple

    for fruit in fruits_tuple:


    # Checking if an element is in the tuple

    is_present = ‘kiwi’ in fruits_tuple

    # Finding the length of the tuple

    tuple_length = len(fruits_tuple)

    # Slicing the tuple

    subset = fruits_tuple[1:3]

    # Concatenating two tuples

    other_fruits_tuple = (‘pear’, ‘melon’)

    combined_tuple = fruits_tuple + other_fruits_tuple

    # Multiplying the tuple

    repeated_tuple = fruits_tuple * 2

    # Nested tuple

    nested_tuple = (‘red’, (‘green’, ‘blue’), ‘yellow’)

    # Printing the results

    print(“First fruit:”, first_fruit)

    print(“Is ‘kiwi’ present in the tuple?”, is_present)

    print(“Length of the tuple:”, tuple_length)

    print(“Subset of the tuple:”, subset)

    print(“Combined tuple:”, combined_tuple)

    print(“Repeated tuple:”, repeated_tuple)

    print(“Nested tuple:”, nested_tuple)

    This example covers various operations on a tuple, including accessing elements, iterating through the tuple, checking membership, finding the length, slicing, concatenating, multiplying, and using nested tuples. Note that unlike lists, tuples are immutable, meaning their elements cannot be modified after creation.


  • String (str)


    Strings are not only a sequence type but also serve as the primary text type in Python.


    # Creating a string

    message = “Hello, Python!”

    # Accessing characters in the string

    first_char = message[0]

    second_char = message[7]

    # Iterating through the string

    for char in message:

        print(char, end=’ ‘)

    # Concatenating strings

    greeting = “Hello, “

    name = “Alice”

    full_greeting = greeting + name + “!”

    # Finding the length of the string

    message_length = len(message)

    # Checking if a substring is present in the string

    is_present = “Python” in message

    # String methods

    uppercase_message = message.upper()

    lowercase_message = message.lower()

    capitalized_message = message.capitalize()

    # String formatting

    formatted_message = “My name is {} and I am {} years old.”.format(“Bob”, 25)

    # String slicing

    substring = message[7:13]

    # Repeating a string

    repeated_message = message * 3

    # Escaping special characters

    escaped_string = “This is a newline character:nSee?”

    # Printing the results

    print(“nFirst character:”, first_char)

    print(“Concatenated greeting:”, full_greeting)

    print(“Length of the string:”, message_length)

    print(“Is ‘Python’ present in the string?”, is_present)

    print(“Uppercase:”, uppercase_message)

    print(“Lowercase:”, lowercase_message)

    print(“Capitalized:”, capitalized_message)

    print(“Formatted string:”, formatted_message)

    print(“Substring:”, substring)

    print(“Repeated string:”, repeated_message)

    print(“Escaped string:”, escaped_string)

    # Creating a string

    message = “Hello, Python!”

    # Accessing characters in the string

    first_char = message[0]

    second_char = message[7]

    # Iterating through the string

    for char in message:

        print(char, end=’ ‘)

    # Concatenating strings

    greeting = “Hello, “

    name = “Alice”

    full_greeting = greeting + name + “!”

    # Finding the length of the string

    message_length = len(message)


    # Checking if a substring is present in the string

    is_present = “Python” in message

    # String methods

    uppercase_message = message.upper()

    lowercase_message = message.lower()

    capitalized_message = message.capitalize()

    # String formatting

    formatted_message = “My name is {} and I am {} years old.”.format(“Bob”, 25)

    # String slicing

    substring = message[7:13]

    # Repeating a string

    repeated_message = message * 3

    # Escaping special characters

    escaped_string = “This is a newline character:nSee?”

    # Printing the results

    print(“nFirst character:”, first_char)

    print(“Concatenated greeting:”, full_greeting)

    print(“Length of the string:”, message_length)

    print(“Is ‘Python’ present in the string?”, is_present)

    print(“Uppercase:”, uppercase_message)

    print(“Lowercase:”, lowercase_message)

    print(“Capitalized:”, capitalized_message)

    print(“Formatted string:”, formatted_message)

    print(“Substring:”, substring)

    print(“Repeated string:”, repeated_message)

    print(“Escaped string:”, escaped_string)


  • Set Types

    In Python, a set is a versatile data type representing an unordered collection that is both iterable and mutable while also ensuring the absence of duplicate elements. Sets provide a flexible and efficient way to manage unique values without concern for their order, as the arrangement of elements within a set is undefined. A set can encompass various data types, making it a dynamic container for distinct elements. 




    # create a set named student_id

    student_id = {112, 114, 116, 118, 115}


    # display student_id elements



    # display type of student_id


    Run Code



    {112, 114, 115, 116, 118}

    <class ‘set’>


  • Dictionary Types


    In Python, a dictionary is a dynamic and versatile data type that serves as an ordered collection of items. Unlike other sequential data structures, a Python dictionary stores elements in key/value pairs, providing a flexible and efficient means of organising and retrieving information



    # create a dictionary named capital_city

    capital_city = {‘Nepal’: ‘Kathmandu’, ‘Italy’: ‘Rome’, ‘England’: ‘London’}




    {‘Nepal’: ‘Kathmandu’, ‘Italy’: ‘Rome’, ‘England’: ‘London’}

    In the above example, we have created a dictionary named capital_city. Here,

    • Keys are ‘Nepal’, ‘Italy’, ‘England’
    • Values are ‘Kathmandu’, ‘Rome’, ‘London’


  • Boolean


    The Boolean type in Python has two default values: True and False. These values play a crucial role in evaluating the truthfulness or falsity of a given statement. This principle is illustrated in the programming language’s documentation. The value False can be denoted by either 0 or the letter “F,” whereas True can be represented by any non-zero value.


    For example:


    # Python program to check the boolean type  






    <class ‘bool’>

    <class ‘bool’>

    NameError: name ‘false’ is not defined



In A Nutshell

Python’s rich variety of data types empowers developers with the flexibility and efficiency needed to tackle a broad spectrum of programming challenges. The availability of diverse data structures, such as lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries, and more, equips programmers with versatile tools to handle and manipulate information. Today, Python is a language of immense significance across various industries, from web development to artificial intelligence and data science. Its popularity lies not only in its simplicity and readability but also in the robustness of its data types, enabling the creation of scalable and efficient solutions. As the demand for Python expertise continues to soar, gaining proficiency in Python’s data types is a valuable investment for anyone entering the field of programming.


If you’re looking to enhance your Python skills and delve deeper into the world of programming, consider enrolling in the Accelerator Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Hero Vired. The courses provide comprehensive insights into Python’s diverse data types and their applications, equipping you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Take the first step towards mastering Python with Hero Vired’s expert-led courses and unlock a world of opportunities in the dynamic field of programming. Enroll today and embark on a journey to elevate your coding proficiency and career prospects!



Within Python, there exist numerous intrinsic data types, encompassing numeric categories such as integers, floats, and complex numbers, alongside string, boolean, and collection types like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Each of these data types possesses unique properties, methods, and behaviours, affording programmers a diverse set of tools to adeptly manipulate and process data within their programs.
In Python, every object is associated with a particular class, and each class serves as a blueprint for a specific data type. When we create an instance of an object from a class, we effectively generate a new variable, with the class serving as the type of this variable. Python boasts a diverse range of data types, each defined by its respective class, contributing to the language's flexibility and versatility.
Python finds widespread use in the development of websites and software, as well as in tasks related to automation, data analysis, and data visualisation. Its ease of learning has led to its adoption by a diverse range of professionals, including non-programmers such as accountants and scientists. Python proves invaluable in various everyday tasks, including the organisation of finances, owing to its accessibility and versatility.
Python keywords are distinct reserved words with predefined meanings and purposes dedicated solely to those specific functions. These keywords are inherently accessible in Python; there's no need to import them into your code. It's important to note that Python keywords differ from the language's built-in functions and types, as they are exclusively designated for precise programming functionalities.
In Python, a set is a data type employed to gather multiple items within a singular variable. As one of the four fundamental built-in data types alongside lists, dictionaries, and tuples, sets exhibit distinct characteristics and applications compared to the others. Represented by curly brackets, a set is a collection that is both unordered and unindexed.

Updated on July 4, 2024


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