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What is DNS in Computer Networks

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The Domain Name System (DNS) is probably one of the most critical building blocks of the modern Internet infrastructure. These include: Have you ever thought about what happens when you type a web address in the location bar and get connected to the site immediately? That’s DNS in converting the easy-to-remember domain name to a machine-readable IP address.


Without DNS, we are in a hypothetical world where we need to remember the numerous IP addresses of each page we want to access. Rather, DNS in computer networks is similar to the telephone directory, which provides us with easily remembered ‘phone numbers’ that help us get to where we want to go online—such as ‘’. It is a system where the end-user does not have to know the innate inner workings to search the Internet quickly and efficiently.

The Historical Evolution and Purpose of DNS

However, DNS was not always the standard. In the early days of the Internet, for example, a file known as HOSTS.TXT was used to map hostnames to IP addresses. This method became impractical as the Internet grew. Just consider a situation where one has to access and modify a single file which appears to hold all the addresses on the internet. It would be chaos!


To counter this problem, in 1983, Paul Mockapetris and his colleagues came up with DNS. This system replaced HOSTS. TXT has a system of hierarchically distributed databases that would allow the site to expand along with the continually developing internet. DNS brought several key benefits:


  • Scalability: It can handle a vast number of domain names without a centralised bottleneck.
  • Decentralisation: Any host can join or leave the network without impacting others.
  • Dynamic Addressing: It supports changes in IP addresses without changing domain names.


By organising domain names into a structured hierarchy, DNS provided a robust and scalable solution that has become integral to the internet’s operation.

Detailed Explanation of DNS Servers and Their Roles

To better comprehend the function of DNS in computer networks, it is essential to gain an understanding of DNS servers and their functions. These servers also collaborate, guaranteeing that searches are resolved efficiently and accurately, thus allowing efficient surfing of the World Wide Web. Let’s go deeper into the details:

DNS Resolver (Recursive DNS)

This DNS resolver, often called recursive DNS, is normally the entry point for all DNS queries. For example, the request goes to the DNS resolver whenever we enter a URL in our browser. This server behaves as an intermediary, searching for the information needed to resolve the domain name into an IP address.


The process starts with the DNS resolver first searching its cache. It sends it back to the browser if it has the right IP address stored. If not, the resolver will then go to other DNS servers to pose the question with an answer in mind. The idea here is to return the IP address as soon as possible, increasing the page loading speed.

Authoritative DNS Servers

Authoritative DNS servers have the specific DNS information for a designated domain. These servers are the authoritative information sources related to domain names. They respond to DNS resolvers’ questions by supplying IP address information to direct internet traffic.


There are several types of authoritative DNS servers:


  • Primary Server: This server contains the original copy of the DNS records.
  • Secondary Server: It obtains its data from the primary server and backs up the main database. Even when the primary server is down, the secondary server can still handle queries that are made to the shared namespace.


Authoritative DNS servers work to make sure that the information on domain names is relevant and current.

The Hierarchical Structure of the DNS System

It can be stated that the hierarchical structure of DNS in computer networks is crucial for its performance and performance characteristics. It is divided into several levels, each with specific roles:

Root Name Servers

Root name servers sit at the top of the DNS hierarchy. They don’t store domain-specific information but direct queries to the appropriate TLD nameserver. Think of them as the primary index in a library, pointing you to the right section for more detailed information.


There are 13 root name servers, identified by letters A through M, distributed globally. These servers handle millions of queries daily, ensuring that the system remains robust and resilient.

Top-Level Domain (TLD) Name Servers

The TLD name servers come next in the hierarchy level of the domain name system. These servers control domains under certain top-level domains, such as .com and .org or other country code TLDs like .uk and .jp. When a root name server resolves a query, it forwards the query to the relevant TLD nameserver.


For instance, if you were searching for ‘’, the root name server will direct the query to the .com TLD nameserver. This server then knows how to get to the correct nameserver for “”

Authoritative Name Servers

Authoritative name servers are the final step in the DNS query process. They contain the actual DNS records for a domain. When a TLD name server receives a query, it directs it to the authoritative nameserver for the domain in question.


These servers hold various types of DNS records, such as:


  • A Records: Map domain names to IPv4 addresses.
  • AAAA Records: Map domain names to IPv6 addresses.
  • MX Records: Direct email to the correct mail server.
  • CNAME Records: Alias one domain name to another.
  • NS Records: Indicate which servers are authoritative for the domain.
  • PTR Records: Perform reverse lookups from IP addresses to domain names.
  • TXT Records: Store text information, often for verification purposes.


Here’s a simplified table illustrating the roles of different DNS servers:


DNS Server Type

Role and Function

Root Name Server

Directs queries to the appropriate TLD nameserver

TLD Name Server

Manages domains within a specific top-level domain

Authoritative Name Server

Contains actual DNS records for a domain, providing the final IP address

The Core Functionality of DNS in Computer Networks: Translating Domain Names to IP Addresses

DNS is all about making the internet user-friendly. When we type the address of a website, the browser issues a request to the DNS resolver, initiating a search for the IP address of that site. This involves several steps:


  1. Querying the DNS Resolver: The user’s device makes a DNS resolver request, which is frequently initiated by the Internet Service Provider (ISP).
  2. Root Nameserver Contact: The resolver queries a root nameserver to determine which TLD (Top-Level Domain) nameserver to contact next.
  3. TLD Nameserver: The root nameserver responds with the address of the TLD nameserver (e.g., for “.com”).
  4. Authoritative Nameserver: The resolver then queries the TLD nameserver, which responds with the address of the authoritative nameserver for the specific domain.
  5. Retrieving the IP Address: Finally, the authoritative nameserver provides the IP address associated with the domain name.


This process, although it looks lengthy, is done in milliseconds to avoid any interruption of the browsing process.

How DNS Queries Work: Recursive, Iterative, and Non-Recursive Queries

DNS queries are key elements in DNS resolution. There are three basic categories of request, each of which plays its part in translating domain names to IP addresses.

Recursive Queries

  • The DNS resolver resolves the domain name entirely.
  • The client expects a complete answer, either the IP address or an error message if the domain name cannot be found.
  • The resolver might query multiple DNS servers, moving through the hierarchy until it finds the answer.
  • Ensures that the user gets the information they need without handling multiple queries themselves.

Iterative Queries

  • The DNS resolver does not query other servers on behalf of the client.
  • It responds with the best information it has.
  • If it doesn’t have the answer, it directs the client to another DNS server, usually higher in the hierarchy.
  • The client then queries that server, continuing the process until reaching an authoritative server that can provide the IP address.

Non-Recursive Queries

  • Occur when the DNS resolver already knows the answer or can find it in its cache.
  • The resolver sends the answer directly to the client without querying other servers.
  • This type of query is the fastest since it relies on previously stored information.
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Common Types of DNS Records and Their Functions

DNS records are essential components of the DNS system. They provide the information necessary to map domain names to IP addresses and direct internet traffic. Let’s look at the most common types of DNS records and their functions.


Types Description Purpose Example
A Records (Address Records) A Records are the most fundamental type of DNS record. They map domain names to IPv4 addresses. When we type a web address into our browser, the DNS resolver uses the A record to find the corresponding IP address. Maps domain names to IPv4 addresses ->
AAAA Records (IPv6 Address Records) AAAA records are similar to A records but map domain names to IPv6 addresses instead of IPv4 addresses. With the increasing adoption of IPv6, AAAA records are becoming more common. Maps domain names to IPv6 addresses -> 2001:0db8::1
MX Records (Mail Exchanger Records) MX records direct email to the correct mail server. They specify the mail servers responsible for receiving email for a domain. Multiple MX records can be used to provide redundancy, ensuring that email can still be delivered even if one server is unavailable. Directs email to mail servers ->
CNAME Records (Canonical Name Records) CNAME records are used to alias one domain name to another. This is useful when you want multiple domain names to point to the same website. For example, you might want both “” and “” to direct users to the same site. CNAME records make this possible. Aliases one domain name to another ->
NS Records (Name Server Records) NS records indicate which DNS servers are authoritative for a domain. These records are essential for directing queries to the correct servers that hold the DNS records for a domain. Indicates authoritative DNS servers ->
PTR Records (Pointer Records) PTR records are used for reverse DNS lookups. They map IP addresses back to domain names. This is often used to verify the legitimacy of an email server, help prevent spam, and ensure secure communications. Maps IP addresses back to domain names ->
TXT Records (Text Records) TXT records allow domain administrators to store text information in the DNS. These records are often used for verification purposes, such as proving domain ownership or configuring email security measures like SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). Stores text information for various purposes -> “v=spf1 ~all”

Practical Aspects of DNS Management and Public vs. Private DNS

Effective DNS management is essential for maintaining internet performance and security. Understanding the differences between public and private DNS helps in choosing the right solution for specific needs.

Public DNS

Public DNS servers, such as Google Public DNS and Cloudflare’s, are available for anyone to use. They offer fast and reliable DNS resolution, often with added security features.


These servers are maintained by large organisations, ensuring high availability and performance. They are a good choice for general use and provide a reliable service for resolving domain names.

Private DNS

Private DNS, on the other hand, is used within organisations. These servers handle DNS queries for internal networks and are not accessible from the outside. This setup provides better control over DNS records and policies.


Organisations use private DNS to manage internal resources securely. It allows customisation and enforcement of specific security policies, which is crucial for protecting sensitive data and operations.

Benefits of Using Managed DNS Services

Managed DNS services take the hassle out of DNS management. These services offer several advantages:


  • Improved Performance: Managed DNS providers use global networks of servers to ensure fast and reliable DNS resolution.
  • Enhanced Security: They offer advanced security features like DNSSEC, DDoS protection, and rate limiting.
  • Ease of Use: Managed DNS services provide user-friendly interfaces and tools for managing DNS records and configurations.
  • Support and Reliability: Providers offer dedicated support and service level agreements (SLAs) to guarantee uptime and performance.

The Role of DNS Caching in Improving Web Performance

DNS caching plays a significant role in speeding up the DNS resolution process. By storing the results of previous queries, DNS caching reduces the time it takes to resolve subsequent queries for the same domain name.

How DNS Caching Works

When a DNS resolver receives a query, it first checks its cache to see if it already has the IP address for the domain name. If the information is cached, the resolver can immediately return the IP address to the client, bypassing the need to query other servers. This saves time and reduces the load on the DNS infrastructure.


DNS caching can occur at several levels:


  • Browser Caching: Most web browsers cache DNS results for a set period. This means that if we visit the same site multiple times, the browser can quickly retrieve the IP address from its cache.
  • Operating System Caching: Operating systems also cache DNS results. When an application requests a DNS lookup, the OS resolver can provide the answer if it has the information cached.
  • DNS Resolver Caching: DNS resolvers cache the results of their queries. This helps speed up subsequent queries for the same domain name by reducing the need to contact authoritative DNS servers.

Benefits of DNS Caching

The primary benefit of DNS caching is improved performance. By reducing the time it takes to resolve DNS queries, caching helps web pages load faster. This is especially important for frequently visited sites. DNS caching also reduces the overall load on DNS servers, leading to more efficient use of resources.

DNS Security Concerns and Vulnerabilities

DNS in computer networks can be seen as a fundamental component despite the fact that it has some flaws at the same time. This knowledge is useful to understand the steps required in DNS security to protect against such risks.

DNS Cache Poisoning

  • DNS cache poisoning, also known as DNS spoofing, is a serious threat.
  • The attack involves feeding a DNS resolver with fake information and placing it in its cache.
  • As a result, the resolver redirects users to a specific IP address, often leading to a loop or a fake website.
  • Concerns:
    • Enables phishing scams or malware attacks.
    • Users might be redirected to look-alike pages, exposing them to fraudsters instead of legitimate sites like banks.

DNS Amplification Attacks

  • DNS amplification is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.
  • A small query is sent to a DNS server with the target’s IP address spoofed.
  • The DNS server sends a larger reply to the target, flooding it with traffic.
  • Consequences:
    • Exploits the statelessness of the DNS protocol.
    • A small request can generate a large response, overwhelming the victim’s services.

DNS Tunnelling

  • DNS tunnelling involves encapsulating non-DNS traffic within DNS queries and responses.
  • This technique bypasses security measures like firewalls.
  • Concern:
    • Attackers can exfiltrate data from compromised networks.
    • Data is encoded within DNS queries and responses, making detection and blocking difficult.

Domain Hijacking

  • Domain hijacking occurs when an attacker gains unauthorised access to a domain registrar account.
  • Consequences:
    • Attackers can change domain registration details, redirect traffic, intercept emails, and control the domain’s online identity.
    • Can lead to severe disruptions and loss of trust, as customers may be redirected to malicious sites or phishing pages.

Subdomain Takeover

  • Subdomain takeover happens when an attacker claims an abandoned or misconfigured subdomain.
  • If a subdomain points to a decommissioned service, an attacker can set up a new service at that subdomain to serve malicious content.
  • Risks:
    • Compromises user data and trust.
    • Users may unknowingly interact with an attacker’s service, thinking it is legitimate.


DNS is a vital component of the internet, enabling the translation of human-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. We’ve explored the roles of different DNS servers, the types of DNS queries, and the importance of DNS caching. We also discussed common DNS records and their functions, highlighting how they direct internet traffic efficiently.


Security concerns such as cache poisoning, amplification attacks, tunnelling, domain hijacking, and subdomain takeover pose significant risks, emphasising the need for robust DNS management. Understanding the distinction between public and private DNS, along with the benefits of managed DNS services, helps us navigate the complexities of DNS. Ensuring a secure and efficient DNS infrastructure is crucial for maintaining seamless internet connectivity and protecting against cyber threats.


DNS translates human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses, enabling seamless internet navigation.
DNS caching stores previous query results, allowing faster resolution of subsequent queries for the same domain. This reduces load times and server stress.
The most common DNS records include A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, NS, PTR, and TXT records. Each serves a different purpose in the DNS resolution process.
PTR records are used for reverse DNS lookups. They help verify the legitimacy of email servers and prevent spam.
Yes, multiple MX records can provide redundancy. This ensures email delivery even if one mail server is unavailable.

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