Learn how to code from the experts with code-along sessions
Become 10x more efficient by using Gen AI
Experience the difference with live learning
Real time engagement withlive classes
Learn at your pace, on your schedule
Enhanced outcomes through more than 80% live and experiential learning
Our holistic learning philosophy
Live learning
Interactive classes with industry experts for hands-on learning
Case studies
Real-world tasks to solidify knowledge and prep for industry challenges.
1:1 counselling
Personalized mentorship for career navigation and professional decisions.
Seasoned faculty
Guidance from leading industry experts to ensure top-tier learning.
Capstone projects
Final projects that blend learning with real impact in your field.
Doubt clearing sessions
Targeted sessions to ensure clarity and readiness for next steps.
Programming Fundamentals With Python And Git
Introduction To Programming Language
Git And GitHub
Introduction To Python
Strings And Regular Expression
Non-Primitive Data Types
File Handling
Introduction to Object-Orientated Programming & Systems (OOPs)
Introduction to Modules And Packages
Data Structures and Algorithms
Introduction To Algorithms And Data Structures
Working With Linked List
Stacks And Queues
Trees As A Data Structure
Graphs As A Data Structure
Dynamic Programming
SQL and Flask
Introduction To SQL
Working With SQL
Database Connection
Introduction To Flask
Creating API Endpoints
Database Integration
Flask Project
Basics of Javascript
Javascript Dom
Asynchronous Javascript
Prompt Engineering
Introduction to AI Models and Prompt Engineering
Unlock valuable insights
5-star rating by 97% of students.
Discover the outcomes of the program.
Explore the custom-curated learning path.
Master industry-relevant tools
Launch projects, leap forward
Language Learning App
The objective is to conceptualize and engineer a state-of-the-art Language Learning Application aimed at redefining the user experience in language acquisition and proficiency. The application should prioritize a cohesive, intuitive interface tailored to accommodate individual user progression.
Contact Book
The aim is to design and develop a robust Contact Book application that empowers users with efficient contact management capabilities. This application should boast a streamlined and systematic interface, facilitating effortless addition, viewing, modification, and removal of contacts.
Web Scraper
Take on the challenge of building an innovative Web Scraper application designed to transform how users gather information from the vast expanse of the internet. Objective is to devise a tool that extracts targeted data from specified websites, automating data and presenting users with an efficient method to access.
Music Playlist Manager
Your task is to design and implement a Music Playlist Manager that lets users create,manage, and adjust playlists using linked lists. The objective is to devise a user-friendly system allowing users to organize their favorite tracks in playlists and execute a variety of operations on them.
Real-Time Cryptocurrency Price Tracker using Stacks
Delve into the creation of a console-based Cryptocurrency Price Tracker, set to revolutionize how users keep abreast of the dynamic realm of digital currencies. You aim to craft an application that lets users seamlessly monitor and assess real-time priceupdates for their chosen cryptocurrencies.
Travel Review Platform
Set out on an exhilarating endeavor to forge a dynamic platform where travelers can share and explore travel reviews. Your mission is to seamlessly merge aesthetics with functionality, developing both front-end and back-end components. This project aspires to transform the way users discover travel destinations.
In collaboration with
National Skill Development Corporation
NSDC has trained over 5.2 million students, leveraging a vast network of partnerships.
Participates in WorldSkills to showcase and enhance the international standards of Indian skills.
Collaborates with global tech leaders like Google and Microsoft to advance digital skills training.
Get certified
With Hero Group’s decades of research of the Indian education; this certificate places you in an elite league of professionals.
* Certificates are indicative and subject to change
Our faculty, your mentors
Shakul Malik
Associate Faculty, Hero Vired | 10+ Years
Proficient in several programming languages, including Python, HTML, CSS, and Java. Expertise in IT training and extensive portfolio of developing learning programs.
Proficient in several programming languages, including Python, HTML, CSS, and Java. Expertise in IT training and extensive portfolio of developing learning programs.
B.Tech ( Electronics and Communication) from Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology.
Become an HV star with continued support beyond graduation
Certificate Program in
Application Development
Powered By
EMI Starts at
₹5,418/ month
Price: ₹1,90,000 + GST
What you will get:
4+ industry based simulation projects
Learn how to code from the experts with code-along sessions
Become 10x more efficient by using Gen AI
6.5 Months
Apply by
To be announced
Frequently Asked Questions
What course to take for App Development?
If you’re looking for the best App Development course, then you should take the Certificate Program in Application Development at Hero Vired.
What is the Application Development course about?
The Application Development course teaches you the various concepts related to app development. It covers tools like Python, Git, SQL, Flask, and more.
What is the program structure of the Application Development program?
Hero Vired's Application Development program spans 6.5 months, incorporating live online classes. Comprising 5 modules, the program involves completing assignments following each module to assess your understanding.