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Most Common Security Risks of Cloud Computing

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The cloud computing journey is like setting sail into the vast digital horizon, full of possibilities, but not without its challenges. As you enter the world of the cloud, you must be mindful of the security risks that lurk beneath the surface, much like hidden currents in the digital sea. Imagine your data, akin to precious cargo, is susceptible to unauthorised access, data breaches, and unseen threats. 


However, fear not, intrepid cloud voyagers! Armed with multi-factor authentication, robust encryption, and a keen eye for compliance, you can steer your digital ship clear of treacherous waters. Just as seasoned sailors trust the constellations for guidance, we lean on regular backups, disaster recovery plans, and the wisdom of industry standards to navigate the ever-changing skies of cyber threats. So, fellow adventurers, let’s set our course with confidence, embracing the challenges of the cloud with a spirit of innovation and resilience. 


As you read through the cloudscape, you will not only overcome these security risks but also discover new horizons of efficiency and scalability. 

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing entails employing software and services that function over the internet, housing internal or customer data within cloud environments overseen by cloud service providers. Despite the myriad advantages offered by cloud computing, it is not immune to security threats.

What is Data Security in Cloud Computing?

Data security in cloud computing is a pivotal facet encompassing the protective measures deployed to secure sensitive data stored, processed, and transmitted within cloud environments. The dynamic nature of cloud computing introduces diverse security risks, necessitating a robust approach to safeguard against unauthorised access, data breaches, and emerging threats. Key to this strategy is the identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, acknowledging the complexity of cloud environments. Proper configuration, including stringent authentication protocols, access management, and the adoption of multi-factor authentication, is paramount in fortifying defences.


Data security in the cloud extends beyond mere access protection. It encompasses preserving data integrity through digital signatures, content authenticity checks, and secure transactions. The reliability of information availability is another cornerstone, ensuring that data is accessible whenever required. Notably, the evolution towards cloud-based data storage has accelerated, particularly with the paradigm shift brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant 57% of businesses migrated their workload to the cloud in 2022, driven by the need to accommodate transient workforces and facilitate remote work.

Top 7 Security Risks of Cloud Computing

The shift to cloud platforms implies that threat actors will persist in searching for avenues to breach companies’ cloud defences. Here are some prominent security risks businesses encounter while endeavouring to safeguard their data in the cloud.


  • Malicious Malware:

    Malicious malware stands as a formidable security risk in cloud computing, posing a significant threat to the integrity and confidentiality of data stored in the cloud. These insidious programmes, designed with harmful intent, can infiltrate cloud environments, compromising sensitive information and potentially causing widespread damage. The dynamic and interconnected nature of cloud platforms makes them susceptible to malware attacks, emphasising the need for robust security measures, continuous monitoring, and proactive strategies to detect and mitigate the presence of malicious software in the cloud.

  • Limited Visibility Into Network Operations:

    Limited visibility into network operations emerges as a critical security risk in the realm of cloud computing. The decentralised nature of cloud platforms often results in a lack of comprehensive insight into network activities. This limited visibility can impede the timely detection of potential threats, making it challenging to monitor and address security issues effectively. As organisations entrust their data to cloud environments, mitigating this risk requires implementing advanced monitoring tools, robust logging mechanisms, and proactive strategies to enhance visibility into network operations, ensuring a more secure and vigilant cloud infrastructure.

  • Compliance Issues:

    As businesses entrust sensitive data to cloud environments, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements and industry standards becomes paramount. The dynamic nature of cloud platforms, coupled with evolving compliance landscapes, can pose challenges in maintaining conformity. Organisations must carefully navigate data protection regulations, privacy laws, and industry-specific mandates to avoid potential legal ramifications and safeguard the integrity of their operations in the cloud. Proactive measures, including regular compliance audits and collaboration with cloud service providers, are essential for mitigating these risks and ensuring a secure and compliant cloud computing environment.

  • Data Loss:

    Data loss stands out as a significant security risk in the realm of cloud computing. Despite robust security measures, unforeseen events such as system failures, cyberattacks, or accidental deletions can result in the loss of critical data stored in the cloud. Organisations must proactively address this risk by implementing comprehensive data backup strategies, encryption protocols, and redundancy measures. Regularly testing data recovery processes and collaborating closely with cloud service providers to ensure robust disaster recovery plans are in place are crucial steps to mitigate the potential impact of data loss and maintain the resilience of cloud-based operations.

  • Data Breaches:

    Data breaches represent a critical security risk in the realm of cloud computing. Despite stringent security measures, malicious actors may exploit vulnerabilities, gaining unauthorised access to sensitive information stored in the cloud. The dynamic and interconnected nature of cloud platforms increases the potential surface for cyber threats.

    Mitigating the risk of data breaches requires continuous monitoring, encryption protocols, and proactive measures such as regular security audits. Collaborating closely with cloud service providers and staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity developments are essential strategies for organisations to fortify their defences and protect against the potentially devastating consequences of data breaches in the cloud.

  • Account Hijacking:

    Account hijacking stands as a significant security risk in the domain of cloud computing, where unauthorised access to user accounts can lead to severe consequences. Malicious actors may employ various tactics, such as phishing or exploiting weak credentials, to compromise user accounts and gain control over sensitive data stored in the cloud.

    To mitigate this risk, organisations must enforce robust authentication mechanisms, promote the use of multi-factor authentication, and educate users about best security practices. Regularly monitoring account activities, promptly detecting anomalies, and implementing stringent access controls are crucial steps in fortifying defences against the potential threat of account hijacking in cloud computing environments.

  • Insider Threats:

    Insider threats present a notable security risk in the context of cloud computing, involving individuals within an organisation who misuse their access privileges to compromise data integrity or confidentiality. In the cloud environment, where multiple users collaborate and share resources, the potential for insider threats is heightened. This risk can manifest through unintentional actions, such as negligence or human error, or deliberate malicious activities by employees with malicious intent. 


Mitigating insider threats in the cloud requires a combination of robust access controls, continuous monitoring for suspicious activities, and comprehensive employee training programmes to foster a security-aware culture within the organisation. Proactive measures are essential to detect and prevent insider threats and safeguard the integrity of data stored in cloud environments.

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How Secure is the Cloud?

The security landscape of the cloud is a nuanced tapestry, offering heightened protection compared to traditional data storage methods, yet not devoid of challenges. Opting to store data in the cloud provides a layer of security that surpasses conventional approaches like local storage on a computer. The decentralised nature of cloud storage ensures that business data isn’t tethered to a single device, rendering attacks such as ransomware less effective. The security net extends with features like digital key access, continuous monitoring, and end-to-end encryption offered by cloud platform providers.


However, clouds aren’t impervious to breaches. Despite robust encryption measures, malicious actors might employ social engineering tactics to obtain login credentials, sidestepping encryption safeguards. Human errors, too, can pose risks, like forgetting to log out of a cloud account, providing a potential gateway for hackers. With over 60% of corporate data residing in the cloud, these platforms have become lucrative targets for cybercriminals, necessitating an ongoing commitment to enhance and fortify cloud security protocols.

How to Minimise Risks of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern business operations, offering flexibility, scalability, and efficiency. However, with the increasing reliance on cloud services, the risks associated with data security and privacy have also risen. To safeguard your organisation’s data and applications in the cloud, consider implementing the following measures to minimise risks:

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

  • Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond traditional username and password combinations.
  • Utilise diverse authentication factors, such as biometric logins, PINs, or codes sent via email or text, to ensure secure access.
  • MFA is an affordable and highly effective cloud security control, making it difficult for hackers to gain unauthorised access even if they have the password.

Limit User Access:

  • Implement stringent access controls by limiting user access to specific individuals based on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Link user identities to back-end directories and employ smartphone access control systems for easy user management.
  • Restricting data access to a smaller group of authorised personnel enhances data stability and simplifies the detection of potential breaches.


  • Encrypt sensitive data before storing it in the cloud using encryption algorithms to render it unreadable to unauthorised users.
  • Do not solely rely on the cloud service provider’s encryption; instead, encrypt data using dedicated encryption software before transmitting it to the cloud.
  • Cryptographic protection ensures that even if unauthorised access occurs, the encrypted data remains secure and inaccessible.

Backup Business Data:

  • Regularly back up your cloud data to prevent data corruption, mishandling, or loss due to configuration errors or malware.
  • Consider using physical drives like USBs for offline backups, reducing the risk of unauthorised access through the internet.
  • Place automatic backups on independent servers to ensure the security and availability of your data during unexpected incidents.

Educate Employees:

  • Develop a comprehensive security education plan for employees, including response protocols in case of compromise.
  • Involve the entire workforce in security training to instil a sense of responsibility and awareness.
  • Conduct regular security tests, such as simulated phishing emails, to assess employees’ knowledge and adherence to security procedures.

Conduct Penetration Testing:

  • Regularly perform penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in your cloud infrastructure.
  • Treat penetration testing as a simulated cyber-attack to assess the system’s resilience.
  • Inform your cloud service provider before conducting penetration tests to avoid disruptions.


By adopting these proactive measures, organisations can significantly minimise the risks associated with cloud computing, ensuring the security and integrity of their data and applications in an increasingly digital landscape. Regularly reassess and update these security practices to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

How to Choose the Right Cloud Computing Solutions?

Selecting the ideal cloud computing solutions demands careful consideration of various factors to ensure a seamless integration tailored to your business needs. Here’s a concise breakdown to guide you through this crucial decision-making process:

Security and Data Protection:

  • Prioritise providers with robust security measures, including multi-factor authentication, encryption, regular backups, and disaster recovery plans.
  • Assess compliance with industry standards such as ISO 27001 or SOC 2 Type II for enhanced data protection.

Scalability and Flexibility:

  • Opt for providers offering both scalability and flexibility to adapt to evolving business needs.
  • Ensure support for vertical and horizontal scaling, on-demand resource adjustments, and flexible service offerings.

Pricing and Cost-Effectiveness:

  • Understand pricing plans and structures, considering factors like pay-as-you-go service models and total ownership costs.
  • Compare pricing across providers to find the most cost-effective solution aligned with your budget.

Compliance and Regulations:

  • Identify specific industry and regional regulations relevant to your business.
  • Choose providers with certifications and attestations demonstrating adherence to compliance standards.

Data Privacy Laws:

  • Ensure the provider complies with current data privacy laws, offering features like encryption and access controls.

Data Residency and Sovereignty:

  • Consider where your data will be stored, ensuring alignment with regulatory requirements.

Audit and Reporting:

  • Verify the provider’s audit and reporting capabilities to track and verify compliance.

Data Retention and Deletion:

  • Understand how the provider manages data retention and deletion in compliance with regulations.

Market Reputation and Reviews:

  • Explore provider reputation through testimonials, case studies, and industry reports for informed decision-making.


Navigating these considerations will empower you to select cloud computing solutions that align seamlessly with your business objectives, ensuring a robust and efficient digital infrastructure.

To Wrap Up:

Cloud computing stands as a transformative force in the realm of technology, revolutionising the way businesses operate and manage data. Its importance is evident in the enhanced flexibility, scalability, and efficiency it offers to organisations worldwide. As cloud technologies continue to advance, the imperative for robust security measures and skilled professionals in DevOps and Cloud Engineering becomes increasingly vital.

To start with this exciting journey, consider enrolling in the Certificate Program in DevOps & Cloud Engineering at Hero Vired. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of cloud computing and position yourself at the forefront of innovation.

Cloud security is the protection of data stored online via cloud computing platforms from theft, leakage, and deletion. Methods of providing cloud security include firewalls, penetration testing, obfuscation, tokenisation, virtual private networks (VPN), and avoiding public internet connections.
Security risks of cloud computing encompass concerns such as data breaches, restricted network transparency, potential data loss, and the risks associated with insider threats.
The top 5 security in cloud computing include:
  • Misconfiguration
  • Data Loss
  • Unauthorised Access
  • Malware Injections
  • Restricted Access to Network Operations
It is organised into three segments: security measures based on the provider, those based on the customer, and security measures associated with the services. In terms of provider-based security, the protection is enacted at the infra4. structure level, ensuring the security of physical data centres and network architecture.
With the ongoing evolution of cloud technologies and the persistent emergence of threats, the evolution of cloud security must match or even surpass the pace of these developments. The trajectory of cloud security in the future relies on the integration of technologies and the adoption of best practices to tightly safeguard cloud computing architectures.

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