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Difference Between Linear and Logistic Regression

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Regression is one of the most important concepts in statistics and machine learning that can be used to understand how one variable relates to others. With regression techniques, we can forecast and investigate data trends. The two most common types of regressions include linear regression and logistic regression and each type serves different purposes depending on the nature of data.


In this blog post, we shall try to answer the question “What is regression?”, then explore linear as well as logistic regression, compare their differences and when either should be applied. We will also look at the applications of these models as well as their limitations so that you get a clear understanding of them.

What is Regression?

Regression refers to a statistical technique that assesses relationships between one or more independent variables and a dependent variable. Essentially, this modelling tries to find how we can determine the value of the dependent variable given certain values of independent variables.


Essentially, regression helps us identify the line of best fit or curve that represents our data points. It is an important tool in many areas including finance, economics and machine learning as it enables one to make better decisions, predict trends and understand how different factors affect an outcome.

Introduction to Linear Regression

Linear regression is a statistical technique used for predicting the relationship between a single continuous dependent variable and one or more predictors (or independent variables). It assumes that there exists a linear relationship between these two types of variables such that when one changes by some amount of units then another changes on average by some constant amount times those same units.


For this reason, linear regression models can also be described as being based on straight lines. Nevertheless, whenever we talk about simple linear regression what we actually mean is fitting only one predictor onto our response variable through the least squares method i.e., minimising sum squared errors.


Linear regression is one of the simplest forms as well as commonly utilised methods in statistics and machine learning fields. It usually serves as a preliminary analysis for correlation before advanced models are employed.

Types of Linear Regression

Linear regression can be categorised into different types based on the number of independent variables involved in the analysis. Here are the two primary types:


1. Simple Linear Regression:


  • This is the most basic form of linear regression and involves just one independent variable and one dependent variable.
  • Example: Predicting a person’s weight based on their height. Here, height is the independent variable, and weight is the dependent variable.
  • Simple linear regression uses the formula Y=a+bXY = a+bX, where:
    • Y is the dependent variable,
    • X is the independent variable,
    • a is the intercept, and
    • b is the slope of the line.


2. Multiple Linear Regression:


  • In this type, two or more independent variables are used to predict the dependent variable.
  • Example: Predicting house prices based on multiple factors like square footage, number of bedrooms, and location.
  • The formula used is Y=a+b1X1+b2X2+⋯+bnXnY = a + b_1X_1 + b_2X_2 + … + b_nX_nY=a+b1​X1​+b2​X2​+⋯+bn​Xn​, where:
    • Y is the dependent variable,
    • X1,X2,…,XnX_1, X_2, …, X_nX1​,X2​,…,Xn​ are the independent variables,
    • a is the intercept, and
    • b1,b2,…,bnb_1, b_2, …, b_nb1​,b2​, …, bn​ are the coefficients representing the impact of each independent variable on Y.

Limitation of Linear Regression

Despite the usefulness of linear regression, when applying it to any dataset, there are certain limitations associated with this technique which need prior awareness:


  1. Linearity Assumption: The assumption here states that there must exist a straight-line relationship between dependent and independent variables. Sometimes, in real-life situations, this might not hold since there could be other forms like quadratic or exponential growth rates, etc. If such cases are encountered during the analysis process, conclusions drawn based on predictions made by the model will be incorrect due to the inappropriate selection of mathematical function, representing the true nature under consideration.
  2. Sensitivity to Outliers: In linear regression, outliers which are completely different from other observations have a significant impact on the results of analysis. They can affect predictions by pushing out the regression line away from its slope, thus reducing accuracy.
  3. Assumption of Independence: Linear regression requires that independent variables should not be interrelated, meaning multicollinearity does not exist. In the presence of multicollinearity, it is difficult to determine how one variable affects another at an individual level.

Application of Linear Regression

Because of its simplicity and interpretability, linear regression finds applications across multiple fields. Here are some areas where linear regression is commonly applied:


  1. Predicting Stock Prices: Investors often employ linear regressions when trying to estimate future stock prices using historical records.
  2. Demand Forecasting: By looking at product prices in relation to market trends businesses can use this approach to predict future demand levels.
  3. Medical Research: Different health indicators may be correlated so researchers apply linear regression models to determine the strength of association. For example cholesterol levels via a heart disease risk factor analysis.
  4. Customer Segmentation: Another popular use of linear regression is analysing customer behaviour and segmenting customers based on factors like purchase history or demographics.

Introduction to Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a type of statistical model that examines relationships between one or more independent variables and an outcome variable which has two categories. The main difference between logistic regression and other forms lies in the fact that instead of dealing with predictors having continuous distributions we are concerned about those having categorical ones, thus making it appropriate when dealing with binary outcomes such as presence/absence, success/failure, etc. Examples include spam filtering (email being classified as spam or not) or cancer diagnosis (based on various possible causes).


In other words, logistic regression uses the sigmoid function, also called logistic function, to model the probability of a given input belonging to any category in particular. The sigmoid function maps all real numbers into values between 0 and 1, making it an ideal tool for estimating probabilities. The output values of logistic regressions are interpreted as the probabilities that the dependent variable falls within some class or another depending upon whether they cross above or below specific threshold values (typically 0.5) used to divide results into binary categories.


Moreover, multinomial logistic regressions can be used whenever there are more than two response categories e.g., choosing the most likely product category given the customer’s demographics plus past behaviours.

Limitation of Logistic Regression

While logistic regression is a powerful tool for classification, it has several limitations:


  1. Linearity in Log-Odds: Logistic regression assumes linearity between independent variables and log odds of outcome occurrence, hence may fail if non-linear relationships exist.
  2. Requires Large Sample Sizes: Logistic regression requires large sample sizes for reliable results, especially with many independent variables.
  3. Limited to Binary or Categorical Outcomes: Because it cannot predict continuous outcomes, logistic regression can only be used for classification tasks.
  4. Sensitivity to Outliers: Similar to linear regression, outliers can influence predictions made by logistic models.

Application of Logistic Regression

Various fields use logistic regressions extensively for classifying tasks:


1. Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, logistic regression is used to predict the probability that a patient has a particular disease based on symptoms, medical history, and other risk factors.

2. Marketing: Logistic regression is used in business for customers’ segmentation in terms of their purchasing behaviour to enable targeting of marketing efforts more efficiently.

3. Finance: It helps in detecting fraudulent transactions by studying patterns within financial data.

4. Social Sciences:


  • Behavioural Analysis: Logistic regression is often utilised in social sciences to assess the factors influencing human behaviour such as voting patterns and consumer preferences
  • Survey Analysis: Demographic or psychographic survey information can be analysed using this method to understand the likelihood of respondents choosing certain options.
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Difference between Linear and Logistic Regression

Difference Linear Regression Logistic Regression
Output Type Predicts continuous outcomes. Predicts categorical outcomes (binary or multi-class).
Relationship Assumption Assumes a linear relationship between variables. Assumes a linear relationship between the log-odds of the outcome and the independent variables.
Dependent Variable Type Dependent variable is continuous. Dependent variable is categorical (binary or ordinal).
Equation Used Uses a linear equation (Y = a + bX). Uses the logistic function (logit) to model probabilities.
Interpretation of Coefficients Coefficients represent the change in the dependent variable for one unit change in the independent variable. Coefficients represent the change in the log-odds of the dependent variable for one unit change in the independent variable.
Best Fit Line Fits a straight line through the data points. Fits an S-shaped curve through the data points.
Range of Output Output can be any real number. Output is a probability value between 0 and 1.
Complexity of Model Simpler model, often used as a baseline. More complex, used for classification problems.
Use Case Used for prediction and forecasting. Used for classification and probability estimation.
Error Distribution Assumes that errors are normally distributed. Assumes that errors follow a binomial distribution.
Goodness of Fit Measure R-squared is used to measure the fit of the model. Pseudo R-squared or Log-likelihood is used to measure the fit.
Outliers Impact Highly sensitive to outliers. Outliers can affect model accuracy, but to a lesser extent.
Required Data Type Works with continuous independent variables. Can work with both continuous and categorical independent variables.
Multicollinearity Strongly affected by multicollinearity. Also affected by multicollinearity, but less severely.
Use in Machine Learning Commonly used for regression tasks. Commonly used for classification tasks.

Similarities between Linear Regression and Logistic Regression

Similarity Description
Predictive Modelling Both are used for predictive modelling.
Statistical Foundations Both are grounded in statistical theory.
Linear Relationship Assumption Both assume a form of linearity (linear regression directly; logistic regression with log-odds).
Model Interpretability Both models provide coefficients that are interpretable.
Requires Data Preprocessing Both require similar data preprocessing steps like handling missing values and scaling.
Use of Independent Variables Both use independent variables to predict the outcome.
Sensitivity to Outliers Both can be influenced by outliers in the data.
Assumes Independence of Observations Both assume that observations are independent of each other.
Generalisation to Multiple Variables Both can be extended to handle multiple independent variables.
Use in Supervised Learning Both are used in supervised learning contexts where the outcome variable is known.

When to use Linear Regression vs. Logistic Regression?

If you want to know which one is better, linear or logistic regression, you need to consider your dependent variable. Linear regression works best when the dependent variable is continuous, which means it can take any value within a certain range. This method is suitable for predictions with a specific numeric outcome. For example, you might want to estimate someone’s weight from their height or forecast sales revenue for a company.


Linear regression assumes that there is a straight-line relationship between the independent and dependent variables. It means when we change one thing (independent variable), another changes proportionally (dependent variable). On the other hand, keep in mind that this technique does not tolerate outliers as they can drastically affect its forecasts.


Unlike linear regression, logistic regression is applied when your dependent variable assumes categorical values with binary alternatives being more common than others. This makes it suitable for classification tasks where the output falls into either one of two categories such as spam or no spam email or whether a customer will purchase certain products or not. Logistic regression models give probabilities of certain outcomes which are less affected by outliers compared to linear regressions. Therefore, use linear regression for predicting continuous outcomes and logistic regression for classifying categorical data.


Linear and logistic regressions are powerful tools employed in different contexts for modelling relationships among variables. It predicts continuous outcomes, hence valuable in tasks like forecasting and trend analysis. On the other hand, the logistic regression model was specifically designed for classification problems involving categorical outcomes, hence essential in the healthcare sector among others.


Understanding when to use each method is crucial for accurate data analysis and decision-making. Understanding both strengths as well as weaknesses linked with either approach eases the selection of appropriate methods, thus ensuring perfect predictions and some insights obtainable even from raw data.

Linear regression predicts continuous outcomes, while logistic regression predicts categorical outcomes.
Yes, logistic regression can be extended to handle multiple classes using multinomial logistic regression.
Yes, linear regression is highly sensitive to outliers, which can skew the results.
Use logistic regression when your dependent variable is categorical, especially for binary classification tasks.
No, linear regression is not suitable for classification tasks; logistic regression should be used instead.
Logistic regression works with categorical dependent variables and can use both continuous and categorical independent variables.
Yes, logistic regression is specifically designed for binary and categorical outcomes, making it the best choice for such tasks.

Introduction to Data Visualization

Shakul Malik

Shakul Malik

Faculty - Herovired

25 October, 7:00 PM (IST)

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